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保定市高新区小学1研讨课 Unit 4 Going about 教学设计董妍妍一、教学目标:1、知识能力目标:(1)学习掌握交通工具 car、taxi、bus、van 四个单词;(2)能听懂并会说祈使句 Get in the Get on the;(3)能用英语指认所学的交通工具,并能根据所学祈使句作出正确的反应。2、情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生遵守交通秩序,文明乘车,时刻注意安全的好习惯。3、过程与方法:提倡学生积极用所学英语进行交流,通过唱歌、做游戏,组织活动等方式来巩固所学新知。二、教学重难点:1、重点:(1)单词 car、bus、taxi、truck 能达到四会要求;(2)能会说并正确使用祈使句 Get in the Get on the2、难点:van 的发音以及祈使句中 in 和 on 的区别。三、教学方法:任务型教学法、情景教学法、TPR 教学法、活 动教学法四、教学用具:CAI、 Ppt、word cards、chairs五、教学过程:Step1 Warming-up:T: Boys and girls, are you ready?Ss: Yes, Im ready!T: Class begins!S: Stand up!T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Dong!T: How are you today?Ss: Very well, and you?T: Im fine, too. Are you happy?Ss: Yes, Im happy.T: OK. Lets sing a song.Step2 New concept:1、car保定市高新区小学2T: Today Im very happy, because yesterday is my birthday, and my friend Miss Wang gave me a present. And today I take it here, do you want to see?Ss: Yes.T: Guess, whats this?Ss: Its a car.T: Yes. Its a toy car. (领读两遍,然后幻灯片出示 car) This is a car.Lets spell it together: c-a-r, car.(boys say; girls say. And then one by one)What am I doing?Ss: 开车。T: Driving a car. (领读一遍,找小老师领读)2、busT: Now, listen! What is coming? (幻灯片播放汽 车声音)Ss: bus.T: Yes, Its a bus. (纠音,领读一遍)bus, bus(Team by team) OK, now, lets spell it together: b-u-s, bus. (One by one) Where is the bus?Ss: Its on the road.T: The bus is on the road. (教学生拍手说这句话,然后找个别学生来说)(教师做示范)bus, bus, The bus is on the road. (Pair work-perform)3、taxiT:(幻灯片出示 taxi) Is this a bus?Ss: No. Its a taxi. T: Good. Taxi (纠音,领读一遍) taxi, taxi (low to high) Now, who can spell it? (Ask one student to spell, and then together) t-a-x-i, taxi. (拍手练习,two by two) What color is it?Ss: Its red.T: taxi,taxi,the taxi is red. (请小老师领读)4、truckT:(幻灯片出示 图片)Guess! Whats behind the happy face?Ss: Truck.T: Yes. Truck(纠音) truck(升降调 team by team)(Ask one student to spell, and then together) t-r-u-k, truck (拍手练习,点个别学生拼读)保定市高新区小学3T:(出示两辆卡车)How many trucks can you see?Ss: I can see two trucks.T: This truck is big, this truck is small.Now, follow me, car bus taxi truck(教师按升降调方式领读一遍,然后找小老师来领读)Game: Whats missing?See a reading: Questions: What transportations can you see?5、Get in/ on theT: (幻灯片出示交通公路的繁忙景象) Everyday, on our way to school, there are many people on the road. Look at the people,what is he doing?Ss: 上车。T: Yes, he is getting in the taxi. Follow me, get in (one by one) get in the car; get in the taxi; get on the bus, get on the truck. (拍手练习说出来,教师示范然后 pair work-perform) See a reading Questions: What does the old get in? What does the elephant get on?6、ActivityT: Hello, William!S1: Hello, Miss Dong!T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Get in the car.S1: Thank you. (Pair work-perform)7、SummaryT: In the class, what have you learn?Every day, we will see many transportations on the road. We must be careful.Step3 Homework1、Listen to the tape on Unit4.2、Draw a picture of one transportation you like best.保定市高新区小学4板书设计Unit4 Going aboutcar. Get in the taxi.bus.Get on thetruck.2008-10-13
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