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智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福阅读词汇题精选 440题【176-200】摘要: 本文接着为大家介绍历年托福阅读考试词汇题,每每提到托福阅读词汇题,总会又不少学生对其无可奈何,所谓托福阅读词汇题,就是从A-D四个选项中选出其中的一个与文章的词义相同的词汇,托福阅读真题全部来源于托福阅读ETS官网题库,为了让大家以后遇到这样的题知道该选择那个答案,下面我们ETS 官网题库里面的托福阅读词汇题440道。托福 阅读词汇题精选440题【176-200】:176. She was also the citys postmaster from 1775 to 1789 - appointed by Benjamin Franklin - and is considered to be the first woman to hold a federal position.The word position is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) job(B) election(C) document(D) location177. Galaxies are the major building blocks of the universe. A galaxy is a giant family of many millions of stars, and it is held together by its own gravitational field.The word major is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) intense(B) principal(C) lunge(D) unique178. The elliptical galaxies have a symmetrical elliptical or spheroidal shape with no obvious structure. Most of their member stars are very old and since elliptical are devoid of interstellar gas, no new stars are forming in them.The word symmetrical is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) proportionally balanced(B) commonly seen(C) typically large(D) steadily growingThe word obvious is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) discovered(B) apparent(C) understood(D) simplistic179. Their light was already halfway here before the Earth even formed. The light from the nearby Virgo galaxy set out when reptiles still dominated the animal world.The word dominated is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) threatened(B) replaced(C) were developing in(D) were prevalent in180. This meant that wagon freighting, stage coaching and steam boating did not come to an end when the first train appeared; rather they became supplements or feeders.The word supplements is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) extensions(B) reformers(C) dependents(D) influences181. Wagon freighters continued operating throughout the 1870s and 1880s and into the 1890s,although over constantly shrinking routes, and coaches and wagons continued to crisscross the West wherever the rails had not yet been laid.The word crisscross is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) lead the way(B) separate(C) move back and forth(D) uncover182. The primary reason was skepticism that a railroad built through so challenging and thinly settled a stretch of desert, mountain, and semiarid plain could pay a profit.The word skepticism is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) doubt(B) amazement(C) urgency(D) determination183. In discussing the Pacific Railroad bill, the chair of the congressional committee bluntly stated that without government subsidy no one would undertake so unpromising a venture; yet it was a national necessity to link East and West together.The word subsidy is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) persuasion(B) financing(C) explanation(D) penalty184. However, the concept of number and the counting process developed so long before the time of recorded history (there is chaeological evidence that counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the manner of this development is largely conjectural.The word conjectural is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) complex(B) based on guessing(C) unbelievable (D) supported by careful research185. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under.The word employing is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) using(B) paying(C) focusing(D) hiring186. Counts could also be maintained by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying knots in a string.The word maintained is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) justified(B) asserted(C) located(D) kept187. Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the number of objects in a small group.The word assortment is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) instrument (B) variety(C) surplus(D) symbol188. Their products, primarily silver plates and bowls, reflected their exalted status and testified to their customers prominence.The word exalted is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) unusual(B) uncertain(C) surprising(D) superior189. Colonial coppersmithing also came of age in the early eighteenth century and prospered in northern cities.The phrase came of age is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) established itself(B) declined(C) became less expensive(D) was studied190. Fossils are the remains and traces (such as footprints or other marks ) of ancient plant and animal life that are more than 10,000 years old.The word traces is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) structures(B) importance(C) skeletons(D) imprints191. The woolly mammoth, a long-haired rhinoceros, and
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