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口 译 常用表达法/ 句型 (一)(50 个)展现 unfold从个人的角度考虑问题 take a personal view同龄人 age-mate如果将会怎样?what if?处于领先地位 take the lead here政治经济学 political economy八国联军 the Eight-Power Allied Forces粗暴地践踏 brutally trampled upon敲响了警钟 sound the alarm祸根 the root of the trouble标榜 advertise, flaunt宣扬 advocate, preach, trumpet谎言就全被揭穿 lies were laid bare值得我们警惕的一个问题 an issue that merits our vigilance真面目被揭穿 be thoroughly exposed挡道 block ones way; get in ones way为所欲为 do as one please, have ones own way眼中钉、肉中刺 a thorn in ones flesh列强 big powers发展是硬道理 development is a hard rule (is a fundamental principle)艰苦奋斗,自力更生 struggle hard and self-reliant吸纳全人类文明的精华 absorb the cream of the civilization从点滴小事做起 start from minor matters提高全民族的是素质 improve the quality of the whole nation增强综合国力 enhance comprehensive national strength扬眉吐气 feel proud and elated中国的崛起 rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 前仆后继 advance wave upon wave受欢迎 gain popularity竭尽全力 try ones utmost 31.快速致富多次声明大国、小国 major courtiers, minor countries硅谷 Silicon Valley企业家 entrepreneur 划时代的 epoch-making欧洲文艺复兴 European Renaissance 逝去的时代 bygone age售后服务 supporting service 世界一流 world-class明日天才 would-be genius永不言败 never-say-die技术创新 technical breakthrough中层专才 middle level professionals老字号公司 established companies 文凭 paper qualification 记录、历年成绩记录 track record 非传统安全 non-traditional security造成威胁 pose threats力量对比 balance of power
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