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1朗文少儿英语第二册 小故事集锦Unit 1 Mary has a little lambMary has a little lamb,Little lamb, little lamb, Mary has a little lamb, Little lamb so white.Where Mary goes, her lamb goes, Her lamb goes, her lamb goes, Where Mary goes, her lamb goes, All the day and night.Mary goes to school one day, School one day, school one day. Mary goes to school one day, And her lamb goes, too.Twenty children laugh and say, Laugh and say, laugh and say, Twenty children laugh and say, Look! A lamb in school!Unit 2 Playground gamesLook at the children in Ireland.They are playing on a playground.They are playing games and climbing on a jungle gym.Look at the children in Trinidad.They are singing.Mosquito one, Mosquito two.Mosquito jumping on my shoe.Mosquito three, Mosquito four,Mosquito jumping on the door.Look at the children in United States.They are jumping rope.Jump under the tree. Jump behind the tree.How many children are jumping?Ten,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty!2Unit 3 The three bearsFather, Mother, and Baby Bear are in the kitchen.Mother Bear puts milk on the table.“Its too hot,” says Baby Bear.So they go out for a walk.A little girl walks into the kitchen.She sees three cups of milk.She picks up the little cup.“This milk is for me,” she says.And she drinks it.Then she walks into the bedroom. She sees three beds.She climbs into the little bed. “This bed is for me!” she says. And she goes to sleep.The bears walk in the house.“Theres a little girl in our bedroom!” says Father Bear.Unit 4 School tripI live in Monterrey. It is a big city in Mexico. Today were going on a school trip. We are looking at the buildings in our city.We ride the Metro to the post office.It is next to the police station.We are walking on the street.We see a fire truck in the fire station!Hello, firefighter! we say.It is the end of our trip. We get ice cream cones and eat at the park.Where can we go now? we ask.3Unit 5 A singing catLee is a little boy in a little town.He has no family. He has no money. But he has a singing cat.On Saturday he goes to the market. He stands in front of a shop. His cat sings and sings. His cat sings to the mail carrier. His cat sings to the salesperson.A man on a horse stops and listens to the cat sing.He asks, Can I have your cat? Lee says, You can have my cat, but I want your horse. Then I can work.Lee and the horse work and work.Lee takes food to the market.? He gets money.Now Im happy! says Lee.Unit 6 School day in SpainHello! My name is Teresa. I live in Spain.I get up at 8:00 in the morning. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I get dressed.Then I comb my hair.I eat breakfast.Breakfast is hot milk and cookies.We walk to school.We read and write.At 11:00 we play on the playground.At 1:00 we have a big hot lunch. Yum! Then we have school again. At 5:00 we go home and do our homework. We watch TV.4At 7:001 take a bath.We eat dinner at 8:00It is soup and salad.I look out my window at the town.And then it is 10:00 time for bed!Good night!Unit 7 Who wants a fish?Cat likes fish. She does not like cookies. She does not like apples. She does not like oranges.One day Cat sees a fish in a bowl,She jumps and she jumps.But she cant touch the fish.She is mad.Cat pushes the chair next to the table. ,She climbs on the chair.She jumps and she jumps.But she cant touch the fish.She is mad at that fish.Dog comes in the room.Do you want that fish? asks DogNo, no, no! Who wants a fish? Not me!says Cat.Fish looks happy, but Cat does not.Unit 8 Lion cant sneezeLion is not happy. The other animals in the zoo can sneeze, but he cant. The other animals say, Lion, you cant be king. You cant sneeze.Lion is sad. He sees Little Bird. She asks, How are you, Lion? Im sad. Little Bird, says Lion. I cant sneeze. I cant be king. Can you help me?5You cant sneeze? I can help you. Watch this! says Little Bird. Little Bird flies up to Lions nose. She moves her feet. She dances and dances on his nose.She tickles and tickles his nose.And Lion sneezesa big, big sneeze. Thank you, Little Bird. I can sneeze. Now I can be king.Unit 9 My tooth is looseI live in Colombia with my family. This morning I touch a loose tooth. At night we eat dinner Oops! The loose tooth falls out I show it to my mother.At 9:00 I put my tooth under my pillow.I sleep and I wait for the little mouse.In the morning my tooth is not there.But I find some coins!I live in Lebanon.On my way to school todayI feel a loose tooth.Tonight at dinner we havesoup and salad.Oh, here is my loose tooth!My parents say, Lets celebrate your tooth!We drive to the beach. I throw my tooth into the water.I ask for a gold tooth and I am happy.
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