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外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.com外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.com高级英语的一些重要词组In return 作为(对某物)的付款或回报 What do we give them in return。 Conceive of 想像、认为 I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar Babies(俚语:人). 对于那些认为我们从不会成为腰缠万贯的巨富的先生和女士们,我们总是暗处嘲笑他们。 Scores of 很多 Scores of young people. Strike sb. as 给某人留下印象 These conclusion strike me as reasonable. 我认为他们的话是合情合理的 Drop out 脱离传统社会 Ever since 自从 In hopes of 怀着希望 Every since civilization began, certain individuals(人) have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler, more pastoral, and more peaceful life Support oneself 自食其力 Run out of 没有,用完,耗尽 Our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes. 我们地球上高尚的野蛮人和未玷污的地方越来越少 the other way (round) 相反 come off 成功 These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off. In need of 需要 It dawns on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage disposal. 它洒在一个司空见惯,平凡庸碌的地方,一个仍然无法摆脱食品杂货,污水处理的地方。 In short supply 供应不足,短缺 外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.com外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.comBreak down 瓦解,崩溃 Broke down our resolve. 丧失了我们的决心 Out of work 失业 dawn on sb. 逐渐明白 It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years. Come down (from) (to) 从一处来到另一处 Eat sth. up 吃光 In profusion 大量地 She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion. Take a shot 猜测 As a point of departure 起点 As doctors often do I take a trial shot at it as a point of departure. 作为医生我经常根据猜测可能出现的总是进行提问 as yet 到现在为止 As yet, no man has set foot on Mars. 到目前为止还没有人登上火星。 Get somewhere 有进展,取得一些成就 If only 只要 If only they wouldnt use the word “hurt” I might be able to get somewhere. Up to sb. 取决于某人 So long as 只要 Fall in love with 爱上 After all, I had already fallen in love with the savage brat, the parents were contemptible to me. Let out 发出( 叫喊) She let out a scream of terror. 她发出恐怖的叫喊。 Hold sb. down 控制住某人,压制某人 I tried to hold myself down but I couldnt. 外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.com外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.comOpen up 张开 She open up for an instant but before I could see anything she came down again and gripped the wooden blade between her molars. Reduce sth. to 将化为(变成) She reduced spatula to splinters before I could get it out Through with sb. 结束 We are going to through with this. Go at sth. 努力做某事 He went at the job with a lot of energy. 他工作卖力 Tear sb/sth apart 严厉地批评 , 彻底毁灭 I could have torn the child apart in my own fury and enjoyed it. Bred of 由 造成 But a blind fury, a feeling of adult shame, bred of a longing for muscular release are the operative. 由于渴望释放男人的体力而产生的不理智的愤怒,和成年人的羞辱而使我继续下去,坚持到底。 On the defensive 采取守势 She had been on the defensive before but now she attacked. Fly at 冲上去攻击某人 Tried to get off her fathers lap and fly at me while tears of defeat blinded her eyes. Come to light 为人所知 New evidence has recently come to light At ones request 应某人之请求 An anonymous doctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request. Rumble on 继续下去 This started a debate that will rumble on into the autumn. Hardly any 几乎没有 Get sth. over with 把不得不做的事做完 (表示一种耐烦) 外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.com外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.comShell be glad to get the exam over with. 考试结束后她就高兴了。 Far gone 病重 The injured man was fairly far gone by the time the ambulance arrived. Hold out 持续 How long can the distinction between killing and letting die hold out? Stand to gain 以职谋权 A man stands to gain from the death of a certain child. On request 一经要求 Only squeamishness demands a difference between passive and active euthanasia on request. Intrude on 干涉,介入 It is not clear why the religious objections of others should intrude on his death. Usher in 预示 By refusing to discuss euthanasia, they usher in something worse. 而拒绝讨论安乐死,将预示着更大的灾难。 Be supposed to 应该 Her role is supposed to be to vote the way her male chairman votes. 她们所做的也只是按照男主席的方式 投一样的票。 Break out of 改变生活方式 Run for seat 竞选 职位 When I tried to break out of that role in 1963 and run for the New York State Assembly seat from brooklyns Bedford 5bedfEd 5bruklin Build up 捧某人 Why invest time and effort to build the girl up? Drop out 退出 Have kids 生孩子 You know shell only drop out of the game to have a couple of kids just about the time were ready torun her for mayor. All the time 一直 Be in for 就要体验到 外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.com外语下载中心 http:/down.tingroom.comIm just telling you that you are in for a disappointment. Leave sth. along 不干涉 Why dont you just leave it alone now? Break in 插话 “No, he isnt,” she broke in. Let it go 不再(多说、多做 ) I thought she was hinting at something but I let it go. 我想她是有所指,不过我没有理会。 Get into trouble 被捕、陷入困境 Even an experienced climber can get into trouble. Get away 逃离 But Salina wouldnt let him get away so noncommittally. Hide out 躲藏,到一个没有人能找得到的地方 The gangsters hid out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city. 暴徒们在一个偏僻的小屋中藏了起来,直到能够安全回城 Go for 想要取得 You think he might go for the scholarship? Chec
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