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外研社高中英语词汇与短语实用手册 http:/www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 11. academic adj. 学术的2. enthusiastic adj. 热心的5. brilliant adj. 极好的1. at the start of 在开始的时候2. at the end of 在结束的时候3. nothing like 一点儿也不像1. discipline n. 纪律1. be strict with sb in sth在某方面严格要求某人2. be true of 和情况相同1. abandoned adj. 被遗弃的2. seaside n. 海滨1. be short for 是的缩写/简称1 local adj. 地方的;局部的2 suburb n. 城郊;郊区3 pretty adv. 很;相当4 rent n. 租金;v 租赁5 gorgeous adj. 美丽的;宜人的6 household n. 家属,家人7 manual adj. 用手的;手的31. committee n. 委员会1. feel fortunate (in)doing sth 因有机会做某事而感到幸运1 substance n. 物质1 do/carry out an experiment 做实验1 create v. 创造;发明2 invention n. 发明3 military adj. 军事的;军队的4 definite adj. 明确的1. have a pain in sth. 身体某个部位疼 be in pain 疼痛,在苦恼中 No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。take pains to do sth 尽力去做某事2. return to normal 恢复常态3. would rather do 宁愿做would rather do than = would do rather than宁愿做而不愿做1. addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的2. likely adj.可能的3. horrible adj. 令人不快的;极讨厌的1. be likely to do = It is likely that 可能做某事2. a ban on sth. 禁令,禁止 (n.)ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 1. conductor n. 指挥2. court n. 宫廷3. genius n. 天才4. tour vt. 巡回演出5. catchy adj. 动人的6. solo adj. 独奏的7. tune n. 曲调8. record vt. 录音1. split up 分裂 1. contemporary adj. 当代的2. alive adj. 有活力的; 有生气的3. imitate vt. 临摹;仿造;模仿; 仿效4. landscape n. 风景; 景色 ; 风景画; 山水画5. portrait n. 画像; 肖像 ; 人像1. with delight 高兴地to ones delight 令某人高兴的是delight sb. with sth. 用使某人高兴,喜悦2. in all aspects 从每一个角度3.4.5.6.外研社高中英语词汇与短语实用手册 http:/www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 21. orbit n.轨道 vt.绕轨道飞行2. capsule n. 太空舱3. flight n. 飞行;班机4. historical adj. 历史性的5. amateur adj. 业余的1. in evidence 明显的,显而易见的2. make an orbit of 围绕转圈put a satellite in into orbit 把人造卫星送入轨道out of orbit 在轨道外,脱离轨道1. masterpiece n. 杰作2. leap vi. 跳跃 ;飞跃3. graceful adj. 优美的; 优雅的4. drama n. 戏剧5. plot n. 情节6. section n. 部分;节1. symbol n. 象征;符号2. opposite prep. 在对面3. feature n. 特点4. produce n. 产品;农产品5. region n. 地区;区域6. ancient adj. 古代的7. birthplace n. 发源地8. civilization n. 文明9. project n. 计划;项目;工程10. range n. 山脉11. across prep. 横过;穿过12. continental adj. 大陆的;大洲的13. landmark n. 标志性建筑14. gallery n. 美术馆;画廊15. architect n. 建筑师16. sculpture n. 雕刻;泥塑17. govern vt. 统治;治理18. representative n. 代表19. parliament n. 国会;议会20. geographical adj. 地理的【短语】1. on the coast 在岸上,沿岸 off the coast 在海面上 along the coast 沿着海岸2. be faced with 面对,面临3. work on 继续工作(vi.);从事于(vt.)4. ever since 自从一直5. in terms of 从方面来说,据,6. on the other hand 反过来说;另一方面7. little by little 一点一点地,逐渐的8. because of 因为,由于9. of all time 有史以来10. next to 在旁边11. have in common with 和有共同点have something in common 有些共同点have nothing in common 没有共同点have much in common 有很多共同点have little in common 没什么共同点in common with 和 一样12. reach an agreement 达成协议sign an agreement 签订协议13. such as 例如14. make (some product) out of (some material) 由某种材料制成某种东西15. have control over sth. 能够控制16. be named after 以命名17. refer to 指的是;查阅18. make out of 用做出19. be located / situated 坐落于,位于20. in/ on/ to the east of 位于东部21. the second largest city 第二大城市Module 2【单词】1development n. 发展2measure vt. 测定;测量;评估3position n. 位置外研社高中英语词汇与短语实用手册 http:/www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 34educate vt. 教育;培养;训练5homeless adj. 无家可归的6crowded adj. 拥挤的7similarity n. 类似;相似8location n. 位置;所在地9tourism n. 旅游业10polluted adj. 受到污染的11exchange n. 交换12smart adj. 漂亮的;整洁的;时髦的13entertainment n. 娱乐14inhabitant n. 居民15unfortunate adj. 不幸的;遗憾的16transport n. 交通工具17industrial adj. 工业的18goal n. 目标19poverty n. 贫穷20figure n. 数字21charity n. 慈善团体22freeway n. 高速公路23hunger n. 饥饿24income n. 收入25human n. 人26index n. 指数27expectancy n. 预期数额28household n. 一家人;家庭29vast adj 巨大的;庞大的;浩瀚的【短语】1. take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事2. set a goal 设立目标achieve a goal 实现目标3. be crowded with 挤满 ,拥塞4. be similar to 和相似5. at the top of 在的顶端 at the bottom of 在的底部6. make sure 查明,设法确保,确定7. up to 达到8. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事9. in the last / past 10 years 在过去十年中10. move out of poverty 脱贫11. make progress 取得进步12. make an effort to do sth. make efforts to do sth. spare no effort to do sth. 努力做某事13. collect money for 为集资14. explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事15. be connected with 与有联系16. close to 接近,靠近17. as a result 因此18. plenty of 大量的 (可数不可数)19. developing countries 发展中国家20. agree to 同意21. be willing to 愿意22. be used to do 被用来做某事 23. sharewith. 分享24. practice doing 练习做某事Module 3【单词】1current n. 海流;潮流2strike vt. n.(struck; struck/ striken )袭击3possibility n. 可能;可能性4terrifying adj. 吓人的;可怕的5experience vt. 经历 n. 经验6disaster n. 灾难7flood n. 洪水8cause vt. 引起;导致9furniture n. 家具10occur vi. 发生11violent adj. 猛烈的;激烈的;强烈的外研社高中英语词汇与短语实用手册
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