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7.23.2014I wouldnt be caught dead in that ugly outfit in the new school.我才不要穿那么难看的衣服到新学校出洋相呢。Dont sound like an ankle-biter and go to registration by yourself.不要像个孩子,自己去报到吧!soup up your car please. The freshman orientation starts at 9 oclock.开快一点吧。新生情况介绍会 9 点就要开始了。I came to school to register at the eleventh hour.我差点错过了学校的注册。Before leaving for school,my father cut out after he answered a call.在出发来学校之前,我爸爸接到一个电话就走了。7.24.2014I am told you dance like an animal.我听说你跳舞很疯狂。Thatll have your socks knocked off.它会让你非常兴奋。He is in hot water with his girlfriend.他跟女友的关系有点僵。I havent got much green left.我身上没剩多少钱。I wish youd let your hair down.我希望你能放轻松。7.25.2014Could we have a doggie bag?我们可以将剩菜打包吗?This restaurant is a real cash cow.这家饭馆一定很赚钱。Im tickled pink with Chinese food very much.我很喜欢中国菜。He passed out after three beers.喝了三杯啤酒后他就醉倒了。Im going to drown my sorrows.我想借酒消愁。7.26.2014It really hits the spot.它的确让人吃得心满意足。We have to each chip in a few dollars for pizza.我们得凑钱吃比萨了。Id like a pizza with the works.我要全套的比萨饼。We can pig out on potato chips and cookies.我们可以大吃薯条和曲奇。Can you give me a rain check on that?你可以改天再请我吗?7.27.2014Mr. White was lit up like a Christmas tree.怀特先生喝醉以后高兴极了。You are bound to get a bay window.你的肚皮会变大的。You are full of hot air.你简直就是吹牛大王。There is nothing in the school hall but wall-to-wall people.学校礼堂里满满的都是人。I almost jumped right out of my skin when I saw him in the school.在校园里看见他的时候,我真是惊喜万分。7.28.2014I saw my dad press the flesh with your dad on the register day.注册那天我看到我爸跟你爸握手了。Dont be down in the dumps.They will come here to see you constantly.不要太沮丧了。他们会经常来这儿看你的。take your best shot in this new school.在新学校好好表现吧。All my roommates came like a dose of salts.我的室友们没多久就都到齐了。I have to pull things together.我得把事情安排好。7.29.2014We need a little more elbow room.我们需要更大的空间I can put you up for a couple of days.你可以在我这里住几天。Its such a drag to deal with the rubbish in the dorm.处理宿舍的垃圾真没劲。That will put hair on your chest.它能让你毛发直竖。Hes three sheets to the wind.他喝的烂醉如泥。7.30.2014You have to go the extra mile.你得多加努力I really put my foot down this time.我这次真的下定决心了。Where can I dump these white elephants?这些无用的垃圾我要扔到哪里?So thats what it boils down to.原来是这样啊!I am usually not this much of a scaredy cat.我通常不会这么胆小的。7.31.2014You are really a tree-hugger.你真是一个不折不扣的环保人士。I cant carry a tune in a bucket.我五音不全。The movie was a flop.Nobody went to see it.这部电影卖座率奇低,没有人去看。Lets go out tonight and watch a flick.我们今晚出去看电影吧。Shut up You really have a big mouth.住嘴,你的话真多。8.1.2014How often do you work out?你多久做一次运动?I have to watch my weight.我必须注意我的体重。You need to exercise more your love handles are growing.你需要多锻炼了,现在腰越来越胖!You are always blowing hot and cold.你总是反复无常。Dont let your heart get cold.不要让你的热情冷却下来。8.2.2014Hes a real lady-killer.他是个不折不扣的帅哥。It has all the bells and whistles.它有很多额外的功能。Right now I am felling square.现在我感觉自己跟不上潮流了。The sun there will do a number on my face!那里的太阳会把我的脸给晒坏的。He was a pig at parties.他在晚会上吃得很多。8.3.2014Tom is a real party animal!汤姆简直就是一个聚会狂。He carries a lot of weight.他的话很有分量。Youre such a people person.你真是一个善于与人交往的人。Ive been holed up here for three whole days.我已经在这里足足呆了三天了。I just have to come up for air.我只想出去呼吸下新鲜空气。8.5.2014The driver must be bent out of shape.司机一定很生气。I have a bottomed-down mind.我是个没什么独到见解的人。Ill keep my fingers crossed for you.我会为你祈祷的。The writer will soon become the Aunt Sally.这位作家很快就会成为“众矢之的” 。It is a really hip book bag!这个书包太酷了。8.5.2014The long-distance bus has acted up.长途汽车出毛病了。Thank you for giving me a wake-up call.谢谢你给我敲了一个警钟。I will give you the third degree later,稍后我再质问你(你们) 。There is a fender bender in front.前方发生了一场小小的车祸。Stop monkeying with my reading lamp!别乱动我的台灯!8.6.2014The tear is garlic for dessert.You must face every challenge by yourself.眼泪是最不受欢迎的东西。你必须独自面对所有的挑战。The shoe is on the other foot,We must move into another building this afternoon.情况有变。我们今天下午必须搬离这栋楼。This has become my sacred cow when I am at school.这已经成为我在校期间闻雷打不动的生活习惯。knock it off,Im trying to get some sleep.别吵了!我正想睡觉呢!The food there turns my stomach.那儿的食物让我倒胃口。8.7.2014I am sure you are in for a treat!我敢保证你会喜欢的。treat 作为名词的意思是“ 宴请,款待” 。短语 be in for a treat 相当于 you will like it.The cake is not that sweet and is as light as a feather.蛋糕不是很甜,非常清淡。feather 是“羽毛”,顾名思义,as light as a feather 指某物“像羽毛一样轻盈”,这里是指“蛋糕的味道很清淡” 。This coffee is good to the last drop.这咖啡味道真棒。good to the last drop 是“麦斯威尔咖啡”的广告语,字面意思就是“咖啡的美味延续到最后一滴” ,广告语解释为“滴滴香浓,意犹未尽” 。You put away so much food,but still look so thin.你这么能吃还这么瘦。put away 有“ 处理掉,吃掉,拿开,排斥”等含义,而 put away so much food 是“吃得很多,大吃大喝”,所以 put away 此处指“ 吃喝” 。Dont be so fussy about food.别那么挑食了。fussy 在这里是形容词,意思是“挑剔的” 。后面接所挑剔的内容时一般与介词about 连用。8.8.2014Youll be able to find him in the chow hall.你可以去饭厅找他。chow 作名词 ,本意是指原产于中国的一种毛很厚的狗,在俚语中是指“食物” ,所以 chow hall 就是指“饭厅,食堂”那些专门吃饭的地方。You should bear down if you expect to catch up with others.你要是想赶上别人,就得加把劲儿。bear down 的意思是“加倍努力” ,该习语本身就有“竭尽全力,加紧努力”的意思。I could have given you advice,but now its like mustard after dinner.我本该给你一些忠告,但现在为时已晚。mustard after dinn
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