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四川教师考试网2016 上半年四川中学教师资格面试备考之试讲:英语试讲中的课堂常用语2016 四川中小学教师资格考试笔试成绩查询2016 四川中小学教师资格面试公告四川教师资格面试备 考资料四川教师资 格面试资讯英语作为一门语言艺术,重在实际应用,是师生课堂上使用的教学媒介语。在新课改的大背景下,对英语教师的要求也越来越高,不仅要教英语,更要会用英语教,因此在课堂用语方面对教师提出了相应的要求,即全英教学。根据实践证明,全英教学会影响到教学效果、学生的学习效果以及学生的学习兴趣等。比如:通过用恰当的英语组织课堂教学,给学生营造一个英语的氛围,让学生在真实的语言环境下有效利用课堂学习英语的听说能力,能激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的英语学习策略,消除学生开口说英语的恐惧感,培养学生的英语思维,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神。此外,全英教学的要求,如果看到过教资真题的考生都知道,真题中一般都会有全英授课的要求。所以,我们一定要做到全英的要求。或许有同学开始郁闷了,全英授课,怎么才能做到,很多过渡语该怎么说等等一系列的问题。在这里,中公资深讲师给大家分版块罗列一部分试讲中常用的课堂用语以供大家参考。第一部分 授课过程授课开始1.例行问候 Routine greetingGood morning. Welcome back to our class. Nice to meet you again.2. 缺勤 Absences1) Is everyone here/present?2) Whats the matter with Tom today?3) Dose anyone know whats wrong with Billy?4) He wasnt feeling very well, so he went home.5) Hes in bed with the flu/ a cold/ a temperature.6) He has probably missed the bus. 四川教师考试网教学进程1. I would like to show you a picture of a typical English castle.2. Ill present some background information related to the American Civil War.3. Have any of you not made a list of questions?4. Let me know if you have any questions?5. If you have any problems, just put yours hand up and Ill come round and try to help.6. Dont hesitate to ask if you find any difficulty in understanding the text.7. Discuss with your partner and try to solve.8. Now we will do some group work.规定时间1. You can only spend three minutes on this part.2. You have five minutes to complete this short paragraph.3. Ten minutes is all time you have got for this.4. You are expected to compose your composition in ten minutes.动作1. Stand by your desks.2. Stand in a raw. 站成一排。3. Stand with your back to the class. 背对着全班站。4. Turn your back to the class.5. Thank you, you can sit down again.6. Go back to your seat please.7. Hands up!8. Put your hands up!9. Put your hands up if you know the answer.10. All those who got it right, put your hands up.示范类的动作 Modeling11. Do it like this. 四川教师考试网12. Watch me doing it first.13. I will read first and then you can read after me.分组 Grouping14. Find a partner! Work in pairs/threes/fours/fives!15. Work in groups of three/four/five.16. I will divide the class into groups.17. Here are some tasks for you to work on in groups/pairs/fours.18. Bob, you can join group A.19. First you work on your own, and then we will do it pairs.20. After that, you can change roles.指挥 Conducting21. The whole class, please!22. Lets all read it together!23. Now all the boys!24. Just the girls/Girls only!25. Lets begin with the boys! The girls can start.26. In turns. One after the other, please!27. In turns, starting with Roy!28. Now, lets have someone else try it!29. When you have done that, you can check the answers.30. Any volunteers to read (the part of) Shelly?说明顺序 Explaining the sequence31. Now we will do some pair work, and this is how we shall do it. You work in pairs with one person asking the questions and the other answering. After that, you can change over.32. Now we have a listening test. First, I will play the record for the first time, and you will hear it only once. After that you can try your best to answer the questions by ticking the right choice.33. We will have some comprehension practice now. I will read you a short story twice. After that, you will retell the story. Dont write down anything 四川教师考试网while I am reading. Just listen to me carefully. Of course, you are encouraged to use your own words when you retell the story.34. Now we will practice some telephone conversations, and we will do it with the girls answering the phone and the boys ringing up.第二部分 教材和教具课本1. You will need your dictionaries. 你们会用到字典。2. Open your books at page 56.3. Now look back at the first two paragraphs. 现在回过去再看第一、第二段。4. You can refer to the map/figures/bar chart/table on the page 60(screen/PPT).你可以参照第 60 页上的地图/数据/柱状图。5. You can refer back to the notes/language guides/reminder/on page 40.6. Look at the comic strip/cartoon on page 70.7. You will find the conversation/dialogue on page 39.8. Have you all found the place?9. The picture/photo at the top/head/beginning of the page.10. The photo at the very top.位于最上方的那张图片。11. Who wants to come out and write that on the blackboard?12. Come out and draw a bike on the blackboard.13. Look at the board, all of you.大家看黑板。14. Are there any mistakes in the sentences on the board? 黑板上的句子有错误吗?15. Can you see anything wrong with the sentences on the board?你们能看出黑板上的句子有什么错误吗?16. Make a note down the new expressions/phrases on the board.把黑板上的词组和短语记下来。技能练习17. Lets listen to the tape now.18. Before that, lets watch a video first, it is about19. Lets first listen to Marias story. 四川教师考试网20. Before we go, there are some questions for you.21. First of all, listen it the short dialogues.22. Now you will hear the conversatio
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