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两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:关 于 体 育 运 动 建 议 的 英 语 对 话关 于 体 育 运 动 建 议 的 英 语 对 话 篇 一A:Are you interested in mountaineering?你喜欢登山运动吗?B: Yes, in some sense. I should say I like mountain climbing, you know, because Im not so professional. How about you是的,从某种意义上来说。我应该说我喜欢爬山,因为我没有这么专业。你呢?A:Im the same with you, an amateur mountain climber. I went climbing in the Rocky Mountains with my friends last summer vacation. We spent two days in the mountains.我和你一样,也是一个业余登山爱好者。去年暑假我和朋友去登了落基山脉,我们在那儿住了两天。B: How did you spend the night there?你们晚上怎么过的?A:We pitched a tent in the night, waiting for the sunrise. Wow! It was too beautiful.我们搭了一个帐篷,在帐篷里等待日出。哇!那真是太美了!B: I had a similar experience, but that was on the top of Taishan Mountain in my country.我也有过这种经历,不过是在我国的泰山顶上。A:Taishan Mountain? Its very famous in China, isnt?泰山?在中国很有名的,对吗?B: Yes. It is one of the Five Mountains.是的,泰山是五岳之一。A:I want to climb Taishan Mountain this summer vacation. Would you be my guide?我想去登泰山,你能做我的向导吗?B: Id love to.很乐意。关 于 体 育 运 动 建 议 的 英 语 对 话 篇 二A:In 1986,a New Zealander Hakett popularized Bungee as a commercialized sport of mass entertainment. This sport is very challenging. It is a test of peoples psycological ability of endurance. Especially when descending, as if they are watching a fast forward tape and when they bounce back, they sway around. The timid people will shrink back at the sight of it. Even if they jump off, they find it hard to avoid screaming with closed eyes. No wonder people give the title brave to anyone who jumps off.1986 年新西兰人哈肯特把蹦极作为商业性大众娱乐运动推广了它。这一运动具有挑战性,是对人心理承受力的考验,特别是下降时,好像是看按了快进的像带,返回时左右摇摆,胆小者会望而却步,即使跳了下去,也难免紧闭双眼大喊大叫,难怪人们会给每一个跳下去的人以“勇敢者”的称号。B: You see,the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then,like diving,their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the combination of heaven and earth. The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend. They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movements and they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord.你看,蹦极者在跳前深吸一口气,然后像跳水一样,头朝下脚朝上,纵身一跃便融入那种与天地合一的境界,耳边呼呼生风,身体急速下降,还没来得及做几个体操动作,又被绳索反弹向高空。A:Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage.把生命寄托给一根绳索,真是需要极大的勇气。B: A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said, When I fastened the cord and walked to the platform, I was extremely nervous. When I looked down, I was nervous even more. If the cord had broken, I would be knocked to bakemeat. However, I knew my worries were unwanted. I was afraid if I retreated others might say something about me. I had to harden my heart and impose my head downward. I only felt wind wiring at my ears. My body rapidly descended. I thought that after only seven or eight seconds I was rebounded to upper air by the cord. In fact it was 30 seconds. Maybe because of my nervousness, I only felt seven or eight seconds. When rebounding to the high altitude, I felt a sudden sense of relief. I did not feel nervous very much,but very comfortable.一个法国小伙子回忆第一次蹦极时说A:It is hard to come by in life that you experience this kind of comfortable人生难得几回这种“舒服”啊!关 于 体 育 运 动 建 议 的 英 语 对 话 篇 三A:Where are you going to play this weekend?这个周末你打算去哪儿玩?B: I have not given it much thought. Do you have any good suggestions?还没想好,你有什么好建议?A:I want to spend two days in the mountains with friends. The city is too noisy. Do you know Tanzhe Temple?我和朋友想去山里玩两天,城里太闹腾了。知道潭拓寺吗?B: I have been there. It is in the middle of the mountains. It is not noisy there and you have to be a vegetarian.我去过,在半山腰上。那儿可不“闹腾”,而且还要“吃素”。A:Do you want to climb the mountain with us ?你们愿意跟我们一起去爬山吗?B: Does it have enough lodging?能住得下吗?A:No problem. The temple is quite large.没问题,寺里很大。B: There are many ancient pine trees there. It is especially quiet at night. It is wonderful to listen to the monks chanting while listening to the soothing sound of the winds in the pine trees.那儿有很多古松,晚上特别幽静,一边听着和尚念经书,一边听着松涛声,可真妙极了!A:Im getting a little excited now. What clothes should I wear?我现在就有点儿激动了。穿什么衣服呢?B: Take some thick clothes with you. It is rather cold there at night. If you wear the T-shirt youre wearing now, you will become a popsicle.带点厚衣服,那里晚上是很凉的。再穿现在的 T 恤,非冻成 “冰棍”不可。A:Anything else I should bring?还要带别的吗?B: If you like taking pictures, you may bring a camera with you.如果你喜欢照相,可以带上照相机。A:Needless to say.这还用你说!两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0
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