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有趣的英语成对词成语的结构及翻译英语成对词是英语成语中的一种特殊形式,它的结构一般由“W1 andW2” 构成,就像一对“连体双胞胎 ”一样,大多数不能分开使用,少数成对词偶尔可以分开使用,但意义与连体时不同。英语成对词种类繁多,应用广泛,经过长期演变已成为英语成语的重要组成部分,使用起来表达力丰富,语义准确,富于节奏感。一、英语成对词的构成方式:1.名词名词:(单单,复复,单复)vice and virtue(善恶),neck and neck(并驾齐驱,不分上下),man and wife(夫妻),aches and pains(浑身疼痛),bits and pieces(零碎杂物)。2.动词动词:push and shove(推搡), divide and rule(分而治之),crash and burn(彻底失败),pick and steal(小偷小摸),forgive and forget(不念旧恶)。3.形容词形容词: null and void(无效的), bright and early(清早),peak and pine(憔悴), black and blue(遍体鳞伤),near and dear(亲近的)。4.副词副词:out and away(极大地),through and through(彻头彻尾),here and there(到处),really and truly(真正地),back and forth(来回),by and by(不久)。5.连词连词:as and when(当),if and when(如果),unless and until(直到)。6.介词介词:over and above(高于 ),save and except(除之外), in season and out of season(一年四季)。7.代词代词: one and all(全体),each and every(每个),first and last(总的来说),such and such(这样那样的)。8.数词数词:twos and threes(三三两两),five and ten(廉价商品店),sixes and sevens(乱七八糟),thousand and one(许多)。9.少数成对词的构成不属同类词的重复,属例外:over and done with(彻底结束),enough and spare(绰绰有余),time and again(时常),by and large(总的来说),ps and qs(谨言慎行),one and the same(完全一样)。二、英语成对词的语法功能英语成对词的语法功能指成对词在句子中担当的句子成分,比如,主、谓、宾语等。成对词作为一个完整的成语,使用时必须注意其结构上的稳固性和完整性,即不能拆开使用,词序也不能随意颠倒。举例说明如下:做主语:1). Their pots and pans have been used for a lot of years. 他们的炊具已经用了多年。2). Bread and butter is better for you than cakes. 奶油面包比蛋糕更有益于你的健康。做谓语:3). My husband was tossing and turning all night. 我丈夫整夜翻来覆去睡不着觉。4). Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined. 这个失恋的人一天天消瘦下去。做宾语:5). Put all your bits and pieces in that box; dont leave them just lying about. 把零碎物品放在这个盒子里,不要随处乱扔。6). Stop pushing and shoving, you people at the back. 后面的人不要推推搡搡。做介词宾语:7). Everything has been packed into the boxes except a few odds and ends. 除了一些琐碎的杂物外,其余一切都已装箱。8). The house was at sixes and sevens after the party. 晚会过后,房子里一片狼籍。做宾语补语:9). I now pronounce you man and wife. 现在我宣布你们结为合法夫妇。10). They beat him black and blue. 他们把他打得浑身青一块紫一块的。做表语:11). After the fight, the boy was black and blue all over. 打完架,这个男孩总是鼻青眼肿。12). This lottery ticket can be good and collectable. 这张奖券可以兑取。做状语:13). We should serve the people heart and soul. 我们应该全心全意为人民服务。14). The cat came back safe and sound. 猫安然无恙地回来了。做定语:15). Its a neck and neck race. 这是一场势均力敌的比赛。16). There was a hot and heavy debate at the conference. 大会进行了长时间的辩论。做同位语:17). What surprised me most is ignoring the importance of the issue, the core and crux of the whole problem. 最让我吃惊的是我们忽视了问题的重要性问题的关键。做插入语:18). I have been at sea now, man and boy, for 37 years, and Ive never heard of such a thing happing in an English ship. 我从小当水手至今已经 37年了,还没听说过在英国船上发生过这样的事。19). She told them, once and for all, that she wouldnt give up. 她坚决地告诉他们,自己绝不会放弃。做呼语:20). And lo and behold, the crown was on his head! 看啦,他头上的王冠!三、英语成对词的语义关系成对词之中两词的关系指两词之间的语义关系或逻辑关系。由于词义与词义之间的相关性种类很多,所以英语成对词之间的语义关系也是多种多样的。1. 重复关系:两个词项简单重复,可以表示某一动作或状态反复出现或持续不断;表示程度加深;表示强调;表示并列关系或泛指概念等。如:over and over(反复),again and again(再三),by and by(渐渐地),more and more(越来越多),through and through(彻头彻尾),on and on(连续不断)。2. 并列关系:两个词项是同义或近义词搭配使用,两者互为补充,不分主次,起强调作用,所构成的成语体现两词的共有词义。如:ways and means(各种方法), pick and choose(挑挑拣拣),really and truly(真正地),defeat and failure(失利,失败)。3. 对立关系:两个词项是反义词对举,表示和体现一对互相矛盾、对立的语义概念。可以分为绝对反义、相对反义和关联反义关系词。如:weal and woe(祸福), long and short(总而言之),rights and wrongs(是非),good and evil(善恶), pro and con(正反两方面),high and low(高低贵贱),the quick and the dead(生者与死者),life and death(生死)。4. 偏正关系:部分成对词中的一个词项是另一个词项的修辞语。如:grace and favor = gracious favor(恩惠), good and ready = all ready(一切就续),cups and gold = golden cups(金杯),death and honor = honorable death(光荣牺牲),words and deceit = deceitful words(谎言)。5. 关联关系:两个词项表示两个意义密切相关的事物,组成一个完整的概念或意义。如:knife and fork(刀叉),beam and scale(天平),flora and fauna(各种动植物),bed and board(膳宿,夫妻关系),bow and scrape(打躬作揖),bench and bar(法官与律师),bow and arrow(弓箭)。四、英语成对词的修辞特色英语成对词历史悠久,语义丰富,言简意赅,简捷精炼,大部分具有鲜明的口语色彩,但有时也用于书面语中。比如有些文学作品中出现的成对词对于塑造刻画人物,创造艺术氛围起到了积极的作用。正式文体中用了成对词可以赋予语言以庄重典雅和生动活泼的色彩。1. 运用头韵法造词:sink and swim(不论好歹),bag and baggage(全部财物),deaf and dumb(聋哑),watch and ward(监视),bread and butter(涂黄油的面包,生计), hot and heavy(激烈的),black and blue(遍体鳞伤),chop and change(变化无常),forgive and forget(不念旧恶),grunt and groan(抱怨),kith and kin(亲戚朋友),wild and wooly(粗野的),tried and true(经考验证明是好的),slow and sure(稳妥),safe and sound(安然无恙),spick and span(崭新的),wail and weep(哀哭)。2. 运用中韵法造词:hob and nob(干一杯),clean and neat(干净),wheel and deal(胆大妄为),cut and run(逃之夭夭)。3. 运用尾韵法造词:high and dry(孤立无援), toil and moil(辛苦地),ps and qs(谨言慎行),aches and pains(疼痛),past and present(古今), right and left(左右),pro(s) and con(s)(正反两方面),most and least(无一例外),first and last(总的来说)。五、英语成对词的使用与翻译名词成对词一要注意其词序,二要注意其单复数形式,三要注意与之搭配使用的介词或动词,四要注意做主语时主谓一致问题。主要注意名词成对词在句子中作状语的用法,特点为名词成对词前不能加介词,部分名词成对词的词序与汉语相同,部分与汉语相反,部分可以颠倒词序,但绝大多数不能随意倒装。例如:heart and soul 前不能加介词。day and night 可以改为 night and day 其意义不变。表达相对的概念时,英语和汉语词序有时相同,有时相反。例如:profit and loss(盈亏),right and left(左右)。名词成对词有单数相加,也有复数相加,甚至还有单复相加。在使用和翻译时必须注意单复数形式和其前的冠词
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