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1最新 高一英语听力测试题及答案 2第一题:听写 20 个单词、词组(每个 1 分,共计 20 分)confirm overweight recommend humid shower locationfoggy majority pointless medium overcast thunderstormweather forecast rain cats and dogs be supposed to round-trip ticket economy class waste away good for nothing well-done第二题:听写 10 个句子(每句 2 分,共计 20 分)5 个英译汉1. Please book me two economy class seats on Flight 102.2. Id like to make a reservation to London, for July 5.3. Enjoy your flight.4. He spends too much money on his hobbies.5. Actually, I dont have any interest in playing chess.5 个汉译英1、你有什么爱好?2、我不是特别喜欢歌剧。3、102 航班正在登机。4、我们这次 AA 制。5、您准备点菜了吗,先生?第三题:听 task 2 的对话,填空(每句 2 分,共计 10 分)A: Ive started a new hobby.B: Really?A: Yes, from now on Im not going to waste away in front of the television. Ive decided to .B: But thats not a hobby. .A: It is fun, and if it does well, all the better. So, ?B: Me? I collect rare stamps.A: Ill bet your wife just loves that! , but it seemed a bit pointless, so I gave it away.第四题:听 2 个单元 task 3 的 10 段小对话,填空(每句 2 分,共计20 分)Conversation 1W: I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.M: The weather forecast says its fair to cloudy.Q: What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?A: .Conversation 2W: Its freezing today.M: Sure it is.Q: What is the weather like today?A: .2Conversation 3W: What a beautiful day!M: Sure, its a perfect day for a walk.Q: Why is today perfect for a walk.?A: .Conversation 4W: What is the weather like in spring in Beijing?M: It is windy and sunny but not humid.Q: Is it very humid in Beijing in spring?A: .Conversation 5W: Whats the weather like today?M: Its overcast and foggy again.Q: Whats the weather like today?A: .Conversation 6W: Sometimes I feel that I am good for nothing.M: If you waste all your time playing computer games, youll never get anywhere in life.Q: What is the womans problem?A: .Conversation 7W: Do you have any hobbies?M: Yes, I like bowling.Q: What is the mans hobby?A: .Conversation 8W: I am crazy about birds. You know I have raised several birds to watch.M: I have little interest in bird watching, but it sure beats working.Q: Does the man love bird watching?A: .Conversation 9W: One of my colleagues gave me a ticket for the concert tomorrow evening. But you know I am not interested in classical music.M: Really? Give it to me then, classical music is my favorite.Q: What will the man probably do tomorrow evening?A: .Conversation 10W: My husband and I quarreled last night.M: Whats up?W: Well, he loves collecting porcelain. I am not against his hobby, but he spends too much money on it.Q: Why did the woman quarrel with her husband?A: .3第五题:口语对话。Unit 1unit 10 中 task 5 中的 1 组conversation,每两个同学一组进行口语展示,考核学生的口语能力及语言的综合表达能力。 (共计 30 分)试题答案第一题confirm overweight recommend humid shower locationfoggy majority pointless medium overcast thunderstormweather forecast rain cats and dogs be supposed to round-trip ticket economy class waste away good for nothing well-done第二题:5 个英译汉1. 给我订两张 102 航班的经济舱机票。2. 我想预定 7 月 5 日飞往伦敦的机票。3. 旅途愉快。4. 他在爱好方面的开销太大。5. 事实上,我对下棋不感兴趣。5 个汉译英1、What are your interests?2、Im not very keen on opera.3、Flight 102 is boarding now.4、Lets go Dutch this time.5、Are you ready to order, sir?第三题:听录音,填空1. run a part-time business.2. Hobbies are supposed to be fun.3. what hobbies do you have?4. I used to collect rocks,第四题:(一)1. Its fair to cloudy.2. Its freezing.3. Because it is a beautiful day.4. No, it isnt.5. Its overcast and foggy.6. She wastes all her time playing computer games.7. Bowling.8. No, he doesnt.9. He will probably go to listen to the concert.10. Because the husband spends too much money on his hobby.第五题:口语展示。
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