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交响乐队 symphony orchestra木管乐器 woodwind instruments 木管: reed pipe of woodwind长笛 flute 短笛: piccolo双簧管 oboe 单簧管: clarinet大管 fagotto 英国管: English horn低音单簧管 bass clarinet 低音大管:contrafagotto乐器 英语1) 胡琴 hu qin;a general term for certain two-stringed bowed instrument ;Chinese violin2) 琵琶 pi paa plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard;3) 三弦 san xian;samisen; Chinese trichord san xian4) 月琴 yue qina four-stringed plucked instrument witn a full-moon-sharped sound box;Chinese mandolin;5) 笛子 di zi8-holded bamboo-flute;Chinese flute;6) 萧 xiaoChinese vertical bamboo flute;7) 唢呐 suo nasurnay , suona horn;8) 笙 shenga reed pipe wind instrument9) 扬琴 yang qindulcimer10) 腰鼓 waist drum小提琴Deutschviolin中提琴Geige die viola大提琴Bratsche diehcello低音提琴Cello dasdouble bass吉他Kontrabass derguitar 曼陀林Gitarre diemandoline短笛Mandoline diepiccolo长笛Pikkolofloete dieflute单簧管Floete dieclarinet双簧管Klarinette dieoboe大管 Oboe diebassoon萨克斯Fagott dassaxophone短号Saxophon dascornet小号Kornett dastrumpet圆号Trompete diehorn长号Horn dastrombone大号Posaune dietuba钢琴Tuba diepiano管风琴Klavier dasorgan木琴Orgel diexylophone手风琴Xylophon dasaccordion竖琴Ziehharmonika dieharp定音鼓Harfe dietimpani小鼓Pauke dieside drum大鼓Tamburin dasbass drum三角铁Basstrommel dietriangle
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