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One morning i bought a coup of the NEW YORK WORLD and turned its pages until i got to the aHelp Wanted Unskilled section of the paper.A small advertisement held my attention .It read :”Easy job.Good wages. No experience necessary .”It sounded like the job I was looking for I was looking for . Easy job , Good wages.Those four words revolved in my brain as I was traveling towards the address indicated in the advertisement .Easy job.Good wages. Easy.一天早上,我买了一个政变的纽约世界并将其网页,直到我到了一个“帮助通缉熟练”部分的文件。一个小广告举行了我的注意。它是这样写的:“容易的工作,好的工资。没有必要的经验。”听起来像工作,我正在寻找我在找。容易的工作,好的工资。这四个字出现在了我的大脑在我对地址显示在广告旅游。简单的工作。好的工资。容易的when i got to the place i saw a series of large tubs half filled with water out of which i noticed protruding the neck of many bottles of various sizes and shapes all had their hands in the water of the tub ,the left hand holding a bottle and the thumb nail of the right hand scratching the labels. 全部有他们的手在水的浴缸,左手持瓶和拇指指甲的左右手抓标签throughout history man has observed such natural cycles as the rising and setting of the sun ,the ebb and flow of the seasons纵观历史,人类观察自然周期日出和日落,潮起潮落的季节the periodic nature of these events provided people with a measure of security about things to come and gave them reason to reflect on their past and plan for their future周期性的性质,这些事件给人们提供了一个安全措施的东西来给他们的理由来反映他们的过去和计划自己的未来the regularity of such social activities as work hours,meal times,and holiday schedules indicates the extent to which human activity itself is organized in cycles这种规律的社会活动,如工作时间,吃饭时间,和假日安排在多大程度上反映人类活动本身是有组织的周期a persons traveling in an east-west direction across time zones upsets his sleep cycle; it may take several days to return to the normal cycle or to readjust to a new one一个人的旅行在东西方向跨时区扰乱睡眠周期;可能需要几天的恢复到正常的周期或调整到一个新的一个Thomas Aquinas ,who knew more about education and persuasion than almost anybody who ever lived ,once said that when you what to convert someone to your view,you go over to where he is standing ,take him by the hand (mentally speaking), and guide him to where you what to go托马斯阿奎那,谁知道更多关于教育和说服力比几乎任何人谁曾经生活,曾经说过,当你把别人对你的看法,你去到他站的地方,把他的手(精神上讲),并引导他到你想去的地方吧you dont stand across the room and shout at him你别站在房间里,对着他UNIT1One morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got to the Help Wanted Unskilled section of the paper. A small _advertisement (1) held my attention. It _read_(2) Easy job. Good wages. _No_(3) experience necessary. It sounded _like_(4) the job I was looking for. Easy job. Good wages. Those four _works_(5) revolved in my brain as I was travelling _towards_(6) the address indicated in the advertisement. Easy job. Good wages. Easy job. Good wages. Easy .When I got to the place I saw a series of large tubs half filled with water out of _which_(7) I noticed protruding |(突出)| the necks of many bottles of various _sizes_(8) and shapes. Around these tubs there were a number of workers _sitting_(9) on small wooden benches. All had their hands in the _water_(10) of the tub, the left hand holding a _bottle_(11) and the thumb |(拇指)| nail of the right hand scratching the labels. I sat down on a stool around _one_(12) of the tubs and _started_(13) to use my thumb nail on one bottle. As the minutes _passed_(14) I noticed that the coldness of the water started to _run_(15) from my hand to my body. But worse still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was growing by the minute _into_(16) a full-blown tomato-colored finger. A numb pain began to be felt _coming_(17) from my right thumb. Then I began to feel such pain as _if_(18) coming from a finger bigger than all of my body.After three hours of this I told the foreman |(工头)| Id _quit_(19). He figured I had earned 69 cents at 23 cents an _hour_(20).Easy job. Good wages. The person who _wrote_(21) that ad must have had a great sense of humor.一天早上,我买了一本纽约的世界并将其网页,直到我得到“帮助通缉熟练”一节的纸。一个小广告举行了我的注意。它读“容易的工作。好的工资。没有必要的经验。 ”听起来很像我正在找工作。轻松的工作。好的工资。这四个字出现在了我的大脑在我前往地址显示的广告。轻松的工作。好的工资。轻松的工作。好的工资。容易的当我到达的地方我看到一系列的大浴缸装满水的一半大浴缸(which),我注意到突出的| (突出)|脖子几瓶不同大小和形状的。在这些地区有许多工人坐在小板凳。所有的手在水的浴缸,左手拿着一瓶子和拇指|(拇指)|钉的右手抓标签。我坐在凳子上附近的一个浴缸和开始使用我的大拇指指甲一瓶。随着时间过去我注意到寒冷的水开始跑离我的手我的身体。但更糟的是,微妙的拇指的右手越来越被分为一个成熟的 tomato-colored 手指。一个麻木疼痛开始感受来自我的右手拇指。然后我开始感到这种疼痛似乎来自手指比我的身体。这三个小时后,我告诉工头|(工头)|我就辞职了。他觉得我已经赢得了 69 美分一小时 23美分。“简单的工作。好的工资。 ”的人写的请注意广告必须有一个伟大的幽默感。UNIT2Throughout history man has observed such natural cycles as the rising and setting of the sun, the ebb and flow of ocean tides, and the changes of the seasons. The periodic nature of these events provided people _with_(1) a measure of security about things to come and gave them reason to reflect _on_(2) their past and plan for their _future_(3) . The regularity of such social activities _as_(4) work hours, meal times, and holiday schedules indicates the extent _to_(5) which human activity itself is organized in _cycles_
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