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两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http:/m.meten.com/test/xiaobai.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:如何表达激动之情有时候,你会想表达非常、非常想做某事。换句话说,你会想表达你的热情。也就是说,你心情很激动,想要告诉整个世界你对某件事感到多么振奋。这与表达悲伤截然不同,它需要非常积极的措辞。你可以使用这些短语来表达你对正在做的事情的热情,或者用来支持某人。Idioms in the introduction:前言中的习语1.to be pumped = to be very excited and physically ready to do something非常激动,准备行动起来干某事2.to be stoked = to be very enthused about something对某事很热衷Expressing Enthusiasm for Something You are Doing表达对你所做的某事的热爱这些表达是用来形容你所拥有的某物的。你也可以用这些形式来表示某人对自己的事的激动之情。当你要表达对某人的支持或热情时,你可以使用下面的表达。1.S + be + (really, very, quite) excited + about something对某事感到十分激动Im very excited about working with Tom on the new project.和汤姆一起做这个新项目让我非常激动。Im quite excited about my new car!我一想起新买的车就十分激动!2.S + be + (really) looking forward to something对某事十分期待Im really looking forward to opening the new store next week.我对下周新店开业的事满怀期待。Shes looking forward to taking some time off work.她期待着能够放一段时间假。3.S + feel confident that .对很自信I feel confident that Ill get the position.我有自信能够得到这份工作。We feel confident that our son will succeed.我们相信自己的儿子会成功。4.S + cherish珍惜I cherish the time I spend with you.我非常珍惜与你度过的时间。Jack cherishes every opportunity to speak to a client.杰克珍惜每一个跟顾客沟通的机会。Expressing Enthusiasm for Something You Experience表达对你经历的某事的热情1.Thats / Its / Theyre amazing / awesome / fantastic / incredible / unbelievable!这/他们真是惊人/极好/精彩 /不可思议/令人难以置信的!这些形容词也被称为“极度”形容词,用来表达你的热情。注意使用的频率不要过高!Wow, thats amazing! Ive never seen a sunset like that before!哇,太不可思议了!我从没看过这样的日落!Look at that mountain. Its awesome!看那座山。太壮观了!2.I cant believe .我真不敢相信The phrase “I cant believe” is often used to express something that surprises you in a good way.I cant believe(我真不敢相信)这个短语是表达使你惊讶的某事的不错的方式。I cant believe how much fun that ride was!我真不敢相信那次骑行是多么有趣!I cant believe how much I love you!我无法相信自己是多么爱你!Expressing Enthusiasm for Someone Else表达对某人的热情这些短语是用来表达对某人活动的热情,或者用来支持或相信他们所做的某事。1.S + (so, really, very) happy / excited / delighted + for you / them / him / her为你/他们/他/她感到十分高兴 /激动/欣喜Im really delighted for you. Good luck!真为你感到高兴。好运气!Shes so excited for her husband.她为自己的丈夫感到激动。2.Congratulations! / Congratulations on the / your .祝贺!/祝贺你Congratulations on your new house!祝贺你乔迁新居!Congratulations! You must be a proud father!祝贺你!你一定是一位深感自豪的父亲!Note: Use the modal verb of probability must to express your belief that what you say is true.注意:使用表示可能性的情态动词 must(一定)来表示你相信自己所说的对的。You must be so excited!你一定很激动!She must have been thrilled!她一定很激动!How to Respond to Someone Who Expresses Enthusiasm怎样对表达自己热情的人进行回应当某人与你分享他们的激动之情时,他们会期望你对好消息作出回应。这有一些短语来帮助你传播快乐。1.Thats great / fantastic / wonderful!真是太好/精彩/妙了!Your wife is pregnant. Thats fantastic!你妻子有喜了。真是太好了!Thats great! You should be proud of yourself.真棒!你应该为自己感到骄傲!2.Im (so, very, really) happy for you我真为你感到高兴。Im really happy for you. Im sure youll be great at your new job.我真为你感到高兴。我相信你会干好你的新工作的。Im so happy for you and your husband. Would you like a boy or a girl?我真为你们夫妇俩感到高兴。你想要个男孩,还是女孩呢?At Work工作中Colleague 1: Hi Tom. Got a moment?嗨,汤姆,有时间吗?Colleague 2: Sure, whats up?当然,什么事儿?Colleague 1: Im really stoked about the new project.我对这个新项目感到非常振奋。Colleague 2: Whys that?为什么?Colleague 1: Yes, Im really excited about the opportunity. If things go well with this, who knows what will happen!是的,我为这次机会感到激动不已。如果事情进展顺利,谁知道会发生什么呢!Colleague 2: Im really happy for you. Im sure youll do a great job.我真为你感到高兴。我相信你会干得出色的。Colleague 1: Thanks. I hope so.谢谢,希望如此。Colleague 2: Of course, you must be very proud of yourself.当然,你一定要为自己感到骄傲。Colleague 1: Yes, to tell you the truth, this is something Ive wanted for a while.是的,老实告诉你吧,这是我一直梦寐以求的事了。Colleague 2: Well, you deserve it!哦,这是你应得的。Colleague 1: Thanks. I appreciate it.谢谢,我很感激。Colleague 2: My pleasure.别客气。Between Friends朋友之间George: Doug, Doug!Annies pregnant!道格,道格!安妮有喜了!Doug: Thats fantastic! Congratulations!真是太好了!恭喜啊!George: Thanks. I cant believe were going to have another baby!谢谢。真不敢相信,我们又将迎来一个孩子!Doug: Do you know the sex?知道孩子的性别吗?George: No, we want it to be a surprise.还没,我们想保留一个惊喜。Doug: Really, Id want to know so I could buy all the right stuff.真的吗,我想知道孩子是男是女,这样就方便给他买东西了。George: You have a point. Maybe we should find out.你说得对。也许我们应该去检查一下。Doug: In any case, Im really, really happy for your two.无论如何,我是真的,真的为你们两个感到高兴。George: Thanks. I just had to sharethe good news.谢谢。我只是想分享下这个好消息。Doug: Lets go get a beer to celebrate!我们去喝杯啤酒庆祝一下吧!George: Thats a good idea!真是个好主意!Doug: My treat.我请客。表达热情是语言的众多功能之一。学习这些语言功能可以帮助你学习在具体的情况下具体的词汇。两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http:/m.meten.com/test/xiaobai.aspx?tid=16-73675-0
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