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- 1 -一、Getting the pupils ready for class 组织教学二、Revision 复习三、Presentation 介绍四、Drill 操练五、Practice 练习六、Consolidation 巩固一、Getting the pupils ready for class1.Its time for class.上课时间到了。2.Lets begin our lesson.我们开始上课。3.Stand up,please!请起立!4.Good morning,boys and girls!大家早上好!5.I will teach you English this term.这学期将由我教你们英语。6.I am a teacher trainee.我是一位实习老师。7.Good morning,teacher!老师早上好!8.Good afternoon,class!同学们下午好!9.Good afternoon,teacher!老师,下午好!10.Sit down,please.请坐。11.Have you got anything to report to the class,monitor?班长,你有什么向班级汇报的吗?12.Who is absent today?今天谁缺席了?13.Zhang Ming is absent.张明缺席了。14.Is everyone here?都出席了吗15.Everyone is here except Li Ning.除了李宁,全都到了。16.Why is he absent?他为什么缺席?17.He is ill. He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已请了病假。18.Are you a new pupil?你是新同学吗?19.Allow me to introduce myself,please.请允许我自我介绍一下。20.Where are you from?你从那里来?21.I am from Beijing.我来自北京。22.How did you spend your Sunday?星期天你是怎么过的?23.We had a picnic.我们去野餐了。24.We had a very good time.我们玩得很痛快。25.What time is it now?现在几点了?26.Its ten past eight.八点十分了。27.Open the window,please.请打开窗户。28.Please shut the door. It is very cold today.今天很冷,请把门关上。- 2 -29.Leave the window open,please.请开着窗户。30.How are you?你好吗?31.Fine, thank you ,and you?很好,谢谢!你呢?32.Im fine too.我也很好。33.Whats your name?你叫什么名字?34.My name is Wan Lin.我叫王林。35.Be quiet,please.请安静。36.Silence,please.请安静。37.Stop talking.不要讲话了。38.Dont talk any more.不要在讲话了。39.Who is on duty today?谁值日?40.I am on duty.我值日。41.You have done your duty very well.你值日生工作做得很好。42.Your classroom looks clean and tidy.你们教室看起来既清洁又整齐。43.Where is the chaik?粉笔在哪?44.In the drawer.在抽屉里。45.Next time please put the eraser and chalk on the teachers desk before class.下次上课前请把黑板擦和粉笔放在老师书桌上。46.May i come in?我可以进来吗?Yes,please.请进。47.I am sorry I am late.请原谅我迟到了。48.Please excuse me for coming late.请原谅我来晚了。49.Dont be late next time.下次别迟到了。50.Please come early next time.下次早点来。51.Get up early in the morning,please.早上请起来得早一点。52.Have you finished your homework?作业作完了吗?53.Hand in your homework,please.请交作业。54.Monitor,have you collected all the homework?班长,作业收齐了吗?55.Yes, here it is.收齐了,这就是。56.No, not yet.还没收齐。57.Some of us havent finished yet.有些同学还没有做完。58.I am sorry I didnt do my homework.请原谅我没做家庭作业。59.I am sorry I cant hand in my homework,because I didnt feel well yesterday evening.很抱歉我不能交作业,因为我昨天晚上不舒服。60.Take out your homework, please.请把你们的家庭作业拿出来。61.I am sorry I have left my homework at home.很抱歉我把作业忘在家里了。62.May I hand in my homework tomorrow?我可以明天交作业吗?63.You must hand in your homework on time.你们必须按时交作业。64.Hand it in after class.下课后交来。65.Make it up after school.放学后补交。- 3 -66.I will bring it with me next time.我下次带来。67.Youve done your homework very well.你的作业做得很好。68.Your handwriting is excellent.你的字写得很好。69.Have you all prepared your lessons well?你们的功课准备好了吗?70.I will see how well you have prepared your lessons for today.我看看你们今天的功课准备得怎么样。二、Revision 复习71.Lets have a review of Lesson 5.我们复习一下第五课。72.Id like to give you a quiz about some phrases in Lesson 5.我想给你们一个小测验,检查一下第五课中的几个词组。73.We have studied Lesson8. Now let me check up on you a little.我们已经学了第八课,我来检查一下。74.Huang Ping and Wang Min,come to the front,please.黄平和王敏,请到前面来。75.Heres a picture for you. Look at it.这有一张图片,请看。76.Ill ask you some questions.我要问你们几个问题。77.Is there a plane in the picture?图片上有飞机吗?78.No,there isnt.没有。79.What is there in the picture?图画里有什么?80.There is a house,a tree and a dog.有一幢房子,一棵树和一只狗。81.Where is the tree and the dog?树和狗在那里?82.The tree is beside the house.树在房子旁边。83.The dog is in front of the tree.狗在树的前面。84.OK,class,say these sentences again,please.好,同学们,把这些句子再说一遍。85.Very good, go back to your seat, please.很好,请回到你们座位上去。86.Where is Huang Ping now?现在黄平坐在什么地方?87.He is sitting behind Wang Min.他坐在王敏后面。88.Lets look at the blackboard.我们看黑板。89.Zhang Ling,read your sentence,please.张玲,读一下你的句子。90.Is her sentence correct?她的句子对吗?91.No, the word order is wrong.不,词序不对。92.She didnt use this word properly.她这个词用得不恰当。93.Lin Lan, please recite the text.林兰,请背课文。94.Good! You have done a good job.很好,你背得很好。95.You did quite well on the firsttwoparagraphs, but you didnt recite the lasttwoparagraphs.but you didnt recite the last two paragraphs smoothly.你前两段背得还好,但后两段背得不熟练。96.You didnt recite well this time.Try to do better next time.这次背得不好,希望下次背得好些。97.Can you answer this question,Li Ping?李平,你能回答这个问题吗?98.Yes,no problem.没问题。- 4 -99.Lets say the numbers from 1-100.让我们读一下数字 1-100。100.Please write down the numbers 1-20.请写出数字 1-20。101.How many boys are there in your class?数一数你们班有多少男生?102.One, two, three-There are twenty boys in our class.1,2,3-我们班有 20 位男生。103.Lets discuss Excercises 1 and 3 in Lesson 9.我们讨论一下第九课中的练习 1 和练习 3。104.Please retell the story of The Emperors New Clothes.请复述一下“皇帝的新装”的故事。105.Whats the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样?106.Its fine.今天天气很好。107.Nice weather,isnt it?今天天气真好,是吗?108.No,its windy.不,今天有风。109.What should you say in this situation?在这种场合下你们应该怎么说?110.How do you explain this word?你怎么解释这个词?111.In English or in our own language?用
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