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21v 告知 / 使熟悉/ 医急性的, 剧烈/(感官等)敏锐的,灵敏的;机敏的,有洞察力的/锐角的/ 尖音符号 If a is it or at An or is to to of An is 0 n a is a in to s an on e 23v 使适应不同情况(或用途)/ 变熟悉,适应/: to to or 用途)to = to it to a is to me a to to 粘附,V: to to n 黏合剂,黏着剂 着的;有黏性的:ll a/to ;毗连的or in in a to K / v 管理/治理/给予;施用;施行V: to or of by to a by :to to be to at n:(建筑用)土坯,黏土, to in of n 青春期;青春 s an a of v: 领养收养/ 开始采用/选择V: to s of or as ve a to or to its to a in my :to or or as as s
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