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论文题目 :基于 DHNN 物资分类的淄矿物资计划管理系统设计与实现专 业 :通信与信息系统硕 士 生 :姚 兰 (签 名) 指导教师 :卢建军 (签 名) 摘 要山东能源淄博矿业集团经营范围涉及煤炭、医疗健康、建材、新材料等多个产业,是一个大型的煤矿企业,其需求物资品种繁杂,数量巨大,占有大量资金。高效、科学的物资计划管理能给企业带来巨大效益,然而其目前物资计划管理还停留在不分物资重要程度统一编制计划、人工管理等粗放管理阶段。随着信息技术的不断发展,同时面对越来越激烈的市场竞争,煤矿企业融合物资计划管理与信息技术大力发展信息平台建设与应用已迫在眉睫。本文首先根据煤矿企业物资的特点,在分析了相关理论和技术的基础上,对传统的煤矿物资分类方法优缺点进行比较,结合企业愿景选用离散 Hopfield 神经网络(DHNN,Discrete Hopfield Neural Network)将煤矿物资分为非常重要、重要、一般重要和不重要四类。在物资计划管理过程中按照物资重要程度的不同编制物资计划,有利于合理分配资源、解决资金压力、优化企业管理。继而分析了淄矿集团物资计划管理的业务需求,提出了基于 DHNN 物资分类的物资计划管理系统的整体架构模型,运用主流的 MVC 架构思想,采用 Spring+Hibernate+Oracle 框架和相关技术搭建整个开发和实现平台,并将 Activiti5 工作流引擎与 Spring 整合,参与业务逻辑处理,实现工作流与软件平台的融合。在软件实现和操作中,将运用 DHNN 实现的物资分类结果运用到工作流程的每个环节,对即将要提报的物资计划数量按照分类结果进行检查,对不符合要求的物资计划给予提醒。另外,本文还对手机端进行了开发,方便工作人员随时随地进行办公。关 键 词:离散 Hopfield 神经网络;物资分类;工作流;物资计划管理研究类型:应用研究 Subject : Design and Implementation of ZBM Material PlanManagement System Based on Material ClassificationSpecialty : Communication and Information SystemName : (signature) Instructor : (signature) ABSTRACTShandong energy zibo mining group is a large coal mining enterprise,business scope involves coal,medical health,building materials,new materials and other industries,the classif-ycation and number of its demand for materials is huge,and it occupied a large assets.Efficient and scientific material plan management can bring huge benefits to the enterprise,However,its current material plan management still stays in the stage of extensive management such as not differentiate important grade when prepare a material plan,human management,etc.With the continuous development of information technology,at the same time,in the face of increasing-ly fierce market competition,its very urgent for coal mining enterprise to develop new materi-al planning management information platform by integrating information technology with material plan management.This paper first compares the traditional coal mine material classification methods according to coal mining matierial feature,chooses DHNN to classify coal mining matierial as very important,important,general important and not important in combination with the enterprise expectation based on the analysis of the related theory and technology.Preparing material plan according to the important degree of the material in the process of material planning management which is beneficial to release of fund pressure, reasonable allocation of resources and optimization of enterprise management.Then analyzes the business need of ZBM material plan management,puts forward the overall architecture model of material plan management system based on material classification.Applying the idea of mainstream MVC,The architecture model uses Spring+Hibernate+Oracle framework and related technology to construct the whole develop and implement platform,and integrates Activiti5 with Spring,let workflow participate in business logic handling to blend workflow into the software platform.In the process of software realization and operation,uses the material classification results which got by DHNN to check the materials plan number in each link of the working process and will warn user if one material plan number not comply with the rules.Besides,this paper developes the mobile application as well which can let staff handle official bussiness anytime and anywhere.Key words:DHNN;Material Classification;Workflow;Material Planning ManagementThesis :Application Research目录目 录1 绪论.11.1 研究背景及意义.11.2 研究现状.21.2.1 煤矿企业物资计划管理现状.21.2.2 煤矿企业物资分类研究现状.31.3 论文结构.42 系统关键技术.62.1 工作流相关技术.62.1.1 工作流技术简介.62.1.2 业务流程建模标记语言(BPMN2.0) .72.1.3 Activiti5 流程引擎 .102.2 Spring 框架与 Hibernate
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