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II设备租赁合同英文版租赁合同是转移租赁物使用收益权的合同。在租赁合同中,承租人的目的是取得租赁物的使用收益权,出租人也 只转让租赁物的使用收益权,而不转让其所有权;租赁合同终止时, 承租人须返还租赁物。这是租赁合同区别于买卖合同的根本特征 。 今天小编要与大家分享的是:英文版的设备租赁合同范文。具体内容如下,欢迎参考阅读:MASTER AGREEMENT TO LEASE EQUIPMENT THIS MASTER AGREEMENT TO LEASE EQUIPMENT (this Agreement ) is entered into as of _,_,_(M/D/Y) by and between AAACORPORATION ( LESSOR ), having its principal place of business at _(ADDRESS) and BBB, INC., a _ Corporation ( LESSEE ), having a principal place of business at _(ADDRESS). 1.1 LEASE OF EQUIPMENT. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lessor shall lease to Lessee, and Lessee shall lease from Lessor, the personal property, including all substitutions, replacements, repairs, parts and attachments, improvements and accessions thereto and therein (the EQUIPMENT ), described in the lease schedule (s) (each, a LEASE ) to be entered into from time to time into which this Agreement is incorporated. Each IIIILease shall constitute a separate, distinct, and independent lease and contractual obligation of Lessee. Lessor or its assignee shall at all times retain the full legal title to the Equipment, it being expressly agreed by both parties that each Lease is an agreement of lease only. 1.2 TERM OF LEASE. The original term (the ORIGINAL TERM ) of the Equipment shall mence on the Commencement Date and, subject to Sections 3.3 and 3.5 below, shall terminate on the date specified in the Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Original Term for the Equipment shall automatically extend for successive 30-day periods after its expiration (each, an EXTENDED TERM ) unless either party gives the other party written notice, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Original Term or any Extended Term, as the case may be, of its intent not to so extend the applicable Lease. Except as specifically provided in this Section 1.2, no Lease may be terminated by Lessor or Lessee, for any reason whatsoever, prior to the end of the Original Term or any Extended Term (collectively, the LEASE TERM ). Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Lessee shall be deemed to accept the Equipment on the Commencement Date (as specified in each Lease). 1.3 RENTAL PAYMENTS. Lessee shall pay Lessor rent ( RENT ) for the Equipment in the amounts and at the times specified in the Lease. IIIIIIAll Rent and other amounts payable by Lessee to Lessor hereunder shall be paid to Lessor at the address specified above, or at such other place as Lessor may designate in writing to Lessee from time to time. 1.4 RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. Upon expiration of the Lease Term of the Equipment, Lessee shall immediately return the Equipment to Lessor as provided in Section 3.3 below. If Lessee fails to return any of the Equipment upon demand therefor by Lessor, Lessee shall pay Lessor, as the measure of Lessor s damages, the Casualty Value (as defined in the applicable Lease) of such Equipment. 2.1 DISCLAIMERS; WARRANTIES. Lessee represents and acknowledges that the Equipment is of a size, design, capacity and manufacture selected by it, and that it is satisfied that the Equipment is suitable for its purposes. LESSOR LEASES THE EQUIPMENT AS IS, AND, NOT BEING THE MANUFACTURER OF THE EQUIPMENT, THE MANUFACTURER S AGENT OR THE SELLER S AGENT, MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DESIGN OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSOR SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION OR OTHER USE, OR DEINSTALLATION OF THE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE OR LOSS. Lessee shall look solely to the manufacturer or the IVIVsupplier of the Equipment for correction of any problems that may arise with respect thereto, and, provided no Event of Default (as defined in Section 4.1) has occurred and is continuing, all warranties made by the manufacturer or such supplier are, to the degree possible, hereby assigned to Lessee for the Lease Term. To the extent any such warranty requires performance of any kind by the beneficiary of the warranty, Lessee shall perform in accordance therewith. 2.2 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Except as otherwise expressly provided in each Lease, LESSOR MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK RIGHTS, OF ANY THIRD PARTY WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT, WHETHER RELATING TO INFRINGEMENT OR OTHERWISE. Lessor shall, when requested in writing and at Lessee s cost and expense, exercise rights of indemnification, if any, for patent, copyright or other intellectual property infringement obtained from the manufacturer under any agreement for purchase of the Equipment. If notified promptly in writing of any action brought against Lessee bas
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