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大学生英语自我介绍模板大学生英语自我介绍模板篇一:Good morningafternoon, m dear professors.It is m great honour to be here for this intervie. M name is . I am ears old.I e from , a ver beautiful it. M undergraduate period illbe aplished in universit in Jul, 201X. And no, I am tring m best for obtaining a ke to Universit.Generall speaking, I am a hard-orking student. I ill tr m best to finish it nomatter ho diffiult it is. When I as sophomore, I found to pursue a bahelor degree in Eonomis. M major is aounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate eduation gave me a ide range of vision and taught me ho to ooperate ith others. I developed several professional interests in Aounting, Finane, and International Trade.The folloing eight-ear orking experiene offered me a good hane to give full pla to m reativit, intelligene and diligene. In90-1993, I orked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Tehnial Import and Export Corporation. In93-present, I as emploed b China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Finanial and Aounting Division.I do believe that ith m hard earl life, solid eduational bakground and ample orking experiene, I ould be an exellent student of ou MBA program.MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: After graduating from UIBE, I as emploed as the assistant to the funding manager b China National Tehnial Import and Export Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analzing the overall funding situation of the orporation, I found that the loan poli as not been put into effet. So e have thousands of millions RMB loan ith ver high interest rate hile a large amount of ash in bank ith ver lo interest rate as idle. I reported this to m supervisor, and then e studied and revised the loan poli. This revision saved the orporation approximatel RMB thirt millions uan. In order to raise the funding effetiveness, after one ear s hard ork, I developed the internal banking sstem ithin the orporation based on the atual funding suppl and need of the different divisions and projets. This internal banking sstem made full use of the orporation funding resoures, and due to this, I as highl praised b the president of the orporation.WHY CHOOSE YOUR MBA PROGRAM? After I have orked in business area for eight ears, I feel that I need to ontinue m eduation b pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have pratied m professional expertise in aounting, demonstrated m leadership abilities and perfeted m muniation skills. But I have et to bee an entrepreneur in m on right, and to full master the art of modern business. I ant to be trained more vigorousl in sientifi methods of analsis and snthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and hallenges in China that I do not et fell full onfident to seize. M business areer has so far benefited mostl the panies that I orked for, but a good business eduation in our universit ill probabl bee a ne era for me.Your universit is ell knon for its exellene in China s business eduation. I am sure that, ith m extensive business experiene, I an be a orth student of ours. I am anxious to benefit from our seasoned guidane and take advantage of our researh failities.大学生英语自我介绍模板篇四:Hi, M name is Yuenmi, I m from the beautiful anient it of Kaifeng. As ou an see, I am a ver asual girl, and a lot of people here, like-ear-old, I love a lot, I love guitar, love to sing love daning, ver fond of English, I am ver love to ath Prison Break , like the ator miheal lever it. I like making friends, and hope ou ill be able to and I have bee good friends, I think I ill, and ou get along ith.
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