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49上课时间:2014 年 月 日 上学期总第 课时课 题 Module 7: Unit 1 Living with technology课 时 The first period 课 型 Reading主备课人 张恒涯 复备课人 张恒涯 审核人 唐世忠1.Students will be able to read an article from a book about the evolution of video and sound devices;知识与技能 2.students will be able to know the reading strategyunderstanding headings;1. Ask students to complete a series of tasks individually.过程与方法 2. Ask students to report the answers.1. To form the ability of talking about the topic.教学目标 情感、态度和价值观2. To take an interest in learning English.重 点 To improve the reading skills .难 点 To find the information.课前准备 A small blackboard, a computer教学内容、学法教法设计与教学过程 二次备课内容Step 1 Lead-inWhere is this piece of writing taken from?What is it about?Step 2 Checking preview1. P2 AJohn Logie Baird. Thomas Edison. The Portable cassette players.2. New words.P4 D1e, 2d, 3h, 4c, 5f, 6a, 7bStep 3 Reading strategies 1What do you think is the best way to get the most important information in such a long passage?Follow the chronological order.P4 C2 1887Emile Berliner invented a record player that used discs to record on. 1925The first public TV broadcasts were made, in the USA. 1929Regular public broadcasting began in London. 1938The first colour TV programme was broadcast. 1962Satellites were used to broadcast TV. 1967Regular colour TV broadcasts began in the UK. 1982The first CDs were made available. 1993The VCD was born. 1995The DVD was invented.50Step 4 Reading strategies 2How is so much information organized? Take a close look at the structure of the passage and youll find out:Subtitles are helpful!Step 5 Reading for detailsP4 C11F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6TStep 6 Understanding difficult sentences1. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, first beginning on 11 May 1928 in New York.Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after. Regular public broadcasting first _ on 11 May 1928 in New York. 2. Satellites were used to broadcast TV beginning in 1962.Satellites were used to broadcast TV and this _ in 1962.3. broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population living nearby. broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population _ _ nearby.4. adopt many of the principles first discovered by Fransworth.adopt many of the principles _ _ _ _by Fransworth.5. and so satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and the remote areas. and so you can often see _ _ _ throughout the countryside and the remote areas.6. it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.The first colour TV programme _.7. Technology is now changing faster than most people can keep pace with. Most people _.Explanation从帮助学生进行长句和难句理解的角度,从课文中选出几个句子。具体的语法项目和功能此时不必详细教授,着眼点应在于帮助学生理解句意,即以扫清阅读理解的障碍作为出发点。如上面的例子中都涉及到分词结构,此时不必详讲,如果详讲,几节课恐怕也讲不完,可以通过“句型转换”的形式帮助学生理解句意,形成主被动意识,为今后进一步学习积累语感,打下基础。Step 7 Writing a summaryCan you briefly introduce the evolution of video and sound devices?Step 8 HomeworkUnderline the important phrases from the text.教学札记:51上课时间:2014 年 月 日 上学期总第 课时课 题 Unit 1 Living with technology课 时 The second period 课 型 Language points主备课人 张恒涯 复备课人 张恒涯 审核人 唐世忠1. Students will learn to use some important phrases and key words.知识与技能2. Be able to make use of the patterns to make sentences.1. To make some sentences using the words and patterns.过程与方法 2. To do some exercises.1. To know how to use the words and patterns.教学目标 情感、态度和价值观 2. To take an interest in remembering English words.重 点 To master the keywords and patterns难 点 To master sentence patterns.课前准备 A small blackboard教学内容、学法教法设计与教学过程 二次备课内容Step 1 Important phrases The evolution of video and sound devices shortly afterwards contributed to the development of TVStep 2 Key words1. contribute (v.) 1) to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in contribute to/towardsCity employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.contribute sth. to/towards sth.The volunteers contribute their own time to the project.2) to help to make something happen contribute toAlcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.3) to write articles, stories, poems etc for a newspaper or magazinecontribute toone of several authors contributing to the book2. accessible (adj.)1) easy to obtain or useaccessible tothe need for an efficient health service that is accessible to alleasily/readily accessibleComputers should be made readily accessible to teachers and pupils.532) a place, building, or object that is accessible is easy to reach or get intoThe island is only accessible by boat.There is a church which is easily accessible from my home.3) someone who is accessible is easy to meet and talk to, even if they are very important or powerfulI think that youll find shes very accessible.4) a book, poem
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