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1课时跟踪检测(二十四)Making the news.单项填空1(2013临川二中高三模拟)Excuse me, dad, but Im going to the club to meet my friends in the football team.OK._.AGood luck BCongratulationsCWith pleasure DHave fun2(2013湖州高三模拟)As _ journalist, she has always had _ nose for a good story.A不填; a Ba; theC不填; the Da; a3(2013衡水高三质检)Jim went to answer the phone. _, Harry started to prepare lunch.AHowever BNeverthelessCBesides DMeanwhile4(2013吉安二中高三检测)Although he has been studying abroad, his parents try to keep him _ of what has happened at home.Ainforming Bto be informedCto inform Dinformed5The Medical Research Council said it could not _ the use of the new drug without further tests.Aassist BacquireCaccuse Dapprove6(2013温州十校联考)Is it true that the US threatens to punish China unless the yuan appreciates (增值) by 40%?Yes, but I think our government will never _ this unreasonable demand.Aoppose to Bresign toCcontribute to Dsubmit to7(2013马鞍山高三质检)Take the note as a reminder _ you forget to buy some sweets for the kids while shopping there.Ain case Bso thatCeven if Das if28(2013威海高三一模)As a senior high student, you should _ your energy on how to master the skills of learning.Aimpress BspendCconcentrate Duse9Whether an operation should be performed in this case _ very much on the patients conditions.Arelies BbasesCfocuses Ddepends10(2013厦门高三质检)At the conference, the Chairman demanded that people present _ every effort to protect the polar bear against dying out.Amade Bwould makeCto make Dmake11(2013哈尔滨高三质检)He was driving home on the highway last night when he was stopped by a policeman, _.Awho was charged by speedingBwho accused him of speedingCwhich was warned of speedingDwhom reminded him to speed12In order to _ a good knowledge of French, he gave up his job and went to study in a French school.Arequire BinquireCacquire Daddress13(2012济南 5月模拟)My grandfather is fond of talking about the good old days, _ is often the case with old people.Awhen BasCthat Dwhat14In a room above our classroom, where a party _, some students were busy setting the table.Awas to be held Bhas been heldCwill be held Dis being held15Having worked for just two weeks, he is _ to those who have been in the company for a long time.3Asenior BadvancedCjunior Dformer.完形填空(2013青岛高三质量检测)Who says people arent honest any more? Last year, my husband and I went to Beach Kayaking on the north shore of Oahu city for our summer vacation in Hawaii. We left the _1_ and were driving when I noticed the truck that was driving behind me stop _2_! I mentioned it to my husband and I _3_ what that was all about, but my husband didnt think it mattered. So we went a few _4_ miles. Then we stopped at a 711 store for a Coke. And that was _5_ my husband noticed that he had left his wallet at the beach.We went back there and started to search anxiously, but no _6_. It was lost, or we feared it was _7_ since he said he remembered _8_ it on a stump (树墩) next to where we _9_ ourselves. We drove home in a hurry to _10_ all of our credit cards _11_ anything was charged to them by any other shoppers all around the island. We lived on the south shore so it was about a 45minute _12_. When we got in, there was a _13_ from a man who said that he had found the wallet and he left his _14_. We called him at once and he said he was driving behind us when he saw the wallet _15_ off the car. This man _16_ stopped to pick up the wallet!We went to pick it up that afternoon, very _17_ that all the money was _18_ and all our credit cards were found. The man wouldnt accept _19_. As he stood with his arm _20_ his young son, he replied, “Teaching my son this good lesson is the payment enough.” We were touched and happy.,1.A.beach BislandChotel Dcity2A.hurriedly BimmediatelyCsuddenly Danxiously3A.wondered BconsideredCunderstood Drealized4A.hotter BfasterCless Dmore5A.because BhowCwhen Dwhether46A.person BwayCmoney Dluck7A.taken BfoundCsold Dreturned8A.throwing BsettingCkeeping Dhiding9A.reminded BenjoyedChelped Dintroduced10A.cancel BgetCcollect Dcheck11A.as BuntilCafter Dbefore12A.walk BdistanceCdrive Dflight13A.letter BmessageCwallet Dcard14A.money BhomeCtruck Dnumber15A.fly BlieCbreak Dturn16A.finally BactuallyCfirstly Dexactly17A.hopeful BhelpfulCgrateful Dcareful18A.safe BgoneCshort Dtidy19A.thanks BinvitationCpayment Dappreciation20A.under BforCbehind Daround.阅读理解(2013江西赣州模拟)Have you ever wondered why each of us has different handwriting? Handwriting, also known as brain writing, is as individual to the person as fingerprints. Occupations,
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