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高考状元英语笔记记叙文高级词汇1. on ones way to 在某人去某地的途中2. do a good deed 做一件好事3. be thankful to sb. for sth. 因某事而感谢某人4. throw off ones clothes 匆忙脱掉衣服5. be too frightened to move 吓呆了6. struggle 挣扎7. pay a visit to 参观8. be about to do sth. ,when 正准备突然eg. I was about to go home, when I heard someone crying for help.9. learn a lesson from 从中吸取教训10. teach sb. a lesson 给某人以教训11. keep the lesson in mind 把教训牢记在心中12. make up ones mind 下定决心13. cause a loss of 造成损失eg. This terrible fire caused a loss of one million14. with the sun setting down 随着夕阳西下eg. With the sun setting down, we went home happily.15. say goodbye to 向告别16. forger the passing of the time 忘了时间的推移eg. We worked so attentively that we forgot the passing of the time.17. be lost in 沉溺于eg. He was lost in his work so that he didnt notice a car coming.18. just at that time 就在那时19. before long 不久eg. Before long, the fire was put out.20. return to normal 恢复正常eg. Soon everything returned to normal.*Our school lies where there used to be a church.我们学校位于过去是一座教堂的地方。议论文高级词汇1. do good to 给带来好处2. do harm to 给带来危害3. hold a view 持有一个观点eg. Many people hold a view that it is no use promising without doing.4. a waste of 一种浪费eg. Playing computer games too long is a waste of time.5. have an effect on 对 产生影响6. advantages and disadvantages 优势和劣势7. be crazy about 对狂热8. be lost in 沉溺于eg. Dont be lost in reading novels any longer.9. to ones surprise 令人惊讶的是10. result in 导致eg. Carelessness can result in a traffic accident.*I consider him a great hero. 我把他看成一个大英雄。说明文高级词汇1. be high/rich in 含有丰富的eg. As we all know, apples are high/rich in sugar.2. have an advantage over 比有优势eg. Taking a train has an advantage over taking a plane.3. be similar to 与 相似4. be popular with 受欢迎eg. The food is especially popular with children.5. contain 包含,容纳6. differ from 与不同eg. Oranges differ from any other fruit.7. tasty, delicious 美味的,可口的8. be made from/of 由制成,成品中看不出/看得出原材料9. convenient 方便的 attractive 有吸引力的 fascinating 令人着迷的10. recommend 推荐eg. Now, I would like to recommend a very good English-Chinese dictionary to you.11. of great value 很有价值12. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事eg. These products are well worth buying.13. of high quality 质量高14. not only.but also 不但而且15. do good to 给带来好处eg. Often eating this kind of food does good to our health.16. be good for 对有好处eg. Taking this kind of medicine is good for improving our memory.*Who has won the election will soon be announced.即将宣布谁赢得了这次大选。*I dont think it surprising that he has refused her invitation.我对他拒绝了她的邀请并不感到奇怪。*The news that there is going to be a wonderful concert this evening has spread.今天晚上将有一场精彩的音乐会的消息传开了。人物介绍文高级词汇1. be ready to do sth. 乐意做某事eg. I know that she is always ready to help others.2. fasionable 时尚的 humorous 幽默的 gentle 文雅的3. such is 这就是(用于对人物介绍作总结)eg. Such is our English teacher, a kind and hardworking man.4. be elected a model 被选为模范eg. His mother is often elected a model worker.5. be deeply respected and loved 深受人们尊敬和爱戴6. win great honor for为赢得巨大荣誉7. break/keep the record of 打破/保持纪录8. set a new record 创造新纪录*As you can imagine, it is very difficult to learn math.I stayed at her home for a week, during which time I discussed many problem with her.This is the girl without whom I couldnt have won the big prize.This is the boy with whose sister I have already worked for ten years.我和他的姐姐已经一起工作了 10 年。地点介绍类高级词汇1. lie in the center of 位于的中心2. such as 诸如3. lie in the east/west/south/north of 位于的东/西/南/北部4. lie (to)/on the east/west/south/north of 位于 的东/西/南/北边两地(不)接壤5. cover on area of 覆盖的面积eg. Our city covers an area of 10000 square kilometers.6. have a population of 有人口7. be high/rich in 含有丰富的eg. This small country is high/rich in natural resources.8. a with green hills and beautiful rivers eg. This is a village with green hills and beautiful rivers.9. be famous/well-known for 因出名eg. As we all know, Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.*So long as you get there in time, you can see him.只要你及时赶到那里,你就能看到他。I put a bookmark where I had a question.我在有问题的地方放了一张书签。Our school lies where there used to be a church.过去在我们学校所在的地方有一座教堂。英文交友信高级词汇1. make friends with 与 交朋友2. be able to 能够3. be thirsty for 渴望eg. Im thirsty for a chance to chat with you face to face.4. have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事5. help each other 互相帮助6. understand each other 互相理解7. get relaxed 放松8. look forward to 希望eg. Im looking forward to visiting your country as soon as possible.9. forever 永远 value 珍惜eg. To tell you the truth, I value our friend10. treasure ones friendship 珍惜的友谊eg. Ill treasure our friendship and consider it as my property.11. close friends 亲密的朋友12. hear from 收到的来信13. work out 锻炼 exercise 锻炼eg. We can often work out in the stadium.*With the sun setting down, we went home.夕阳西下时我们回家了。Her coming late to school annoyed her teacher.她上课迟到让老师感到很恼火。求职信高级词汇1. apply for 申请2. hold an important position in 在占据重要位置eg. Tom used to hold an important position in this company.3. be admitted into 被录取4. e-mail sb
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