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1课时跟踪检测(十七)Working the land.单项填空1(2013绵阳高三质检) Can you give some explanation about the rumor on the Internet? _.ANo comment BNo doubt CNo problem DNo wonder2(2013杭州高三质检)The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _ . Ato be heard Bto have heard Chearing Dbeing heard3(2013山师附中高三模拟)But even in Paris _ signs of economic crisis have emerged.Adisturbed Bdisturbing Cencouraging Dencouraged4(2013浙大附中高三质检) I regret _ you that your problems are _ my power. Youll have to turn to some other one, Im afraid.Atelling; beyond Btelling; within Cto tell; beyond Dto tell; within5Lily would rather have a house of her own, however small it is, than _ a room with others.Asharing Bto shareCshare Dhave shared6(2013上高二中高三月考)Have you been to the Great Wall?Perhaps not in my memory._, it might have been during my early childhood.AIf only BIf soCIf ever DIf not7(2013景德镇一中高三月考)He had a strange hairstyle and he instantly became the _ of attention the moment he stepped into the classroom.Aaim BfocusCdirection Dpoint8It is believed that universities are a place _ students _ 2skills and knowledge.Ato equip; with Bequipping; withCto equip; for Dequipping; for9(2013如东高三质检)Do you think an advertisement is a help when you look for a job?Well, it depends._, it gives me more of a chance to try.AHowever BAnywayCTherefore DThough10(2013丽水模拟)In the modern information era, one cant avoid _ by various kinds of advertisements.Asurrounded BsurroundingCbeing surrounded Dto be surrounded11(2013德州高三一模)Young people are under great pressure.Therefore, parents shouldnt expect too much from them, for it will only cause pressure to _.Apick up Bturn upCbreak up Dbuild up12The population of Africa is _ so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole world.Aexpanding BstretchingCextending Dspreading13(2012安庆质检)They are working hard to _ sorghum and peanut _ from being destroyed by pests and chemicals.Akeep; free Bhunger; disturbingCequip; sunburnt Dskim; super14(2013福州质检)Over the past decades, sea ice_in the Arctic as a result of global warming.Ahad decreased BdecreasedChas been decreasing D is decreasing15(2013日照高三调研)Weve reached our goal of 500,000 yuan for the victims of the earthquake, _ the generosity of the public.Aas for Baccording toCinstead of Dthanks to.阅读理解3(2013大连高三模拟)Does your local town have a nickname (绰号)? If so, what does it say about the area and the people who live there?Many cities are recognised across the world by their unofficial titles. New York is the Big Apple, London is the Big Smoke, and Los Angeles is famously called La La Land (used to mean that the people who live there are slightly crazy)Now Britains national mapping agency, Ordnance Survey, and the British linguistics charity (语言学慈善机构), the English Project, are launching a project to uncover the nicknames people use for local places.The project, which got started last week to coincide with English Language Day, is called Location Lingo. It aims to identify the names people use every day, whether its a term of endearment (昵称) or a hate name.The University of Winchesters Professor Bill Lucas is a supporter of the English Project. He explains that unofficial place names often show what people think about a place. “The name that people create for a place forms an emotional connection, ” he says. “So Basingstoke becomes Amazingstoke, Swindon is known as Swindump and Padstow, hometown of chef Rick Stein, is nicknamed Padstein.”Basingstoke is a town in central England. The local nickname. Amazingstoke, shows the affection that locals seem to have for the area.Swindon, on the other hand, is sometimes called Swindump, showing that some people think its a dump (垃圾场). Stanford Le Hope in Essex is called Stanford No Hope by locals. And Padstow in Cornwall is so closely associated with the local celebrity Rick Stein that its become known as Padstein.Since launching the online database last week, the creators have already received 3,000 alternative titles for places and famous buildings.Glen Hart, Ordnance Surveys head of research, says the information could be very helpful to the emergency services, for example. “By having the most complete set of nicknames we could help the emergency services quickly locate the right place, and maybe even save lives, ” he says.1According to Bill Lucas, unofficial place names_.Aare mostly positiveBmake many people confusedCdont show the real condition of a place4Dare a good way for people to express their feelings2We can learn from the passage that Swindump is probably_.Aa hate name Ba place of interestCa term of endearment Da famous persons name3In the opinion of Glen Hart, Bri
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