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常见的英语祝福语经典祝福短信 常见的英语祝福语常见的英语祝福语ongratulations, graduate,on all that ouve aplished good luk in all that oull ahieve. 祝贺你,毕业生, 祝贺你取得的一切成绩 愿你日后一切顺利。 ongratulations on our graduation! ishing ou a future filled ith suess and jo of seeing our dreams e true. its suh a pleasure to have a speial reason to ongratulate ou. 祝你学成毕业! 愿你前程似锦, 事事如愿以偿。 今日贺君有因, 倍感欣慰欢畅! ongratulations on our being graduated from high shool. its a onderful feeling to have reahed this milestone, and i env ou the opportunities that lie ahead. 恭喜你毕业!能达到这一段人生里程一定很兴奋吧,祝你前途无量! 2. 祝贺过关 ongratulations on our suess in the national ollege entrane examination. i beg ou to take this little gift as a souvenir. 恭贺旗开得胜,奉上礼物以作纪念。 3. 祝贺获得学位 ongratulations! earning our masters dee is an ahievement of note, and i hope ou are feeling proud and happas ou deserve. 获得硕士学位是一项引人瞩目的成就,我希望你为此感到骄傲和欢欣,因为你当之无愧。祝贺你! ou have no satisfied a lifelong ambition and an rite ph. d. after our name! m heartiest ongratulations and best ishes for ever future suess. 你已经满意地实现了一项终身的抱负,可以在你的名字后面写上ph.d了,向你表示衷心的祝贺,并预祝你将来事事成功。 4. 祝贺获奖 our honor brings to all of us. 你的荣誉给我们带来了荣耀。 5. 祝贺成功 ongratulations on our suess! 恭贺成功! i ish ou ever suess in the future, ou are orth suess. 我祝你来日事业成功,出类拔萃,成功当之无愧。 its onderful to kno that ou have pleted the dream of a lifetime. 非常高兴得知你实现了一生的理想。 6. 祝贺晋升 ongratulations on our promotion. 祝贺晋升! 7. 祝贺乔迁 i hope our ne deelling ill bring ou and our famil loads of fortune and good health. 谨祝你的新居将为你全家带来鸿运。 本雨天问候短信 送去关怀祝福增进友情下雨天来到,请面带微笑,烦恼都冲跑,快乐身边绕,保持心情好,生活乐逍遥,短信送祝福,愿你天天开心,时时快乐,一生幸福。雨后空气更清新,雨后路面更洁净,雨后彩虹更鲜艳,雨后人体更康健。生小孩祝福语恭喜你们,并祝愿你们的儿子给你们带来幸福。欣闻得娇儿,令人无比快慰,祝贺你俩和你们幸运的小宝贝!国民先声诞育宁馨堂构增辉玉种蓝田凤毛济美石麟呈彩啼试英声弄璋志喜天赐石麟天降石麟德门生辉明珠入拿缘凤新雏辉增彩悦弄瓦征祥希望你2017朋友升职祝福语付出总会有回报,要做就做最好的,我相信你,你一定行!哥们,听说你最近春风得意,步步高升。恭喜,恭喜!功绩永怀,高瞻远瞩,懋绩可风,功绩卓著恭贺#调任#,希望你在新的岗位上发挥出自己最大的潜力为民做好事!取得更大的成就!恭贺老弟荣。
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