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感恩教师的英语演讲稿演讲稿 英语演讲稿 感恩教师的英语演讲稿感恩教师的英语演讲稿2017-04-19 hildren thrive in the hundreds of millions of hinese, ho told them ho to behave? ho are the transfer knoledge? ho are their hildren as their on general? needless to sa, it is has been referred to as the engineers of human souls - the teaher. for our groth, teahers put up ith all kinds, painstakingl. one, ou are one of the reen, rain shade trees for ou, ou sent for the ool breeze, but isdom is bathed in sunshine teaher, teaher knoledge to thrive in the land of our life graduall bee olorful, brilliant. teaher knoledge is so that students feel their ivilization and hope; teaher are broad-minded, let everone kno ho to tolerane and patiene; teaher harities are the ees, so that ou bee strong b the eak. hen students bee disouraged hen setbaks, ou are a teaher at heart so hope; smooth sailing hen ou sueed, the teahers are out in time ure. ing-ing teaher alas laughing, so full of u.s. fores. even if the oasional sullen ees, and let ou feel arm and look forard to. hat are the great teaher. teaher put someone likened ater, said she had a seedling moisture; teaher someone put a andle than done, that she lit up the burning of their on people; people have put hard teaher gardener than done, said her life-long efforts ere ell-fed these are our floers of the motherland. or sunset date, the teaher artifiial blood and seat, inter heat, alas enthusiasti teaher to guide ou forard ith. in the future, hether ou ill be tall and straight of the trees, or lo shrubs, life ill all pa tribute to the teahers. here, for those ho do not respet for teahers and students, ou should reflet on their on, teahers should be brought to give the blessing of the most devout and most sinere gratitude. 在亿万孩子茁壮成长中,是谁告诉他们如何做人?是谁给他们传输知识?是谁对他们如同对自己的孩子一般?不用说了,那就是有被称为 人类灵魂工程师 的 老师。为了你们的成长,老师们含辛茹苦,煞费苦心。 曾经,你是一棵嫩绿的芽儿,大树为你遮阴挡雨,微风为你送来清凉,然而,沐浴在老师智慧的阳光里,茁壮成长在老师知识的土地上,你们的生活才慢慢变得缤纷、绚丽。 是老师渊博的知识,让同学们们感受文明与希望;是老师宽广的胸怀,让大家懂得宽容与忍让;是老师慈善的目光,让你们由懦弱变得坚强。当同学们遇到挫折灰心丧气时,是老师在你们心田播种希望;当你们取得成功一帆风顺时,是老师及时开出 骄兵必败 的良方。老师总是笑语盈盈,让大家充满力量。即使偶尔愠怒的目光,也让你们感到亲切与盼望。 老师是多么伟大。有人把老师比做水,说她滋润了一片幼苗;有人把老师比做蜡烛,说她燃烧了自己照亮了别人;还有人把老师比做辛勤的园丁,说她用毕生的心血精心得浇灌着你们这些祖国的花朵。日升日落,老师挥洒着血汗,寒冬酷暑,老师永远满腔热情,指引着你们不断前进。在将来,无论你会成为挺拔的乔木,还是低矮的灌木,都将会用生命的全部向老师致敬。在此,对于那些不尊重老师的学生,你们应当反省一下自己,应当给老师送上最虔诚的祝福与最真挚的谢意。感恩教师的演讲稿
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