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经典教师节的英文祝福语节日祝福短信 教师节祝福语 经典教师节的英文祝福语经典教师节的英文祝福语1.a teaher affets eternit; he an never tell here his influene stops. henr adams2.this is teahers da and a time to be grateful to all teahers. this profession deserves the speial reognition and respet. there is no more appropriate time than this to honour ou and others in our hosen field. ou have m eternal gratefulness. have a happ teahers da.3.for all the great things ou sa and do the best teaher s XXrd goes to ou.4. e ish to sho our gratitude and thanks ith a small gift. happ teahers da!5. ou are like a third parent. e all love ou and respet ou.6. the primar purpose of eduation is not to teah ou to earn our bread, but to make ever mouthful seet.7. e all like having ou as our teaher. ou have our respet and gratefulness.8. our beloved teaher, ou are the spring shoer that moistens our hearts. the love and are ou have given us ill enourage us to go through a long and arduous journe. 9. m heartfelt thanks to ou, dear teaher. on the voage of life, ou have kindled the light of hope for me. hat ou have done enrihes m mind and broadens m vie. on this da i honour ou sinerel.10.one good teaher in a lifetime ma sometimes hange a delinquent into a solid itizen.11. teaher, ho eduate hildren, deserve more honor than parents, ho merel gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, hile the former ensure a good life.12. hat sulpture is to a blok of marble, eduation is to the soul.13. ou have been a qualified teahers and even better friend. thank ou for all that ou have done.14. it is the most appropriate time to sho ou our thanks.15. this small gift is onl a tin token of our gratefulness. e all ant to thank ou16. i am trul grateful to ou for hat ou have done.17. dear teaher, thank ou for illuminating m voage of life ith our on light of life. m grateful sentiments e from the bottom of m heart.18. the hole seret of the teahers fore lies in the onvition that men are onvertible.1 9. no one deserves a bigger thank ou than ou. one da is hardl enough to sho our gratitude.20. thank ou for making learning not a dull thing but a great jo.21. e all pithed to bu this gift. e are all grateful to ou. ithout our unselfish dediation ould e ahieve no suess toda.22. our beloved teaher, ou are the spring shoer that moistens our hearts. the love and are ou have given us ill enourage us to go through a long and arduous journe.23. ou are not onl a good teaher but our lose friend. thank ou for helping us make something of our lives.24. m heartfelt thanks to ou, dear teaher. on the voage of life, ou have kindled the light of hope for me. hat ou have done enrihes m mind and broadens m vie. on this da i honour ou sinerel.25. i ish to express m thanks to ou for instruting m hild.26. m sinere thanks to ou for being m hilds teaher.27. m hild speaks highl of ou. thank ou ver muh.28. as parents e reognize the value of ou in our hilds development. thank ou for hat ou have done.29. one good teaher in a lifetime ma sometimes hange a delinquent into a solid itizen.30. teaher, ho eduate hildren, deserve more honor than parents, ho merel gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, hile the former ensure a good life.31. hat sulpture is to a blok of marble, eduation is to the soul.32. ou have been a qualified teahers and even better friend. thank ou for all that ou have done.33. eduation is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.34. the man ho an make hard things eas is the eduator.35. send ou our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this speial da.36. a teaher affets eternit; he an never tell here his influene stops.37. it is the most appropriate time to sho ou our thanks.38. this small gift is onl a tin token of our gratefulness. e all ant to thank ou39. i am trul grateful to ou for hat ou have done.40. no one deserves a bigger thank ou than ou. one da is hardl enough to sho our gratitude.41. dear teaher, thank ou for illuminating m voage of life ith our on light of life. m grateful sentiments e from the bottom of m heart.4 2.happ teahers da!:/sms/jiaoshijieduanxin/15242321426663626963.htm
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