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芮成钢全国英语演讲稿:East and West have met演讲稿 英语演讲稿 芮成钢全国英语演讲稿:East and West have met芮成钢全国英语演讲稿:East and West have meteast and est have met 东西方相聚 runner-up: rui heng gang, foreign affair ollege honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: kipling said: east is east, and est is est, and never the tain shall meet! but no, a entur later, the have met. the have met in business. the have met in eduation. the have met in the arts. some ould argue that these meetings leave us ith a hoie beteen east and est ,but i believe the best future lies in the reative bination of both orlds. e an make estern ideas, ustoms and tehnolog our on, and adapt them to our on use. e an enjo the best of all orlds, beause our tradition is, above all, one of seleting the best and making it our on. but, do estern s and values threaten our identit? histor makes it eas for us to think so-perhaps too eas. some people seem to think that adopting estern ustoms, suh as a bride earing hite-hih has long been a olor of mourning in hina, instead of the traditional hinese red for her edding, is another submission to foreign intervention,-a betrXXl of our heritage, the sa. the fear that as e bee globalized , e ill no longer be hinese. i do not agree. histor teahers that a strong and onfident nation is at ease in hearing from the outside orld. the edding of eastern and estern ultures, hether in hite gons or red, brings us variet. it is a rih banquet of speial foods from all over the orld. as an amateur gourmet of hinese uisine, our superb flavours delight me. but m hinese taste appreiates food from an land. i even allo the onveniene of mdonald s a plae in m life ithout giving up m good taste. m grandfather taught me to hum tunes of beijing opera from the time i as ver oung; the are deep in m spirit, part of m soul. i love beijing opera, beause it alas reminds me of ho i am. but i am also a fan of modern pop musi, the no.1 fan of spie girls on ampus. of ourse, it goes far beond food, musi and dane. it goes into values and as of thinking about the orld. one upon a time, or so m teaher told me, a hinese bo and an amerian girl had a squabble. both anted to keep a bunn rabbit the had found in the garden. surel ou ve seen a rabbit sunning himself in the grass. nothing is more lovable, nothing more natural. no onder the anted him. the hinese bo plaed his er-hu. happiness and jo, longing and passion, filled the air. the little rabbit saed gentl and began to move his ears in the diretion of the musi. he liked hat he heard. the girl then took out her violin and plaed it to produe beautiful melodies of her on. the rabbit began to boune in her diretion. so intent ere the hildren on their on musi that neither paid the other an attention. the peting melodies onfused the little rabbit and he did not kno hih a to turn .unable to attrat the little reature, both hildren gave up ;the alked XX, in different diretions, leaving the rabbit. . .alone. but, hat if the listened ,hat if the reall heard eah other s musi, instead of alas plaing their on tunes? hen i hear the musi of a violin ,rih ith the jos of men and omen ho ame together and sang and daned. . i hear ehoes of the musi of the grass lands, of the hills, of the rivers.芮成钢全国英语演讲稿:East and West have meteast and est have met东西方相聚runner-up: rui heng gang, foreign affair ollegehonorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:kipling said: east is east, and est is est, and never the tain shall meet! but no, a entur。跟乔布斯学习怎么写英语演讲稿无论在学习还是工作中,我们都会接触或用到各类英语演讲,小到课堂作业和工作汇报,大到会议发言和职位竞选。那么如何才能打造一篇精彩的英语演讲稿呢?下面笔者就以乔布斯 XX年斯坦福大学毕业演讲稿为范本来具体剖析一下英语演讲稿的写作要。英语演讲稿:Helen Kellerhello,m name is vivian.toda ill tell ou a stor about helen keller.helen keller as an amerian riter ,she as born in 1880.she as deaf-blind beause she had a disease hen she as 1 ear old。.英语教师期中考后家长会发言稿尊敬的各位家长:下午好!今天,我很荣幸地在这里,作为你们孩子的英语老师,和你们共同探讨一下怎样帮助孩子学好英语,由于水平有限,不当之处,敬请批评指正。一、首先说说这次期中考试的情况,我带的三年级三个班、四年级一个班的英语。高中生英语演讲稿范文:微笑是一种亲切good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!toda id like to share m personal experiene of happiness and bitterness of being an english teaher。
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