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英文毕业留言致词毕业留言 英文毕业留言致词英文毕业留言致词lass of XX! first i d like ou to stand up, and ave and heer our supportive famil and friends! i m sure ou an find them out there. sho our love! a long time ago, in this old september of 1962, there as a steven s o-op at this ver universit. that o-op had a kithen ith a eiling that had been leaned b student volunteers probabl ever deade or so. piture a ollege girl named gloria, limbing up high on a ladder, struggling to lean that filth eiling. standing on the floor, a oung boarder named arl as admiring the vie. and that s ho the met. the ere m parents, so i suppose ou ould sa i m a diret result of that kithen hemistr experiment, right here at mihigan. everone in m famil ent here to mihigan: m brother, m mom, m dad all of us. m father s father orked in the hev plant in flint, mihigan. he as an assembl line orker. he drove his to hildren here to ann arbor, and told them: that is here ou re going to ollege. i kno it sounds funn no. both of his kids atuall did graduate from mihigan. that as the amerian dream. hat i m tring to tell ou, this is a more than a homeing for me. i have a stor about folloing dreams. or mabe more auratel, it s a stor about finding a path to make those dreams real. ou kno hat it s like to ake up in the middle of the night ith a vivid dream? and ou kno ho, if ou don t have a penil and 4)pad b the bed, it ill be pletel gone b the next morning? ell, i had one of those dreams hen i as 23. hen i suddenl oke up, i as thinking: hat if e ould donload the hole eb, and just keep the links? and i grabbed a pen and started riting! sometimes it s important to ake up and stop dreaming. i spent the middle of that night sribbling out the details and onvining mself it ould ork. soon after, i told m advisor, terr inograd, it ould take a ouple of eeks for me to donload the eb he nodded knoingl, full XXre it ould take muh longer but ise enough not to tell me. the optimism of outh is often underrated! amazingl, at that time, i have no thoughts building a searh engine. the idea asn t even on the radar. but, muh later e happened upon a better a of ranking and e made a reall great searh engine, and google as born. hen a reall great dream shos up, grab it! hen i as here at mihigan, i had atuall been taught ho to make dreams real! i kno it sounds funn, but that is hat i learned in a summer amp onverted into a training program alled leadershape. their slogan is to have a health disregard for the impossible . that program enouraged me to pursue a raz idea at the time: i anted to build a personal rapid transit sstem on ampus to replae the buses. i still think a lot about transportation ou never loose a dream, it just inubates as a hobb. man things people labor hard to do no, like ooking, leaning, and driving ill require muh less human time in the future. that is, if e have a health disregard for the impossible and atuall build the solutions. 毕业留言 英文毕业留言致词英文毕业留言致词i think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. i kno that sounds pletel nuts. but, sine no one else is raz enough to do it, ou ll have little petition. the best people ant to ork on the big hallenges. that is hat happened ith google. our mission is to organize the orld s information and make it universall aessible and useful. ho an that not get ou exited? but e almost didn t start google, atuall, beause m o-founder serge and i ere too orried about dropping out of the phd program. ou are probabl on the right trak if ou feel like a sidealk orm during a rainstorm! that is about ho e felt after e maxed out three redit ards buing hard disks off the bak of a truk. that as atuall the first hardare for google. parents and friends: more redit ards alas help. hat is the one sentene summar of ho ou hange the orld? alas ork hard on something unfortabl exiting! as a ph.d. student, i atuall had three projets i anted to ork on. thank goodness m advisor said, h don t ou ork on the eb for a hile? tehnolog and espeiall the internet an reall help ou be laz. laz? hat i mean is a group of three people an rite softare that then millions an use and enjo. an three people anser the phone a million times? find the everage in the orld, so ou an be trul laz! overall, i kno it seems like the orld is rumbling out there, but it is atuall a great time in our life to get a little raz, follo our uriosit, and be ambitious about it. don t give up on our dream. the orld needs ou all! so here s m final stor: on a da like toda, ou might feel 12)exhilarated like ou ve just been shot out of a annon at the irus and even invinible. don t ever forget that inredible feeling. but also: alas remember that the moments e have ith friends and famil, the hanes e have to do things that might make a big differene in the orld, or even to make a small differene to the ones e love all those onderful hanes that life gives us, life also takes XX. it an happen fast, and a hole lot sooner than ou think. in late marh 1996, soon after i had m
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