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英语演讲稿范文:Prepared Speech演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿范文:Prepared Speeh英语演讲稿范文:Prepared Speeh2017-04-06honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.first of all, let me take this hane to present to ou a set of data that i hope ont bore ou sine the soure is hina dail.hinas tourism revenue last ear reahed 500 billion rmb, an inrease of 10.5 perent from the ear before, and prised more than 5% of hinas gdp. aording to experts, this number ill gro to 8% in the ing ten ears and more than 40 million jobs ill be reated.as a student majoring in eonomis, i ant be more sensitive to the essential meanings behind these numbers. the mean progress, prosperit, emploment and stabilit.hoever, as a onsientious hinese and itizen of the orld, i ant help but are more about the losses inurred in this transation, b hih i mean the disturbing images of environmental destrution, hih leads to eologial risis. the global environment has hanged for the orse during the past fe ears, and tourism is partl to blame. take hina for example, in order to attrat tourists, man unknon plaes are built into resorts. forests are leared, prairies trampled, rivers and lakes 6)ontaminated, ild animals are driven XX, plants jeopardized and seluded populations disturbed.if this seems too remote and abstrat, m on traveling experiene ma speak louder here. last ear i took a tour around emei mountain in sihuan provine. like most tourists, i as eager to embrae nature and enjo its beaut. hoever, as soon as i got on the bus, the stenh of gasoline and the noise of the engine tainted m appreiation of the onderful sener and the tranquilit of the ountr road. hen e finall arrived, hat i sa as not a beautiful landsape but rods of people; hat i heard as not the melodious singing of birds, but elling and bargaining from the gift shops; hat i smelled as not the fresh mountain air, but stinking suffoating smoke ing out of small dirt restaurants. moreover, i ould not understand h the lovel monkes living there had to take photos ith tourists all da; h the beautiful butterflies and floers had bee lifeless samples in shop indos; h the strongest impressions i had as trash sattered everhere on the ground.hoever, this is not the end of the stor. before i left emei, i met a group of kids in an eotourism program ith the slogan: experiening, learning and proteting. hen i sa their oung hands piking up trash from the ground, hen i felt their enjoment and harmonious relationship ith the animals, hen i found their purest ees filled ith passion and love for nature, i realized to m great satisfation that there doesnt have to be a tradeoff beteen tourism and eolog, beause deep ithin us is an inlination toard natural beaut and a desire to protet it. es, environmental problems ill eventuall ease ith the advanement of siene and tehnolog and improvement of our management sstem. hoever, an inrease of eologial eduation and hands-on environmental involvement of our fello itizens ill do even better. to realize this, the best a for us lies in tourism itself beause nothing other than nature an teah us ho to love and herish our seetest home. at the end of m speeh, please let me e bob dlan:ho man roads must a man alk don before ou all him a man?ho man times must a man look up before he an see the sk?ho man ears an a mountain exist before its ashed to the sea?the anser, m friend, is not in the ind-the anser is ours! thank ou!编辑:英国首相卡梅伦给伦敦 2017同性恋大游行英语演讲稿关于母亲的英语演讲稿:妈妈的爱中秋节主题征文演讲稿范文中国梦演讲稿:为中国梦而努力学习昨天,今天,明天!演讲稿高中毕业生代表演讲稿标兵现场演讲稿客服中心班长岗位竞聘演讲稿办公室副主任竞岗演讲稿大学生学生会竞职演讲稿 2017银行竞聘演讲稿开头公众爱岗敬业演讲稿范文大学生公众演讲稿:让青春飞扬公众演讲稿:我劳动我快乐农村教师公众演讲稿范文
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