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英语演讲稿:Express;opinion;efficiently演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:Expressopinioneffiientl英语演讲稿:Expressopinioneffiientlhi! i am thomas, a teaher in journalism shool of renmin universit. m major is nes mentar, sometimes, it also be alled revies and editorial. but more simpl, ou an just all it opinion riting, that ma be monl understood, as everone has on opinion.atuall, i have thought it over for a long time about ho to use m professional knoledge to help more people.ou ma ask me: h do ou have this idea? hat an ou do ?as ou kno, nes mentar ma be onsidered as speial abilit of fe journalists. the need strong sense to analze the nes and abilit to express their viepoint, in editorial or olumn. but aording to some theories suh as soial responsibilit theor, mass media should funtions as a idea market, in hih everone an exhange their idea. thats the opinion pages in most of nespapers of orld. from the end of 20th entur, more and more hinese nespapers have opinion pages, more and more hinese people express their idea in these pages. so the need training of express. that hat i an do.ou ma sa that,everone has born abilit to express. but, in m opinion, the good expression in mass media publil must be effiient, so as to make audienes easil understand hats our point. aording to some journalism sholars, the audienes of mass medias are alas hurried, the have no more time to vie or listen to it over and just san our artile. so our must express our idea in effiient text.an effiient text means that the audienes pa less time and easil get our point. generall, that need logial thinking, lear riting, hih inlude lear struture, short sentenes, simple ords so as to make sure text readable. otherise, ou ill aste the resoures of media and times of audienes, finall, ou ma lose the opportunit to express.ho to make a text effiient? atuall, journalism pursue good effet of muniation; nes stor and nes mentar are effiient texts. journalism and muniation sholars have found some rules and skills to enhane effet of text, suh as formula of readabilit and prima-reen effet. for example, putting our viepoint into the beginning ma be effiient generall, that help the reader get our opinion as earl as possible and ensure them not to lose our thread.no, let me end m speeh. in modern soiet, medias take a more and more important role. the give us strong impat. peoples should kno medias and use medias to partiipate publi affair. it is m dut to help people using medias to express their ideas. more opinion expression ill benefit soiet. i shall do m best.:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/119701281419619.htm
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