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英语演讲稿:my pride演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:m pride英语演讲稿:m prideHello everone, m name is Lee. This is reall a great honor to have this opportunit, and I believe I an make good performane toda. No I ill introdue mself briefl. I am 20 ears old,born in Guangdong provine, south of China, and I am a senior student at Guangdong *Universit. M major is English. And I ill reeive m bahelor degree after m graduation in June. In the past four ears, I spent most of m time on stud. I passed CET4 and CET6 ith a ease and aquired basi theoretial and pratial knoledge of Language. Besides, I have attended several Speeh petition held in Beijing, hih reall shoed our professional advantages. I have taken a tour to some big fatories and panies, through hih I got a deep understanding of English for appliation. Compared to developed ountries, unfortunatel, although e have made extraordinar progress sine 1998, our pakaging industr is still underdeveloped, mess and unstable, and the situation of emploees in the field is akard. But I have full onfidene in its bright future if onl our eonom an be kept at the groth pae still. I guess ou ma be interested in h I hoose this job. I ould like to tell ou that this job is one of m lifelong goals. If I an ork here,I ill ork hard. As to m harater, I annot desribe it ell, but I kno I am optimisti and onfident. Sometimes I prefer to sta alone, reading and listening to the musi, but I am not lonel, for I like to hat ith m lassmates about almost everthing. M favorite pastime is to pla volleball, to pla ards or to surf online. From life at universit, I learn ho to balane stud and entertainment. B the a, I as an ator in our amazing drama lub. I have a fe glorious memories on stage. That is m pride
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