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英语演讲稿:To Grow a Heart演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:To Gro a Heart英语演讲稿:To Gro a Heartgood morning, ladies and gentlemen,last summer, i volunteeredto ork as an english teaher in a primar shool for hildren of migrant orkers. to be aurate, i didnt volunteer. i as dragged in literall. hen m friends first hit upon the idea of this projet. i as all against it. hat? to spend m vXXtion standing in the heat elling at a bunh of nine-ear-olds ho ouldnt even speak proper mandarin hinese? and besides. theres no pa for m toil. no. i am definitel not going. m friends tisted m arms to have me join them.unexpetedl,the first lesson i taught turned out a lesson for me. the moment i stepped into the shabb lassroom. i as touhed b the loud, respetful voies in unison. good morning teaher ! instead of fooling around, the hildren ere thirst for knoledge and effiient in absorbing everthing i as able to give them. this made me despise mself for i hadnt even prepared for the lass. during the break. i leaned over the squeak desk, hatting ith a seat bo in the front ro. ithout air-onditioning, its reall hot here. are ou tired? not at all. said he. shaking his head. its fine here. m dad builds asphalt roads. that is reall tiring and hot.as summer advaned. m enthusiasm as a teaher gre. i prepared m lesson arefull and even used some methods m teahers used. i organized man group ativities to give the kids fun. strangel enough the heat as also being less and less unbearable. soon, m one-month volunnteer ame to an end. hen i as leaving m last lass, i turned bak and sa smiling faes and aving hands. never before had i ever had suh a feeling of sadness. hih as, nevertheless, mixed ith a sense of enrihment, fulfillment and happiness. i as paid for m ork, ampl paid, not in terms of mone, but something more valuable.m english as improved, i as able to teah it, although not ver professional. i learned about the grassroots-level soiet. inside mself a heart is groing. a heart that not onl beats for mself. but ares for others as ell. the volunteer ork gave me a preious little hane of saing thanks. to people like the little bos father ho onstrut highas and undergrounds, build up modern sksrapers, and make our ities more and more beautiful. to help the hildren ith their english as all i ould do at present to sho m gratitude to these unsung heroes. the orld ma not have been fair to them. so privileged and blessed people like me make their life better. hatever i do for them, hoever, i kno it ant be pared ith hat the have done to improve the qualit of life in our ities. ladies and gentlemen. no i realize that voluntar shouldnt be just a one-time personal experiene. it should be a lifetime ativit of everbod. man of us are no offering assistane to the need and to eah other and our efforts have indeed made a differene shooling,- or aring for the elderl in nursing homes, and helping out in 2017 beijing olmpis, ill not onl ontribute to the harmon of the orld but elevate ourselves as ell. emerson one said, its one of the most beautiful pensations of this life no man an sinerel tr to help another ithout helping himself he as right. i hear that m universit is going to organize another voluntar teahing program this summer. this time i ont be dragged in. i ill volunteer. thank ou ! 演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:To Gro a Heart英语演讲稿:To Gro a Heart:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1191717545652405.htm
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