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英语演讲稿:经验助你成功演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:经验助你成功英语演讲稿:经验助你成功dear all, experiene makes ou sueedi still remembered the first time hen i beame a tehnial seondar shool teaher of english literature. it seemed that it happened esterda. at that da, i got quite read and i had the onfidene to be a good teaher. i arrived at the lassroom, eager to share m knoledge and experiene ith all the students of m lass. having prepared for to das, i had no doubt to hold their attention and to impress on them m admiration for the literature. stand up! the monitor spoke loudl. the entire lass stood up as i entered the lassroom. i as a little puzzled, but quikl that akardness as over, i regained m almness and began m ell-prepared leture, sure to gain their respet- or even their admiration. i m our english, miss jiang. toda e are going to learn . . . i as ver pleased ith ork . as the bell rang, i ent bak to m offie full of a sense of ahievement. the folloing da hen i read m students diaries, the ros glo as graduall replaed b a strong sense of sadness. the first diar said, our literature teaher didn t teah us anthing toda. perhaps her next leture ould be better. greatl surprised, i read diar after diar, eah expressed a similar theme. didn t i teah them anthing? i desribed the entire frameork and laid the bakground for the passage e ould stud in lass, i puzzled. ho should the sa i taught them nothing? it as a long term, and it graduall beame lear that m ideas about eduation eren t the same as those of m students. i thought a teaher s job as to raise interesting questions and provide enough bakground so that students ould dra their on onlusions. m students thought a teaher s job as to provide exat information as diretl and learl as possible. hat a differene! i tell mself i an handle it. pared to hat others have been through , i m fortunate. thinking of these sentenes i felt something important struk me. i believe m life ould not be that bad and it as proved to be true. later during m life and ork i alas told mself i an handle it. hen m on goals seemed far off or hen m problems seemed too overhelming. and ever time i said it, i alas ame bak to m senses. no the experiene ith m students has made me learn a lot, and made me be a better english teaher.:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1451818471587224.htm演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:经验助你成功英语演讲稿:经验助你成功the folloing ear, it as september 10th. i ent to lass as ell. hen i stepped into the lass, i felt surprised. there as a post ard on the table, but i didn t sho it on m fae. i began teahing lessons. after the lass, i alked out of the lass ith a ard in m hand. i opened the ard in the offie, it as a musi ard ith ords on it. it said man thanks to ou, miss jiang. e all love ou e like our teahing. i as impressed b the ords. ho honest and simple the ords ere. hot tears ouldn t help dropping. at that time, i as so proud of being an english teaher. so here, ing to us are ords that an give us strength. hatever ou re going through, tell ourself ou an handle it. tell this to ourself over and over, and it ill help ou get through the rough spots ith little more fortitude.
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