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英语自由辩论赛词辩论赛 英语自由辩论赛词英语自由辩论赛词last thursda i got a piee of good nes that our ollege had given me the opportunit to take part in the daning petition of jinlin provine. although i felt delighted and exited, i delined it. h? h did i deline it? beause i realized the results. hat i ill benefit from it is not in proportion to hat i ill lose. as a student, stud must e first. ou might sa that student pageants are a stage for students to realize their dreams. but i ant to tell ou that the most effiient a to gain a bright future is to stud hard but not to take part in student pageants. so i do not regret giving up that opportunit. atuall student pageants do more harm to soiet than to individuals. four ears earlier in hanghun, a student pageant alled super bo ame up, and i still remember the hampion in hanghun ontest area as a team alled a-one. as a tv-athing lover, i athed ever sho performed b a-one. then i as shoked hen i heard the nes that this team as put in the first plae beause in m mind, obviousl the other ontestants ere far more versatile pared ith a-one. to months later, i got the truth that this team had bribed all the judges ith numerous mone. that s h the ould be the first. another point is that it has side effets on our soiet. i mean orruption ill get in the a of soial progress. that ill be the orst thing in this ivilized soiet. do ou agree? i m sure ou agree. i have just talked about the bad effets that student pageants have on our soiet. orruption is onl one point. another point is that student pageants ma result in a great loss in professional aspets, suh as sientifi researh, medial treatment and so on. no please allo me to take hina s spaeflight industr as an example. let us imagine if our spaeflight hero angliei had had the potential to sing and dane hen he as a ollege student. and he had hozen to sing and dane as his areer instead of to be a spaeman. es, he might also be suessful. but our ountr ould lose an exellent spaeman and ou might haven t seen manned spaeraft shenzhou 5 roket into the sk. so i believe everone here ill agree that a spaeman does more signifiant ontributions to our ountr than a singer or daner does. ou might sa that ou an benefit a lot from student pageants. but ou ll kno the fat that ever student pageant osts a lot of mone if ou have ever taken part. one i read a piee of nes in hina dail that a universit student borroed mone from here and there in order to take part in a tv sho alled super girl. but unfortunatel she failed to sho and express herself on the stage. and at the same time she as unable to pa bak the mone she borroed from her friends, lassmates and relatives. so at last she had to quit shool. ho patheti! mabe ou think this poor gu deserves it. but ho man of ou ould like to take part in student pageants? let us assume, ou have plent of mone, ill ou take part in student pageants? ill ou? eah, ou ma take part hen ou re rih, but i still have another reason to support m opinion. student pageants are also a aste of time and vigor. most of the student pageants are not on during the summer and inter vXXtion. so more or less the have a bad impat on our stud if ou take part in student pageants during our ollege ears. as a matter of fat, ou just spend a little time shoing ourself on tv, but it takes quite a lot of time and vigor for ou to make a good preparation. ell, at this point, ill ou make up our mind to get bad marks or even fail in the exams just for a student pageant? ertainl ou on t. to make a brief onlusion, student pageants are a aste of mone, time and vigor. so e re against student pageants. i m afraid i don t agree. es, there is no dening the fat that the existene of student pageants has its inevitabilit. but man unknon stories have killed our onfidene in the justie of student pageants. for instane, a junior high shool student, hose famil is not that rih, paid quite a lot of mone for transportation and board and lodging in order to take part in super girl. and it as exiting that she ranked the 10th in her ontest area, hereas she as not knon to the publi. as it beause she didn t pa enough mone or beause her performane as inferior to someone else s? unquestionabl the former. are ou of the same opinion as i?
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