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Unit1 This is My Day四会单词 do morning exercises 晨练 eat breakfast 吃早饭 have English class 上英语课 play sports 进行体育活动 eat dinner 吃晚饭 climb mountains 爬山 go shopping 去购物 play the piano 弹钢琴 visit grandparents 探望(外) 祖父母 go hiking 去远足 sometimes有时候 when 什么时候 evening 夜晚,晚上 get up 起床 at 在点钟 usually 通常,一般 noon 中午 weekend 周末 often 经常四会句子 When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. What about you? I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 复习知识点 1、一 When do you do morning exercises?你什么时候晨练?一 I usually do morning exercises at 8:30 我通常在 8:30 晨练。When do you 十动词短语?它的回答:I usuallyoften或 UsuallySometimes l2、一 Excuse meCan l ask you some questions? 对不起,打扰了。我可以问你些问题吗?它的回答是:SureCertainly Yes等等。3、 What do you do? 你是做什么的 ?一 I am a policeman我是个警察。女警察:policewoman4、一 I eat dinner at 7:00in the evening 我晚上七点钟吃晚饭。in the morning 在早上 at noon 在中午 In the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上5、一 Thank you for telling me about your day. 谢谢你告诉我关于你的一天。6、一 Lets go hiking together next Sunday 让我们下个星期日一起去远足。Next:下一个。 Together:一起。7、一 The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow。天气报告说明天会下雨。 Be going to一般将来时,意思是“将会,将要,准备”8、一 I cant go to play football in the rain. I cant go hiking,either 我不能在雨中踢足球,我也不能去远足。Either 和 too 都是“也”的意思。Too 用在肯定句,either 用在否定句和一般疑问句。Unit 2 My Favourite Season 四会单词spring 春天 summer 夏天 fall 秋天 winter 冬天season 季节 which 哪一个 best 最;极 swim 游泳fly kites 放风筝 skate 滑冰;滑冰鞋 make a snowman 堆雪人plant trees 植树 why 为什么 because 因为 sleep 睡觉四会句 Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time. 复习知识点1、一 Whats your favourite season?你最喜欢哪个季节?一 Winter冬天。Whats your favourite?你最喜爱的是什么?它的回答:I like或者直接答出这样东西就可以。Whats your favourite colour?你最喜爱的颜色是什么 ?Whats your favourite animal?你最喜爱的动物是什么 ;2、一 Whats the weather like in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?它的回答是:Its Which season do you like best? Whats your favourite season?3、 一 Its always sunny and cool天气总是晴朗又凉爽。always:总是,一直。我们学过的这样的词还有:usually:通常,般;often:经常;sometimes:有时候4、 Well,in Canada l like fall bestThe sky is very blueThe leaves arecolourful哦,在加拿大,我最喜爱秋天。蓝蓝的天空,树叶色彩鲜艳。Well:感叹词,意思是好啦,哦。Leaf:叶子。复数是:leaves是不规则变化,像这样的名词还有:knife( knives ):小刀 wife(wives):妻子5、一 I like swim in the sea我喜欢在大海里游泳。不同于:I like swimming.这指的是贯的喜欢,用于一般的叙述,但是 like to 则指特别的场合或习惯。例如:I like swimming but l dont like to swim the river我喜欢游泳,但我不喜欢在河卫游泳。6、 一 What would you like to do? Id like to你想做什么?我想。7、 一 Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?一 Because l can plant trees因为我可以植树。Unit 3 My Birthday四会单词Jan.一月( 缩写 ) Feb.二月 Mar.三月 Apr.四月May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 Aug.八月Sept.九月 Oct.十月 Nov. 十一月 Dec.十二月birthday 生日 uncle 叔叔;舅舅 her 她的 date 日期January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十月 December 十二月 first 第 second 第二third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 eighth 第八 ninth 第九 twelfth 第十二 twentieth 第二十下面的单词和短语要听、说的:chart 图表 Cousin 堂(表) 儿弟; 堂(表)姐妹send 寄;发送 e-card 电子卡片 able 能everyone 每个人 then 那么四会句子When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too. Is her birthday in June? Yes. Whats the date? June 9th . 复习知识点1、一 When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?一 My birthday is in June我的生日在六月。2、一 How many birthdays are there in January? There are有多少人的生日在一月?有。3、一 Is your birthday in February,too?你的生日也在二月吗? 这是般疑问句。4、 一 When is Childrens Day? Its in June儿童节是什么时候?在六月。常见的国内外节日还有:Tree-planting Day 植树仃New Years Day 新年,元旦Army Day 建军节National Day 国庆节Christmas Day 圣诞节Mothers Day 母亲节Fathers Day 父亲节Womens Day 妇女节TeachersDay 教师节5、 一 When is Grandpas birthday?爷爷什么时候生日? 某人 s:表示某人的,并且要注意:位于人名或姓氏之前表示亲属关系的词,其开头的字母要大写。例如: 。Uncle Bills birthday is in June比尔叔叔的生日在六月。When is Aunt Marys birthday? 玛丽阿姨的生日是什么时候?Cousin Alices birthday is in April爱丽丝表姐的生日在四月。一 Its October1,our National Day 在十月一日,我们的国庆节。6、 When is your birthday? 的回答有多种形式:1) My birthday is in+月份。2) Its in+月份。 3) Its 4+月日。(有具体月日,不用“in” ,或者用“on”也可以。)When is your Independence Day? ItsJuly4th你们的美国独立日是什么时候? 在七月四日。7、 一 Who has a birthday in October?有谁的生日在十月?一 Whats the date?几号?Whats the date today? 今天几号?What day is it today? 今天星期几?8、一 Does she have a computer?她有电脑吗?这是 She has a computer的一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,she does否定回答是:No,she doesnt5、一 Then she wont be able to see the card那么她不会看到这张卡。wont=will not:一般将来时的否定形式。9、 Lets make a birthday card让我们做一张生日卡。10、一 Everyone likes to get birthday cards每个人都喜欢收生日卡。 Unit 4 What Are You Doing?
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