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Page 1 of 101.系统概述1 G eneral Description Of The System汽轮机安全监测仪表系统(Turbine Supervisory Instrument,简称TSI)是一种可靠的连续检测汽轮发电机转子和汽缸的机械工作参数的多路监控系统,可以显示机组状态,为记录仪和计算机系统提供输出信号,并在超出预置的运行极限时发出报警,此外,还能使汽轮机自动停机和提供用于诊断性估算的各种测量数据。Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation ( Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation , referredto as the TSI ) system is a reliable continuous detection of mechanical operating parametersof the turbine generator rotor and cylinder multi-channel monitoring system that candisplay unit provides analog output signals for the recorder and computer systems. TSI alsooutput digital signals for alarm and trip when the input signals exceed the limit.本机组TSI采用的是BENTLEY3500系列模件。This site use the 3500 series modules form BENTLEY.该保护系统设计有冗余的电源模件,由双路电源供电,任一路电源丧失可发出报警,保证系统安全可靠。The protection system is provided with a redundant power supply module and ispowered by double passage power supply.Alarm can be issued when any one power supplyis lost to ensure safety and reliability of the system.TSI的测量回路是由探头、前置放大器、插件式组装仪表等组成。探头和前置器在出厂前已成套进行了线性校准,安装时要成套安装。Measurement loop of TSI consists of probe, front-mounted amplifier and socket typeassembly instruments. Linear calibration is carried out on probe and front-mountedamplifier before leaving the factory and they should be installed in set.2.编制目的2 Preparation of purpose编写本措施的目的是规范TSI系统的调试行为,确保设备、人身不受伤害。保证系统调试保质、保量、有序进行。The purpose of this procedure is to write a specification TSI system commissioningbehavior, ensure that the equipment and person safe. Ensure that the system commissioningquality and orderly manner.Page 2 of 103调试前的应具备的条件3 Necessary Conditions and Preparation before Commissioning3.1 TSI控制设备安装完毕,电源具备条件,就地与TSI机柜的接线正确,线间绝缘符合要求,抗干扰措施符合要求。3.1 Installation of TSI control equipments is finished. The power for TSI is OK. Wiringbetween field and the TSI cabinet is correct, insulation between lines meet requirements,and anti interference measures comply with requirements.3.2汽机本体具备试验条件:各轴承盖开启,探头固定支架安装完毕,汽机处于冷态。3.2 Main body of the turbine possesses test conditions: all bearing covers are opened,installation of fixing supports of probes is finished and turbine is in cold state.3.3汽轮机推力盘紧靠工作推力瓦或非工作推力瓦。3.3 Thrust disc of the turbine is very close to working thrust block or non-working thrustblock.3.4保护、报警定值齐备。3.4 Set points of protections and alarms are perfect.4调试工作内容及分工4 Commissioning Items and Procedures4.1调试项目4.1 Commissioning Items4.1.1 TSI系统安装检查4.1.1 Check installation of the TSI system4.1.2 TSI系统送电及恢复4.1.2 Power initialized and recovery of the TSI system4.1.3 TSI系统测量装置的试验4.1.3 Test of measurement devices in the TSI system4.1.4报警、跳闸定值校核4.1.4 Check set points of alarm and trip4.1.5 TSI系统保护系统试验Page 3 of 104.1.5 Test of protection systems in the TSI system4.2调试程序4.2 Commissioning Procedures4.2.1 TSI系统送电及程序恢复4.2.1 Power initialized and program recovery of the TSI system4.2.2电源冗余试验4.2.2 Power supply redundancy test本系统设计为双路电源冗余供电,当失去一路电源时仪表工作状态不应改变。且发出报警信号到相应的报警系统。The system is designed into double passage power redundant power supply. When onepower supply is lost, working state of instruments will not be changed and an alarm signalwill be sent to corresponding alarm system.4.2.3检查测量信号的校验记录4.2.3 Check calibration records of measurement signals4.2.4现场安装和调试4.2.4 Field installation and commissioning test1)轴向位移和胀差传感器的安装整定1) Installation and commissioning record of rotor position and differential expansion sensor轴向位移传感器的安装整定记录表Installation and commissioning record of rotor position sensor:项目Items传感器类型Sensor type间隙电压VdcGap voltage指示值mmIndicated valueTSI DCS1号轴位移NO.1 RP 3307032号轴位移NO.2 RP 3307033号轴位移NO.3 RP 3307034号轴位移NO.4 RP 330703高压胀差传感器的安装整定记录表Installation and commissioning record of differential expansion sensor of HPPage 4 of 10项目Items传感器类型Sensor type间隙电压VdcGap voltage指示值mmIndicated valueTSI DCS高压胀差1NO.1 DIF EXP 330703高压胀差2NO.2 DIF EXP 330703低压胀差传感器安装调试记录表Installation and commissioning record of of differential expansion sensor of LP实际变化量mmActual change -10 0 5 10 20 30 40指示值mmIndicated value TSIDCS注:传感器类型:19047Note: Sensor type: 190472)转速传感器的安装整定2)Installation and commissioning record of the Speed sensor项目Items传感器类型Sensor type间隙VdcGap零转速Zero speed 330103零转速Zero speed 330103超速1Over-speed 1 330103超速2Over-speed 2 330103超速3Over-speed 3 330103键相1Key phase 1 330103键相2Key phase 2 330103DEH转速1DEH speed 1 ZS01DEH转速2DEH speed 2 ZS01DEH转速3 ZS01Page 5 of 10DEH speed 3转速表(汽机侧)Speedometer(Turbine Side)ZS01转速表(盘车)Speedometer(Gearing) ZS013)轴振动传感器的安装整定3)Installation and commissioning record of Rotor vibration sensor项目Items传感器类型Sensor type间隙电压VdcGap voltage安装位置Installation location轴振动1XR. V-1X 330103轴振动1YR. V-1Y 330103轴振动2XR. V-2X 330103轴振动2YR. V-2Y 330103轴振动3XR. V-3X 330103轴振动3YR. V-3Y 330103轴振动4XR. V-4X 330103轴振动4YR. V-4Y 330103轴振动5XR. V-5X 330103轴振动5YR. V-5Y 330103轴振动6XR. V-6X 330103轴振动6YR. V-6Y 330103轴振动7XR. V-7X 330103轴振动7YR. V-7Y 330103轴振动8XR. V-8X 330103轴振动8Y 330103Page 6 of 10R. V-8Y轴振动9XR. V-9X 330103轴振动9YR. V-9Y 3301034)偏心度传感器的安装整定4)Installation and c
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