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第6章 种群生活史,第一节 生活史概述 个体大小(size),生长率(growth rate)、繁殖(reproduction)和寿命(longevity)和扩散(dispersal)。第二节 繁殖成效 繁殖价值,亲本投资,繁殖成本第三节 繁殖格局 一次繁殖和多次繁殖,生活年限与繁殖第四节 繁殖策略 r选择和K选择 R-、C-、S-选择第五节 性选择 植物的选择受精,动物的性选择,第一节 生活史概述,生活史:是指生物个体一生中生长和繁殖的模式。生活史的关键组合是个体大小(size),生长率(growth rate)、繁殖(reproduction)、寿命(longevity)及扩散(dispersal)。,一、个体大小,是有机体最明显的表型性状,不但不同类群的个体大小各异,即使在同一种群中的不同个体之间,个体大小也有或大或小的差异。,The effects of body size,The body sizes of organisms span a tremendous range.In linear dimension ,this scale extends from bacteria 1 micrometer in length to redwoods 100 meters tall (not including the roots), a span of eight orders of magnitude. Even within a taxon, there is a great range of body sizes (Fig. 7.1).,Fig. 7.1 Frequency distributions of number of species with respect to log body mass for North American mammals (a), birds(b), and freshwater fish .,The effects of body size,Body size has an important influence on life.These effects can be ecological, physiological, or both.An organisms total food requirements increase with increasing size, while per-gram food requirements decrease.Larger organisms have lower risks of predation.Vulnerability to physical factors also varies with size.Larger organisms generally have longer life spans and thus longer generation times, which affect the potential rate of evolution via natural selection.,Copes law(科普定律),Within a particular taxonomic group, size tends to increase over evolutionary time, this notion is referred to as Copes law.For example, in minnows(鲤科小鱼), those species closest to the phylogenetic root of the family are the smallest.The common ancestor of equines(马科动物), Hyracotherium, the dawn horse, was a small animal. The fossil record indicated steadily increase in size. But other lines of horse-like mammals did not show this trend.,100 grams hypothesis,The distribution of mammalian body sizes has a mode at about 100 grams.100 grams represents an optimal body size in the mammals.The optimal body size is a balance between these two limitations.(1) the acquisition of energy, which increases with mass raised to the 0.75 power. (2) the rate of conversion of energy to offspring, which changes as a function of mass to the 0.25 power.,Reproductive power is maximal for animals of about 100 grams.,Allometry(异速生长),The situation in which different morphological characters change at different rates in referred to as allometry.The general equation for allometric relationships is Y = aXb.In Fig. 7.3 the relationship between body weight and brain weight for mammals is plotted on a log-log scale. The relationship is described by the equation Y=0.16 X 0.67,Y=0.16 X 0.67,Allometric changes,Y = aXbLog Y = log a + b log x 假若 b 1, the reverse is true.如:图7.3 brain mass vs body weight.10,000kg animal, the brain/body ratio is 0.0056, For a 100gram animal, the ratio is 0.018. The brain weights change at a slower rate.,Kleibers law,Surface area varies as the square of the linear dimension, whereas the volume varies as its cube.In this case, the allometric equation would be Y = a X 2/3 Where Y is the surface area and x is the volume.Mammals show a consistent allometric relationship between metabolic rate and body mass in which the slope is 0.75,二、生长和发育,生长(growth)有两种含义,一种为生物体生物物质的增加;另一种为生物细胞数量的增加。值得注意的是,细胞数量与生物物质并不总是一起增加。生物个体几乎都具有相似的生长方式,停滞期:这是生物体的准备生长期。概括起来可能受幼株个体小、分裂细胞少、器官尚未完全形成、获取营养的能力小和环境条件尚未达到最适期等因素的影响。指数期:这是生物的真正生长期。生长的内外因素都达到最有利状态。静止期:当越来越多的细胞开始死亡,细胞分裂乃至组织和器官的形成越来越慢,最终达到平衡,呈相对静止状态。一般把生物体各部分器官的不均匀和不成比例的生长称为异速生长。研究异速生长是将生长中的整体与部分,或部分与部分之间进行对应研究。,三、繁殖,繁殖是指有机体产出与自己相似后代的现象。“繁殖”和“生殖”这两个词虽经常通用,但严格地说,繁殖的含义比较广,它是生物形成新个体的所有方式的总称,包括营养繁殖(vegetative propagation)、孢子生殖(spore reproduction)和有性生殖(sexual reproduction)。营养繁殖指生物营养体的一部分生长发育为一个新个体的繁殖方式。孢子生殖指生殖细胞即孢子,不经过有性过程而直接发育成新个体的繁殖方式。有性生殖指通过两性细胞的结合形成新个体的繁殖方式。有时把营养繁殖和孢子生殖并称为无性生殖(asexual reproduction)。生物繁殖方式的生态学意义:在现存环境条件下的扩展性;对多变环境的适应性;繁殖速度;繁殖潜力;在自然选择压力下的进货速度。比较而言,无性生殖不经过复杂的有性过程和胚胎发育阶段,子代来自同一基因型的亲体,因而在适应性与繁殖潜力上处于劣势。,四、扩散,1.扩散(dispersal):指生物个体或繁殖体从一个生境转移到另一个生境中。可以认为扩散是生物进化的一种方法,用来躲避种内竞争和避免近亲繁殖。,2.植物的扩散,除水生浮游植物外,其他植物个体均为固着生长,只有其繁殖体具可动性,而大多数植物繁殖体的扩散均需要借助于某种媒介,属于被动扩散,所以,植物的扩散一般称为繁殖体的传播。植物的繁殖体包括孢子、种子、果实、块根、鳞茎、块茎、根状茎以及能够用于繁殖的植物体的任何部分(例如,某些种类的叶和老根)。,3.扩散意义,动植物的扩散具有同等重要的生物学和生态学意义:可以使种群内和种群间的个体得以交换,防止长期近亲繁殖而产生的衰退现象。可以补充或维持在正常分布区以外的暂时性分布区域的种群数量。扩大种群的分布区。对于动物来说,扩散可能带来天敌侵袭、存活和繁殖成功率降低等诸多风险,但也可能降低暴露给捕食者和染上疾病的机会,增加遇到资源和配偶的机会。并由于杂种优势而产生更多的合适后代的机会。,第二节 繁殖成效,一、繁殖价所有生物都不得不在分配给当前繁殖(Current reproduction)的能量和分配给存活的能量之间进行权衡,后者与未来的繁殖(future reproduction)相关联。 生殖价(reproduction value)是该个体马上要生产的后代数量加上那些预期的其在以后的生命过程中要生产的后代数量。进化预期使个体传递给下一世代的总后代数量最大,换句话说,使个体出生时的生殖价最大。如果未来生命期望低,分配给当前繁殖的能量应该高,而如果剩下的预期寿命很长,分配给当前繁殖的能量应该较低。,The reproductive value,V = (lt/lx)(mx)(Nt/Nx)Where lx is the age-specific survivorship mx is the age-specific birth rateN is population sizex is the current age(lt/lx) represents the probability of surviving from age x to age t.A low probability of survival should result in a low reproductive value.,
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