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71PEP Book7Unit 3 What are you going to do?Part(A) Lets learn教学目标与要求1. 能听说认读动词短 take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine。能听说读写时间短语 next week, this morning/afternoon/evening,并能听、说、认、读时间短语 tomorrow 、tonight。2. 能掌握句型 What are you going to do this evening?I am going to the cinema 并能对其中的动词及时间短语进行替换操练重点 能听、说、读、写四会短语并能替换 Be going to do 句型中的动词和时间短语对将来活动表述难点 对 be going to do 句型的理解和替换操练教具 录音机,动词短语卡片,教学挂图教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Sing a song:What are you going to do?【设计意图】在音乐中活跃气氛,使学生身心得到放松,积极主动地参与到课堂中来.为学生提供语言交际的机会,巩固学过的单词和句子。2.Free talkT: What day is it today?S: Its TuesdayT: What day is it tomorrow?S: Its WednesdayT: What do you do on Wednesdays?S: I often do homework/ read books/ watch TV.【设计意图】对话教学每位教师都有自己的方法,需要根据学生实际进行调整,鼓励学生根据已学课文内容尽可能地编出更多的对话72教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Presentation新知呈现教师出示当天的课程表,问:What do you have this morning ? T 板书 this morning S: We have Chinese, English and math.T: OK! Now,what are we having ?S: We are having English.T: What are you going to have after this class?Youre going to have math. Yes?T: What are you going to have this afternoon? T 板书 this afternoonS: We are going to have music and P.E【设计意图】由学生身边接触的课堂来导入,运用以前学过的句型,引出本课时主句型和时间状语。T: This evening Im going to the cinema to see Harry Porter at 8:00a.m. What are you going to do tonight? T 板书句型,this evening, tonight 并领读 S: Im going to watch TV/【设计意图】学生会用以前学过的动词短语来回答。T 找一排的第一个学生读单词 tonight,然后教师让下一学生读,说:next one,依此类推,让学生体会 next 的意义,从而得知 next week 的意义【设计意图】由此可让学生推出 next Monday 等教师做看杂志动作,What am I doing?让学生猜,学生会说: You are reading a book. T 适时引出 magazine 一词并板书、领读、解释。【设计意图】magazine 的读音是个难点应当重点教授。教师拿出背包,太阳帽等问: What am I going to do?S: Go hikingT: No, Im going to take a trip. T 板书并领读T 播放课文录音,学生静听并跟读,仿读。73教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Practice巩固练习活动设计: Lets say活动设计: Lets practice全班同学分成男女两大组,一问一答,看哪一组问的多,回答的多,即为胜利者。 (答案尽量不要重复)例:B1: What are you going to do this morning?G2: Im going to do morning exercises然后双方交换:G1:What are you going to do next week ?B2: Im going to take a trip【设计意图】问出回答出即得分,依此,直到分出胜负。活动设计: Link教师准备两组卡片,一组表时间,如:this morning/ afternoon, 另一组卡片表动作如:go to the cinema, take a trip 等。找学生上台分别从每一组抽一张卡片,出示给其他同学,由其他同学问,这位学生来答。如:学生抽到了 this evening, read a magazine其他学生齐问:What are you going to do this evening?S: Im going to read a magazine依此进行。【设计意图】进一步训练了主句型的表达What are you going to dothis eveningtomorrowtonightthis morningthis afternoonnext weekI am going to visit grandparentsgo hikingread a bookwatch TVcatch butterfliesdo an experiment74教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Production输出运用课外活动设计一:最佳表演者教师准备好卡片,学生抽出一张,根据内容表演让其他学生猜,猜出即得分。课外活动设计二:小调查员教师出示表格,说:Look! Here are some activities that are good for youPlease decide when you are going to do them and tell your partner Pay attention:You can do them in two weeks学生先在表格中填时间短语,然后进行结对操练。教师请几组学生演示对话First,write the time,then,talk with your partner。可用主句型:What are you going to do this evening?Im going to visit grandparents。Activities WhenVisit grandparents This eveningPlay sports This morningRead a magazine This afternoonTake a trip Next week板书设计Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do?Part(A) Lets learn.What are you going to do this evening/tomorrow/tonight/this morning/this afternoon/next week?I am going to visit grandparents./read a magazine/read a book./take a trip./catch butterflies./go to the cinema.教学反思75家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一.Listen and write.(听一听,写一写)A: What are you going to do _?B: Im going to play sports. What are you going to do _?A: Im going to do homework .After that Im going to the cinema_.B: Great! That sounds wonderful! Shall we go hiking _?A: Wow! Of course! See you!B: See you!二.Read and choose.(读一读,选一选)1.Im going to _next week.A: go trip B: take a trip2. -What are you going to do tonight?- Im _A: going to go to the cinemaB: going to the cinema3.Today is Monday, _ is TuesdayA: yesterday B: tomorrow4.Im going to _A: read a magazine B: look a magazine5.What are you going to _?A: next week B: the next week三.Read and judge.(读一读,判断正误)Hi! Im Mike, Im 12 years old. This week I have a holiday. So I want to arrange(安排) my holiday. Today is Oct.2nd . Im going to the clean my room this morning. And Im going to play sports this afternoon, Im going to the cinema with my brother this evening. Tomorrow Im going to visit my grandparents. Im going to take a trip next week with my parents. We will have a good time! We are happy.1.Mike is going to visit his grandparents this evening ( )2.Mike is going to take a trip this week ( )3.Tomorrow is Oct. 2nd ( ) 4. Mike is going to clean his room. ( ) 5. Mike is not going to play sports in the holiday. ( ) 家庭作业:1基础训练:第 17 页第题2配套练习:第 17 页第三,四题3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_
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