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91PEP Book7Unit 3 What are you going to do?Part(B) Lets talk教学目标与要求1. 能够听、说、读、写句子:Where are you going this afternoon? Im going to the bookstore. What are you going to buy? Im going to buy a comic book. 并能在现实生活中灵活运用,做到语调自然,语音准确。2. 能够听懂 Lets try 部分的对话并完成听音选图的练习。能够听、说、认读 what, where, when 引导的特殊疑问词并能做出相应的回答. 能够使用各种疑问句采访他人的活动安排并做记录。重点 能够运用 what, where, when 引导的特殊疑问句句式进行问答以及各种信息的替换和交流。难点 学生能运用 what ,where, when 疑问句进行真实的交际和掌握四会句型的规范书写教具 录音机,动词短语卡片,教学挂图教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Sing a song:What are you going to do?【设计意图】在音乐中活跃气氛,使学生身心得到放松,积极主动地参与到课堂中来.为学生提供语言交际的机会,巩固学过的单词和句子。2.Free talkA:What are you going to do?B:I am going to buy a comic book in the bookstore.A:When are you going?B:This afternoon【设计意图】在相互的问答中让学生理解、体会语言的正确运用。92教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Presentation新知呈现1. Listen and spell the phrases out quickly .教师说上节课新词,学生组内快速进行抢拼,拼出单词最快最多的组获胜。拼读的单词是 comic book., post card, newspaper, next week, this morning, this afternoon, this evening. 2.出示简明地图(或直接出示 the pictures of lets talk)T: What shop is it? S: Its a bookstore.T What are you going to buy in the bookstore? S: I going to buy a/an 教师根据其回答贴出物品的小卡片:Fruit stand: orange, pear. Shoe store: a pair of boots, sneakers,教师接着举起事先准备的 lets try 的书报或其图片介绍给学生。3.Lets try.a. Listen and answer.T: Point to the Bb and say: there are so many stores and so many goods. Lets listen to the tape and find out:Where is Sarah going? What is she going to buy? 教师把问题呈现给学生,让学生通过听录音找出问题的答案.b. Listen again and finish the table. 教师记录信息Name Where What When4.Lets talk a.让学生听录音回答问题:Where is Chen Jie going?What is she going to buy?When is she going?b. Listen and follow.93教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Practice巩固练习活动设计: Role playWhere are you going this afternoon?I am going to the bookstore.What are you going to buy?I am going to buy a comic book.When are you going?I am going at 3:00【设计意图】在相互的问答中让学生理解、体会语言的正确运用。活动设计: Game“老虎,老虎你做什么”教师将学生分成四组,每组围成一圈,一名学生站在中间充当 Tiger.游戏开始,其他学生问: “What are you going to do, Mr Tiger?” Tiger回答: “I want to buy some books.”而当 Tiger 回答: “I want to eat you”就开始设法抓住一名学生,被抓到的学生接着充当 Tiger.活动设计: Group work教师准备一个盒子,里面装有写着不同动词短语的小纸条.学生 10人左右围成一圈.教师播放音乐,学生开始传递这个盒子.音乐停止,其他学生问: “What are you going to do?” 拿着盒子的学生从盒里取出一张纸条,根据纸条上的文字回答: “I am going to the cinema”等Tiger94教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Production输出运用Make a survey动物王国的美食节就要来了,小动物们将去哪里,准备什么食物来参加比赛呢?晚报的小记者对这些动物进行了采访。教师让扮演小动物的同学戴上课前准备的头饰,另一部分同学扮演小记者进行采访,并做好记录,采访后进行集体交流。最后教师对表现突出的同学发送小礼物表示奖励。Where are you going this afternoon?I am going to the river?What are you going to do?I am going to go fishing.animal where what whencat the river go fishing at 1:00 p.m.板书设计Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do?Part(B) Lets talk.句型:Where are you going this afternoon?I am going to the bookstore.What are you going to buy?I am going to buy a comic book.教学反思95家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一.Listen and choose.(听音选择 )1 Im going to the _.A. cinema B. bookstore C. shoestore D. hospital2 Im going to buy a _.A. comic book B. post card C. magazine D. newspaper3 Im going to buy at _oclock. A.3 B.5 C.2 D. 62.Fill in the blanks.二. Read and number the sentences.(排序)( ) What are you going to buy?( ) Im going to the bookstore.( ) Where are you going this afternoon?( ) Im going to buy a comic book.( ) When are you going?( ) Im going at 5 oclock.三. Choose the right answer.(读一读,判断正误)When Where What Who Why How-_can I get to the Zoo? -You can go by bike.-_do you go to school on foot? -Because my home is near.-_are you going after lunch? -Im going to the bookstore.-_are you going to do? -Im going to play football.-_are you going to play with? -My brother.四.Read and judge.(读一读,判断正误)My name is Tim. Tomorrow is the weekend. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to play computer games with my cousin. Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.( ) 1.Tomorrow is Saturday.( ) 2.Tims mother is going to buy something for next week.( ) 3.Tims father is going to visit his grandparents.( ) 4.Tim is going to play computer games with his sister.( ) 5.Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema.家庭作业:1基础训练:第 20 页第,题; 2配套练习:第 21 页第五,六,七题; 3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_2、不理解的句子_3、准备好课前英语报告。
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