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该项涂黑。1. -Im sorry I didnt make it to your party last night.- _, I know youre busy these days.A. Of course B. No kidding C. Thats all night D. Dont mention it2. Experts think that _recently discovered painting may be _ Picsso.A. the ;不填 B. a ;the C. a; 不填 D. the; a3. Bats are surprisingly long lived creatures some _a life span of around 20 years.A. having B. had C. have D. to have4. One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away _my daughter heard cries for help.A. after B. while C. since D. when5. I always wanted to do the job which Id been trained _.A. on B. for C. by D. of6. The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose Ill just have to _it,A. make the best of B. get away from C. keep an eye on D. catch up with7. Since people are fond of humor, it is as well in conversation as _ else.A. anything B. something C. anywhere D. somewhere8. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of _ uses it somewhat differently.A. which B. what C. them D. those9. The professor could tell by the _ look in Marias eyes that she didnt understand a single word of his lecture.A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh10. A bank is the place _ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when itbegins to rain.A. when B. that C. where D. there11. - Hows your new babysitte
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