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外文原文Marketing Customer SatisfactionFrom: Marketing Customer SatisfactionSince the 20th century, since the late eighties, the customer satisfaction strategy is increasingly becoming business has more customers share the overall business competitive advantage means.First, customer satisfaction strategy is to get a modern enterprise customers, money votes magic weaponWith the changing times, the great abundance of material wealth of society, customers in the main - consumer demand across the material has a lack of time, the number of times the pursuit, the pursuit of quality time to the eighties of the 20th century entered the era of the end consumer sentiment. In China, with rapid economic development, we have rapidly beyond the physical absence of the times, the pursuit of the number of times and even the pursuit of quality and age of emotions today gradually into the consumer era. Spending time in the emotion, the companys similar products have already reached the same time, homogeneous, with the energy, the same price, consumers are no longer pursue the quality, functionality and price, but the comfort, convenience, safety, comfort, speed, jump action, environmental protection, clean, happy, fun, etc., consumers are increasingly concerned about the product whether for their own life energy, enrich, comfort, beauty and spiritual quality, and exceed consumer expectations in the pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and advice. In other words, people today are looking for is a psychological satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment, the commodity, high value added goods and services, the pursuit of values and sense of diversity, individuality, and the intangible satisfaction of the time has come . And consumers adapt to changes in the value of the pursuit of competition between enterprises, but also from product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertising competition, brand image development of competition to the current competition, credit competition, cultural competition and service competition, competition that customer satisfaction . This competition is the enterprise wide angle, wide-field space-time within the context of high-level, reflect the overall strength of the competition. It includes organizational innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, industry foresight, R & D force, employee engagement, customer service ability, customer affinity, peer recognition ability, community contributions to force, public relations and dissemination of communication skills, corporate culture drive, environmental adaptation, and so forth. These integrated image of the force and the synthesis of integrated sustainable competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS times, companies no longer own the center, but to customer-centric; customer, customer satisfaction is no longer a mere formality of the slogan, but real action to basis of a new business philosophy of. Enterprises no longer quality standards, their satisfaction with the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, gain customer loyalty for the business philosophy of high. The focus is no longer business strategy to gain or maintain market share, mainly, but as for customer satisfaction for the business philosophy. Therefore, the marketing strategy of competitors who focus not on but on clients, on the customers actual and potential needs. When the company provides products and services to the customers prior expectations, customers will be basically satisfied; if far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other colleagues, customers really satisfied; if companies can continuously or for a long time the customers satisfaction, customer loyalty will be. Loyal customers will not only regularly repeat purchase, but also other related businesses to purchase products or services; loyal customers will not only actively recommend to others to buy his products, and promotional activities of competitors on the enterprise has the immunity of a dissatisfied dissatisfied customers will tell 16-20 individuals, and each one was told who will then spread to 12-15 individuals. Thus, a dissatisfied person will affect two or three hundred people. Today in the popularity of the Internet, its impact is even greater. According to the U.S. auto industry survey, a satisfaction will unleash the potential of business 8 document, which will be at least a transaction. Another survey showed that every increase of 5% of enterprise customer loyalty, and profits will grow 25% -95%. 80% of a company 20% of the profits from loyal customers; while the cost of obtaining a new customer is to maintain a 6 times the cost of old customers. Therefore, the American scholar Tangpeiposi that: the decision whether or not the key to the success of an enterprise is not market share, but rather customer s
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