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国际会议英语发言稿的讯息:中国正与国际加强双方伙伴关系,将学术知识与企业家精神相融合,以更好地为人类服务。Yesterday, I as hnured t take part in the clsing f the Shanghai Exp. Befre that I visited sme f the remarkable pavilins. Mre than 70 millin visitrs itnessed an extrardinary display fingenuityfrm China and the rld. The Shanghai Exp may n be histry, but e can carry n its spirit f penness, dialgue and exchange ith the rld. That is hat dras us tgether. And that is hat China itself has made a high pririty. It plans t dramatically strengthen its educatin system at all levels.昨天,我很荣幸地出席了上海世博会的闭幕式。在此之前,我访问了许多场馆,给我留下了深刻的印象。世博会开放期间,超过7000万的参观者通过场馆目睹了中国以及世界其他国家卓越的技艺和精巧的构思。上海世博会也许已经成为历史,但是我们可以继续发扬其开放的精神,对话的精神,加强与世界的交流。也正是这些精神,使我们相聚在一起。中国,也在积极地追求这些精神。中国计划全面完善地加强其教育体系。【国际会议英语发言稿】文章国际会议英语发言稿出自 Natins understands the enrmus impact f schlarship, innvatin and ideas. e are trying t harness that great per t build a better rld A rld here human ingenuity ill make ur hmes, munities and cnsumptin patterns scially and envirnmentally sustainable. A rld here research receives the funding and supprt it needs t defeat disease, deprivatin anddespair. A rld here the “unlearning” f intlerance ill bridge barriers that still divide natins and peples.联合国十分清楚知识、创新和理念的巨大作用。我们正努力利用这些巨大的能量来建造一个更美好的世界。在这个世界里,人类的聪明才智将发挥作用,我们将建造新型的家园、社区 ,使用社会可持续发展和环境可持续发展的消费模式。在这里,人们将投入更多的资金,加大对研究的支持,努力消除贫困,减少饥饿,增强信心。在这里, 人们将更加宽容,分割不同国家与民族之间的壁垒将减少。Prmting and advancing these gals is the essence f the United Natins Academic Impact. e have been laying the grundrk fr this initiative fr sme time n, ith great supprt frm the academic munity. Later this mnth, e ill launch it fficially at United Natins headquarters in Ne Yrk.本届学术影响力国际研讨会的核心便是推动这些目标的实现。为了促成这个项目的展开,在学术界的支持下,我们已经作了一些时日的准备工作,奠定了基础。本月末,我们将在联合国总部纽约正式举办这个活动。It ill help serve as a clearing huse t better match academic innvatin ith particular areas f rk f the United Natins neglected areas f research, cuntries in need f specific help, research that ill help deliver cncrete change n the grund, and the best ideas t achieve the Millennium Develpment Gals by 201X.将学术创新与联合国工作的特定领域(却被研究忽视的领域),与需要特殊援助的相关国家,与能产生具体变化的研究,与实现 201X 年千年发展目标的最好方式相结合,起到了“结算中心”的作用。【国际会议英语发言稿】讲话致辞 encuraged by the supprt demnstrated here. I have high hpes fr hat the initiative and all f us can d tgether in the future. f curse, the UN and the academic munity already enjy a strng partnership. Academic Impact ill deepen it further fr the tenty-first century.在这里,大家的支持使我倍受鼓舞。我对这个项目,对所有人都寄予厚望,我们在未来可以携手合作,共同面对。当然,联合国与学术界已经建立了强有力的伙伴关系。“学术影响力”将在21世纪进一步加深这一关系。英文国际学术会议开幕词演讲稿Internatinal Cnference n Remte Sensing TechnlgyDistinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:At this special time f nderful March, in this grand hall f the beautiful campus, ur respectable guests are here getting tgether . Jintly spnsred by China Remte Sensing Assciatin, undertaken by Remte Sensing Institutin f NUIST at Nanjing, the first Internatinal Cnference n Remte Sensing technlgy , ill be pen. N, First f all, please all me t give ur hearty ele t all f yu present, and thank yu , fr yur friendly ing. e feel s prud, and appreciated as ell t be the hst f the event.It is a great hnr fr us t have all yu here t attend this cnference, f hich the theme is the academic exchange abut the advanced technlgies n RS. Here Id be delighted t intrduce ur cnventineers in brief. Apart frm ur faculty and students, Mst f the delegates and guests are prestigius experts and scientists, h are related in these fields frm all ver the rld. ith many significant achievements, they are the mst dynamic leaders in the mvements f the science and technlgy. As the hst, I uld like t take this pprtunity t give yu a general intrductin abut ur schl. Nanjing University f Infrmatin Science Technlgy (NUIST), funded in 1960 and renamed frm Nanjing Institute f Meterlgy in 201X, as designated in 1978 as ne f the key institutins f higher learning in China. The university cnsists f 24 departments r clleges, 12 scientific research institutins and ne internatinal training center. The university, cvering an area f 140 hectares ith a flr space f 4201X0 square meters, basts 42 basic and special labratries such as Key Labratry f Meterlgical Disasters and Sin-American Remte Sensing Labratry. ith a ttal cllectin f ver 1,170,000 bks, the library as listed as ne f the mst pleted literature libraries in China in terms f atmspheric sciences.Fr this cnference, e are flling the agenda here. The meeting is suppsed t last fr three days,and t be separated int t parts. T begin ith , ell invite sme representatives frm ur guests t give lectures abut their latest researches and reprts n the issue, and then e ill have sme sympsiums. During the cnference e are pleased t be yur guide t this city. If anything needed, dnt hesitate t cntact us. e believe by ur cllabratin e are sure t make this gathering a cnsummatin.And finally I ish yu an unfrgettable and prefect experience here.Thanks!
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