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大学生英语演讲稿子篇一:全国大学生英语英语演讲比赛第一名_顾秋蓓_演讲稿(绝对精彩)Gd afternn, ladies and gentlemen. Tday I uld like t begin ith a stry. There as nce a physical therapist h traveled all the ay frm America t Africa t d a census abut muntain grillas. These grillas are a main attractin t turists frm all ver the rld; this put them severely under threat f paching and being put int the z. She ent there ut f curisity, but hat she sa strengthened her determinatin t devte her hle life t fighting fr thse beautiful creatures. She itnessed a scene, a scene taking us t a place e never imaged e ve ever been, here in the very depth f the African rainfrest, surrunded by trees, flers and butterflies, the mther grillas cuddled their babies. Yes, that s a memrable scene in ne f my favrite mvies, called Grillas in the Mist, based n a true stry f Mrs. Dian Fssey, h spent mst f bet lifetime in Randa t prtect the ecenvirnment there until the very end f her life. T me, the mvie nt nly presents an unfrgettable scene but als acts as a timeless reminder that e shuld nt develp the turist industry at the cst f ur ecenvirnment. Tday, e live in a rld f prsperity but still threatened by s many ne prblems. n the ne hand, turism, as ne f the mst prmising industries in the 21st century, prvides peple ith the great pprtunity t see everything there is t see and t g any place there is t g. It has bee a lifestyle fr sme peple, and has turned ut t be the driving frce in GDP grth. It has the magic t turn a backard tn int a nderland f prsperity. But n the ther hand, many prblems can ccur-natural scenes aren t natural anymre. Defrestatin t heat ldges is devastating Nepal. il spills frm turist bats are plluting Antarctica. Tribal peple are frsaking their native music and dress t listen t U2 n alkman and ear Nike and Reebks. All these appalling(令人震惊的) facts have brught us t the realizatin that e can n lnger stand by and d nthing, because the very thught f it has been erding(侵蚀) ur resurces. Encuragingly, the explsive grth f glbal travel has put turism again in the sptlight, hich is hy the United Natins has made 201X the year f ecturism, fr the first time t bring t the rld s attentin the benefits f turism, but als its capacity t destry ur ecenvirnment. N every year, many lcal ecenvirnmental prtectin rganizatins an: receiving dnatins-big ntes, small ntes r even cins-frm huseives, plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 1invalids(残疾人), Sme f them can nt affrd t send the mney but they d. These are the nes h drive the cabs, h nurse in hspitals, h are suffering frm eclgical damage in their neighbrhd. hy? Because they care. Because they still ant their Mther Nature back. Because they kn it still belngs t them. This kind f feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is hen it feels like it, smells like it, and lks like it, it s all ing frm a scene t remember, a scene t recall and t cherish. The ther night, as l sa the mn linger ver the land and befre it as sent int the invisible, my mind as filled ith sngs. I fund myself humming sftly, nt t the music, but t sme- thing else, smeplace else. a place remembered, a place untuched, a field f grass here n ne seem t have been except the deer. And all thse unfrgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it s lime fr us t d smething, fr ur n and ur ing generatin. nce again, I have e t think f Mrs. Dian Fssey because it s ith her spirit, passin, curage and strng sense f ur ec envirnment that e are taking ur next step int the rld. And n matter h e are, hat e d and here e g, in ur mind, there s alays a scene t remember, a scene rth ur effrt t prtect it and fight fr it. Thank yu very much. 篇二:(免费)全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿 Facing this audience n the stage, I have the exciting feeling f participating in the march f histry, fr hat e are facing tday is mre than a mere petitin r cntest. It is an assembly f sme f China s mst talented and mtivated peple, representatives f a yunger generatin that are preparing themselves fr the ing f a ne century. I m grateful that I ve been given this pprtunity, at such a histric mment, t stand here as a spkesman f my generatin and t take a serius lk back at the past 15 years, a crucial perid fr every ne f us and fr this natin as ell. Thugh it is nly ithin my per t tell abut my persnal experience, and nly a tiny fragment f it at that, it still represents, I believe, the rt f a spirit hich has been essential t me and t all the peple bred by the past 15 years. In my elementary years, there as a little girl in the class h rked very hard but smeh culd never d satisfactrily in her lessns. The teacher asked me t help her, and it as bvius that she expected a lt frm me. but as a yung by, restless, thughtless, I alays tried t evade her s as t get mre time t enjy myself. ne day befre the final exam, she came up t me and said, Culd yu please explain this t me? I ant very much t d better this time. I started explaining, and finished in a hurry. Pretending nt t ntice her still cnfuse
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