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For The 2012 South Region PR Projects ProposalBy Creatychina Proposal for the projectsEvent calendarTeam structureQuotationProduct And Technology CommunicationIn-depth Cooperation with MediaCSR & Warm Heart FundAnnual Media PartyProposal for the projectsAnnual Media PartyP roject Description:Object:As the ann Project DescriptionObject:relationship maintenancefurther interpret “JOY is BMW” brand promise.Content: media tour (half day or one day) media interviews (5-6); PartyParticipants:200 South Region media, 40 dealers, 10 BMW representativesTime:Dec 2012Creative thinkingForm: from a one-way show to interactive experienceThe power of one-way show increasingly weak as information expansionchange the transfer mode to personal interactive experience, and put the brand culture, technology, commitment, etc. into the interactive .Target:from a single event to public artthe event is not only a showcase or party for the media,it can be an art exhibition for the public.Creative ideasBMW ART DISTRICTPeopleTechnologyBrandIt is a “future city “ establish for people to enjoy funs and enthusiasms, where utilize high and new technology, create the senses of Future and Technology, provide aninteraction integrated with the content of product technology or art of humanbeing and technology, not only help people to have a better user experienceof driving the car but also make it straightforward for people to understandbranding philosophy. To establish an BMW art district to demonstrate the brand product, culture ,technology, social.广州国际体育演艺中心To establish an art maze in Guangzhou , media will be invited to visit .the maze will be open to the public for free after the activities.The joy maze design five different entrance,they have their own different themes,such as beach,office,opear,community and commercial streets 。People can feel the passion and joy the science and technology given to human beings through interactive.There will be a landing stage and show zone for brand culture in the central of the maze,it is set for performance ,prizes and other concentration activitiesBMW之悦 迷城悦品牌精神 快乐 愉悦 “越” 穿越迷城迷宫迷人的城Interactive areaDisplayareacreate virtual environments consistent with the theme by LED technology,set up a variety of interesting interactive experiments for people.Interactive area Display areacultural wall display the brand storyconcept car displayperformances.PrizesBEACHOPEAROFFICECOMMERCIALSTREETSCOMMUNITYPOWERSAFETYMANIPULATIONECOCOMFORTABLECenterstageThe technologies such as “Power”, “Manipulation”, “Safety”, “ECT” and“ Comfortable”are the key elements for BMW to lead the market, by using these as theme in the second circle of the entrance channel .create virtual environments consistent with the theme by LED technologySCENERY AREAINTERACTIVEAREAa variety of interesting interactive experiments for peopleAll the channels are full of scientific and technogical sense andwill become a display area of BMW cars.DISPLAYAREAINTERACTIVEAREADISPLAY AREAA future city Cutural wall: showcase of Brand story. Joy track: show track of concept carRest area:random arrangement of tables and chairs.Land ing stageThe maze will also have a number of vip room for the media interview.The maze will open two days to the vip customers and the public after the media dayMEDIA MANAGEMENT AND SCHEDULINGThe event will invite more than 200 media to participate,inaddition to visiting the maze,the event also include interviews,dinners and other arrangements.Day before the event: Foreign media to reach and stay at nearby hotelEvent day:10:00-11:30 Interview( 5-6) vip room12:30-13:00 Media registration Joy maze 13:00-15:30 Visit the joy maze Joy maze 15:30-15:45 Openning performance center stage15:45-16:00 Speech & Prospect center stage16:00-16:20 CSR review center stage16:00-16:30 Awards center stage16:30-16:50 Custom show-JOY drama center stage18:00-20:30 Banquet hotelINVITATIONKEY VISIONENTRANCE CHANNEL(Water mist projector)ENTRANCE CHANNEL(Virtual environment sample)Center StageGift samplesCSR & Warm Heart FundThe status of Chinas auto companies CSRCompetitive Upgrade: from product competition to the social responsibility of the disputeCSR competition: Blood transfusion VS HematopoieticThinking of BMW CSRThe key of BMW CSR is Permanent We are deeply aware of corporate social responsibility is not a short-term behavior, but to persevere. At the same time, they have in-depth insight into the trend of social development, based on meaningful public action to make the appropriate response to the need of the times.Summary we continue BMW CSRs stra
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