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China Logistics Report 2004 An overview of the logistics industry in the worlds most dynamic economy October 2004 TICL0410 China Logistics Report 2004 About Transport Intelligence Transport Intelligence specialises in providing research and analysis dedicated to the logistics industry. Utilising the expertise of professionals with over 50 years experience in the industry, Transport Intelligence market information is used by all types of logistics suppliers, consultancies and banks to ensure that they are abreast of latest industry developments and trends. Transport Intelligence products include: Daily briefing service Weekly newsletter updates On-line company profiles, downloadable reports and presentations Market reports Client surveys Transport Intelligence can also provide market research, due diligence and customer satisfaction surveys on a bespoke basis. For more information about these services and to sign up to the free Transport Intelligence newsletter go to www.transportintelligence.com 2 TOctober 2004 TICL0410 ransport Intelligence Ltd China Logistics Report 2004 1.0 Contents About Transport Intelligence. 2 1.0 Contents . 3 2.0 Introduction. 7 3.0 The Chinese economy. 9 3.1.0 Country profile. 9 3.1.1 Key centres of population. 12 3.2.0 Regional economic development. 14 3.2.1 The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) . 15 3.3.0 Prospects for future economic growth . 17 3.4.0 Key economic regions. 19 3.4.1 Pan-Pearl River Delta. 20 3.4.2 Pearl River Delta Economic Zone . 22 3.4.3 Yangtze River Delta . 23 3.4.4 North East China. 24 3.4.5 Western China. 25 3.4.6 Beijing-Tianjin Bohai Bay Triangle . 28 3.5.0 Trade. 30 3.6.0 Transport market size and forecast . 32 4.0 Industry sectors . 33 4.1.0 Automotive . 33 4.1.1 Company snapshots. 34 4.2.0 Retail. 37 4.2.1 Retail company snapshots . 38 4.3.0 Consumer goods. 42 4.3.1 Company snapshots. 42 4.4.0 Healthcare / Pharmaceutical. 44 4.5.0 High Tech Electronics. 46 4.5.1 Company snapshots. 47 5.0 Air Transport. 49 Octob
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