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1PEP 小学六年级英语上册单元作业听力材料六上一单元听力材料I. Listen and choose.(听一听,选出你所听到的短语或句子)1. Where is the post office? Its near the school.2. How can I get there? Turn left at the bookstore.3. Where is the hospital? Its next to the post office.4. A: There is a pet hospital in my city.B: Where is it?A: Its near the park.5. A: Where is the restaurant? Its next to the park on DongFang Street.II. Listen and judge(听录音判断图片内容与录音内容是否相符,相符写 “T”不符的写“F”)1. Where is the science museum? Its next to the bookstore.2. How can I get to the post office? Turn right at the cinema.3. Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore.4. There is a bookstore in my city.5. How can I get to the bookstore? You can go straight.III. Listen and choose.(听录音选出你所听到问句的答语)1. There is a post office next to my home.2. Where is Robin? In the science museum.3. How can we get to the restaurant? You can turn right at the bookstore.4. Where is the post office? Its behind the library.5. Where is the cinema? Turn left here? No, go straight and turn right at the crossing.IV. Listen and write.(听一听,将建筑物填在它所在的位置)I have a map. There is a bookstore in the middle. The science museum is in front of the bookstore. The post office is behind the bookstore. The hospital is on the left. The cinema is on the right.二单元作业听力材料. Listen and judge. 听对话,与对话内容相符的图片下打 “”,不相符的图片下打“”。1. -How do you come to school, Amy ? - Usually I come to school on foot.2. -How can I get to the hospital?2-You can go by bike. 3. - Mike, how do you go home?-Usually I go home by bus.4. -How can I get to the Beihai Park?- You can take the No.503 bus over there.5. - Hurry up, Zhang Peng!- No! The light is red.II. listen and choose. 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。1. How do you come to school?2. We should go at green light.3. She comes to the cinema by train. 4. They go there by ship. 5 . We usually go there by subway.III. Listen and choose.听问句,选出所听到的句子或答语。1. Look at the light, its yellow.2.Where is the restaurant?3. How do you come to school?4. How do you come to the USA? 5. How can I go to the ZhongShan Park? IV. Listen and fill in the blanks. 听录音,把句子补充完整。1. A: How do you come to school, John? B: I often come to school on foot .Sometimes I come by bike .2. Please stop and wait at the red light.3. A: Excuse me, how can I get to the post office ?B: Its not far, you can go there on foot.小学英语六年级上册第三单元作业听力材料I. Listen and choose(听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片)1.-Hi, Amy, where are you going? Im going to the post office.2. What is your mother going to do tomorrow? She is going to the supermarket.3.- Where are you going? -Im going to the bookstore. Im going to buy a dictionary.4. Where is Sarah going? -Shes going to Renmin Park. Shes going to read a comic book in the park.5. What are they going to do this weekend?- They are going to take a trip.II. Listen and fill in the blanks.(再听上面的录音,把句子补充完整。)(同第一题)3III. Listen and choose(听一听,选择正确的答语)1. When are you going to the bookstore? 2. What is your sister going to buy in the bookstore?3. Where are you going this afternoon?4. When is Robin going to see a film?5. What are you going to do this evening?IV. Listen and judge. (听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确写“”,否则写“” 。)Hello, Im Mary. Im very happy. Because National Day is coming. Im going to take a trip with my parents. We are going to the farm by bus. My grandparents live on the farm. There are many hens, sheep, cows and pigs on the farm. And I can pick up apples there. What are you going to do on National Day? Recycle 1 单元作业听力材料I. Listen and number.(根据你听到的对话内容排列顺序。 )1. How can I get to the bookstore ? Turn right , Its next to the zoo .2. What are you going to do ? Im going to buy a dictionary .3. How do you come to Beijing ? By train . 4. What are you going to do tomorrow ? Im going to take a trip .5. Oh , you must stop and wait. II. Look, listen and choose(看一看,听一听,选出句子所描述的图画) 。1. -Where is Robin ? -In the science museum.2. How do you go to school ? I usually go to work by bus . 3. Where are you going,John? Cinema. Im going to see a film.4. Stop and wait at the red light.5 . -Where is the museum shop? -Its near the bookstore. Listen,choose and write (听对话,在相应的图片下打“对号” ,再补全句子).1. -How do you come to school,Amy ? - Usually I come to school by taxi.2. -Where is the pet hospital?-It s next to the park. 3. Where are you going? Bookstore. Im going to buy a new comic book.4. - Mike, what are you going to do tomorrow?-Tomorrow Im going to see visit my grandparents .、Listen and judge (听对话,判断正 T 误 F)Jane:Excuse me . Im going to buy a postcard. Where is the museum shop?Jim: Its near the Pet Hospital. You can go there by subway.Jane: How can I get to the subway stop?4Jim: Turn right at the traffic lights. 小学英语六年级上册期中测试题听力材料I. Listen and number (听录音,表序号)1. What are you going to do this afternoon? Im going to the supermarket.2. How does your sister go to school? -She goes by bike.3. Where is
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