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1PEP 小学英语四年级下册Unit4 At the farm A Lets talk教学设计教学目标:1. 听、说、认读主要语言结构: What are these? Are these ? 并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。2. 能够准确朗读对话。教学重点:句型 What are these? Are these?及其简略回答。教学难点:these 的发音。教学过程:课前播放歌曲:These are apples. T: Boys and girls, please enjoy the song.课前师生交流:T: 教师简单总结:Lovely fruits and vegetable. Theyre at the farm. This class well learn Unit 4 At the farm. (PPT 出示课题之后,教师一定交待一下本节课要学习的内容。)T: Boys and girls. Lets warm up. I say you do. Are you ready?T: Look at the screen. Look at the board. Look at your book. Look at my name card. Im sunny. Im A. Who is A? Show me your hands. B, C, D. Step 1 Warm up 呈现主情景,复现水果,初步渗透新句型。Lets meet a new friend. This is Uncle Sam.Ss: Hello. T: Whats on his farm? Lets go and have a look! Try to remember theirnames. 教师出示词卡:these. 简单教读:these.2T: What are these? Do you remember? S: 说出水果名称。T:Yes. / Youre right. These are _. (水果名称,复数形式)Theyre so big. Theyre _. (形容词: good / yellow / red / purple.)T: Yes. There are many fruits on his farm. T: There are also many vegetables on his farm. Step 2 Presentation 1、提出问题,第一遍视听课文内容T: Look, Sarah and Mike are also at Uncle Sams farm. T: They are not sure about the vegetables. So Sarah has a question. Mike has a question, too. Lets listen, watch and find out. S1: Are these carrots? S2: What are these? 根据学生的回答,句中问号变为具体的问题句子。第一句:出示词卡教读;师板书: carrots 然后指导朗读问句。注意语音语调的朗读指导。 第二句:指导 these 的朗读。3、提出问题,第二次视听课文内容1)Answer Sarahs question.T:Now lets listen to Uncle Sams answer. S: 根据学生的回答。学习板书句子:Yes, they are. 2)运用图片,机械操练上面的主句型:Are these -? 青萝卜、红萝卜、土豆(教读单词:potatoes) 、胡萝卜T: Are these carrots? S: 学生根据自己的生活经验回答。3)Answer Mikes questionT: Sarahs question is: Are these carrots?Mikes question is: What are these? What is Uncle Sams answer? 3S: 根据学生的回答。学习并板书句子:Theyre tomatoes.)(先单数后复数,tomato es,将复数的词卡贴在单数旁边) 注意语音语调的朗读指导。 T: Why doesnt Mike know the tomatoes? S: Theyre yellow. T: Because theyre yellow. So Mike says: “But theyre yellow.”4) 运用图片,机械操练上面的主句型:What are these ? T: What are these? S: Theyre tomatoes. Theyre big. Theyre red. S: Theyre tomatoes. Theyre small. Theyre yellow. They are green. 5)学生体验T: 师拿出西红柿:(洗干净放在盘子里,用牙签插上。 )教师自己先吃一个,引出句子:Theyre good. Yum. T: Look! Here are some tomatoes. Theyre fresh. I like it. Let me taste.T: Theyre good. Yum.教师对学生说:Would you like to try some? S: Yes. Thank you. 学生吃T: Are they good?S: Yes. Yum. T: Theyre good. Share with your classmate.教师与 2 位学生做示范。然后,在学生明白之后,老师帮助这 2位学生分发小西红柿,运用所学语言 S: Try some. Theyre good. S: Thanks. Yum.来邀请其他人吃西红柿。Step 3 Practice 1、Listen, point and repeat.(跟读录音)2、Read by themselves.3、分角色朗读课文,然后分角色扮演。4、Lets play a game. T: Who can guess the right picture? Who has sharp eyes? Step 4 Progress41、教师通过总结评价,引出 mini farm 的谈论,老师与学生示范。 T: Uncle Sam gives you some mini farms. Whats on the mini farm? Look!教师手指黑板上的农场T: Im A. B, C, D. Would you like come here and help me? 学生 BCD 上台。 Lets guess. Whats on the farm? What are these? T: Im A. You three guess Picture A. What are these? Use the card. (教师给学生一张发给学生一张句卡:Are these -? 手持句卡的学生开始先问,老师回答。 )(如果猜不着,教师鼓励学生)T:Never mind. You can ask me. Use the sentence. What are these? 教师可以出示句卡:“What are these?”T: Look at picture B. 老师对着学生 B 说: Now, its your turn. You answer. Lets guess. (教师跟学生 CD 一起猜 B 图画的内容是什么。 )2、教师示范之后,学生分小组讨论农场。T: These mini farms are for you. Whats on the mini farm? What are these? Please talk about the mini farms. 3、教师巡视指导。学生讨论完之后,展示。让学生到黑板上,猜老师示范时剩下的两个图片。T: Who wants to come here and show us? 学生四人一组到前面展示对话的过程。4、文本情感T: In this class, we have known something about the vegetables. (指板书)Lets know more. Look, Apples grow on trees. Grapes grows on vines. Potatoes grow in the ground. T: We can go to the farm, read some books about the plant. We also search more fruits and vegetables on the internet. Lets know more about plants after class.Homework:51. Read the dialogue with your classmates.(朗读对话)2. Talk about your mini farm with your classmates after class. (课下跟同学们谈论一下你们的 mini 农场。 )板书: Unit 4 Part A lets talk Sarah 图片 Are these carrots? Sam 图片 Yes, they are.No,they arent.Mike 图片 What are these? Sam 图片 Theyre tomatoes. Theyre yellow.
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