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大学生英文自我介绍范文Distinguished leadership:Hello, I m ver glad to e to our pan for an intervie, I an t ait to ant to sell ou mself! M name is x x x, in June this ear ill be graduated from x x x x x universit.This four ears, I alas believe that good good stud, take an ative part in ativities to enrih their lives, a former minister of shool students x x, the lass learning mittee member, and has on the shool outstanding diretor-general.As a graduating ollege students, m soial experiene is insuffiient, but at the same time I also is a piee of blank paper. I am mitted to the professional ork, beause this is m hobb, I stud hard on professional ourse, explore problems is often a bubble in the librar all da long, though not ver rih pratial experiene, but I hope his future job that I an give full pla to m thoughts. On learning ork, attitude to life, I adhere to the alm attitude, the priniple of honest effort, I have a strong dediation and sense of responsibilit, an make I an fae an diffiulties and hallenges.Please believe positive I, perhaps I m not the best, but I definitel is a member of the efforts to run. I believe that running an shine!
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