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Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版PEP教材小学英语三年级下册,Story Time,Listen and do(听一听,做一做),Lets chant,Yizhou Grand Theatre(沂州大剧院)哪个小组表现最好,小组内谁表现最好?,Who s in the story? (故事里有谁?),Story time,Who s in the story? (故事里有谁?),Q: What are and talking about? (它们在谈论什么?),Q: What are and talking about? (它们在谈论什么?),Lets play a game.,Lets play teacher and student.,1,water,Scene 1(对桌分角色演一演吧),Lets play a game.Ok.Lets play teacher and student.,Q: What are their reasons? (他们各自想要当老师的理由是什么),Why(Zoom和Zip各自的理由)?,Im big.Im the teacher.,Im clever.Im the teacher.,Im the teacher.,No! Im the teacher.,2,Listen and imitate,Scene 2(对桌分角色演一演吧),Im big.Im the teacher.Im clever.Im the teacher.Im the teacher.No!Im the teacher.,Zip makes a trap. What is it?(Zip给Zoom设了一个什么陷阱?),Q: What is it? (陷阱是什么)?,3,4,Wait a minute!,Can you read this?,Sure,“ I am the student.”,Whats the trap?(Zip给Zoom设了一个什么陷阱?),How do you feel?(由此,你觉得Zip有什么样的特点?),Im .,clever,Listen and imitate,Scene 3(对桌分角色演一演吧),Wait a minute!Can you read this?Sure, “I am the student.”,Q: Who will be the teacher? (最后谁赢了?),Haha! You see?I am the teacher.,Oh, no!,5,How does Zoom feel?(说一说Zoom此时的心情,汉语也ok),Listen and imitate,Scene 4(对桌分角色演一演吧),Haha!You see?I am the teacher!Oh, no!,请注意语音、 语调哦!,Listen and imitate(听录音,模仿读),Lets have a role-play! (角色扮演),Tips(提示) : 对桌2人一组表演并相互考核,将笑脸画到课本11页。,OK!,Good!,Super!,Performance time(汇报演出),What do you learn from the story?(从这个故事中你能学到什么)?,Learn to use your mind, and everything will be possible.(学会动脑,困难打到),Assignment,2. Act the story and compete with your classmates. (同学间比一比谁的表演会更好。),1. Share more stories with your friends. (与你的朋友分享更多的故事。),
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