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2013高考英语二轮专题复习系列课件,任务型阅读 -题型解读与 突破途径 By wang yijin,挑战自我,超越自我,抢读高频词汇三分钟,一、“任务型阅读”,命题依据与意图 何在? 二、“任务型阅读”,高考如何体现?三、“任务型阅读”,考生要具备哪些技能?,解读篇,任务型阅读是江苏省2008年以来的高考新题型。它考查学生用英语做事、解决实际问题的能力,是典型的语言应用测试。它是综合性题型,既考查考生的阅读能力,又考查考生单词拼写能力。因此这种题型对考生综合素质的要求比较高。,考纲解读:,二、“任务型阅读”,高考的试卷中如何体现?,高考各题型数量、分值、参考时间分配,二、“任务型阅读”,高考的试卷中如何体现?,考试说明 示例解析,树状形,表格形,太阳形,The Internet,The Internet offers information to us,Wecan(2)_Information throughout the World, because the Internet can Connect millions of computers.,The Internet is often called the “information superhighway”, because vast of information travel over it.,The Internet enables us to (1)_in a new way.,Thanks to(3)_, we can keep in touch with others wherever we are.,It has changed the (4)_Of talking. Through it, we can talk with our students in London About the weather experiment.,It has also enabled us to exchange information at (5)_speed than traditional communicative methods. Within a short time, it lets us(6)_another person who has interest in(7)_.Besides, it helps us to send information,(8)_the advantages, we should be (9)_when using it, because it May not be(10)_if someone has access to our receivers computer.,树状形,语篇结构,先总后分,Title: Change in Todays Children,表格式,行文方式,对比推 进,Ways that people have counted throughout history,(3)_,(1)_,(2)_,(4)_,(5)_,(10)_,(9)_,(8)_,(7)_,(6)_,太阳式,细节概括,由点到面,解读篇,三、“任务型阅读”,考生要具备哪些技能?,捕捉信息能力:属基础题。 组织信息能力:属活用题。 综合概括信息能力:属概括题。,一、“任务型阅读”,学生失分原因,二、“任务型阅读”,可以怎样训练?,三、“任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题步骤与方法?,四、“任务型阅读”,解题时要注意什么?,突破,二、“任务型阅读”,可以怎样训练?,参考途径,2.课文复习,3.同义句转换,5.阅读训练,1.词汇复习,6.专项 限时训练,4.完形训练,6.专项 限时训练目标,有效表达,准确把脉,快速识图,能上能下,Input,操作篇,一、“任务型阅读”,学生失分原因,4. 方法不当,信心不足。,3.不会概括,2.难以用适当的词或词的适当形式来填空。,1. 难以理解文章结构与图表。,操作篇,1、略读。快速浏览全文,理清文章基本结构。,2、扫读。扫读图表,以利带着问题找读。,3、细读。分析整合信息、准确表达。,4、复查。通观全篇,复读检查。,三、“任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题步骤与方法?,三、“任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题方法?,文章,表格,抓住文章的框 架及每段大意,深入理解文章内容,分析表格结构和内容准确定位填空的要求 (以时间 地点 因果对比性设题),捕捉信息题,组织信息题,综合概括题,查读,转换信息正确表述,归纳概括,略读,细读,扫读,怎样学会查读?,1.带着问题有意识地在细节处和关键处做标记2.根据最醒目的字眼(time age number place)3.依据信息词,如:(1)5W: Who what when where why how(2)时间先后: First then after that next finally (3)因果: Because,thus ,lead to ,is caused by ,as a result of (4)比较 : Similarly, differently, likeness, unlike, But while however instead on the contrary,解题方法,学会组织、转换信息,1.词性转换 2.句子结构转换3.同义词和反义词转换,1.词性转换,即将一种词类转换成另一种词类,主要包括动词与名词转换、形容词与副词转换、形容词与名词转换。解题方法很简单,只要在文中找到关键词即可。,(1)原文:be responsible for your own learning 转换成表格中:Take _ for ones own learning,responsibility,(2)原文:Positive,negative,and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are转换成表格中:Messages from others help you_ who you are.,determine,(3)原文:With all the information available,its not surprising that people can feel confused 转换成表格中:There is a lot job information on-line,but too much of it may sometimes be _.,confusing,Change the following into adjective forms,symbolcreatepeacebeautyfrustratefriendchangepower,symboliccreative peacefulbeautifulfrustratedfriendlychangeablepowerful,developinventstronghonestrealdecideablekind,developmentinventionstrengthhonestyrealitydecisionabilitykindness,Change the following into noun forms,2.句子结构转换,做此类题首先要理解题意,其次仔细比较原句和题目,明白出题人的意图,只要找出题眼就不难得出答案。,(1)原文:We are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them。转换成表格中:We are constantly _ meanings by what we do.,conveying/expressing,(2)原文:Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the idea that there is Yeti.,Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence that support the _ of Yeti.,existence,3.同义词和反义词转换,即将一词的反义词找出来。做此类题的技巧如下:,(1)以前缀和后缀来表示,如happyunhappy,likedislike等。如:原句:She thought her husband was faithful to herBut the discovery shocked her 转换为:The discovery that her husband was _ to her was a shock to her,unfaithful,(2)有很多词并没有前缀和后缀形式标志,如:oldyoung,longshort,differentsame等。如:原句:He seldom visited his friend Tom after the quarrel last time.转换为:But for the quarrel last time,he would be a _ visitor to his friend,Tom,frequent,(3)以词组形式出现,如:be good at-be weak in,get intoget out of,turn onturn off,turn downturn up,be awakebe asleep,catch up withfall behind, bothandneithernor等。如:原句:Everything in the house was neat and tidyBut the naughty boy changed it thoroughly转换为:The naughty boy left everything in the house in a _,mess,解题方法,三、信息归纳题 解题关键是根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。,概括性(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息)针对性(不能太大也不能太小,量体裁衣,大小适度)醒目性(注意措辞简洁),概括性词的特征,因果,reasons (for), causes (of), analysis (about), effect, influence, result, consequence, outcome,difference , similarity,benefit, (dis) advantage, strengths, weaknesses,purpose, aim, goal,advice, suggestion, tip, proposal, prediction, forecast, estimate,
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